Leorah | |
Artwork by Moira & Cheshire | |
Creators | Savin |
Contributors | The Observer |
Personal Information | |
Aliases | Shopkeeper |
Occupation | Hunter (forcefully retired) Merchant |
Location | Huntress's Shop |
Nationality | Jassiran (first-generation emigrant) |
Biological Information | |
Species | Catfolk |
Gender | Female |
Hair Color | Green |
Eye Color | Almond |
Skin Color | Sultry Brown/Dusky |
Fur Color | Green |
Nipple Color | Black |
Other Traits | Black Claw-Shaped Facial Tattoos |
Affliction | Knee Joint injury |
Other Information | |
Version Added | (Assumed since beginning) |
Changelog | (Assumed since beginning) Basic Buy/Sell interactions (by Savin) The rest of her content (by The Observer) 0.1.3 One Man's Poison (by The Observer) 0.1.11 Repeatable sex scenes (by The Observer) 0.3.29 Artwork (by Moira) |
“ | I make and sell supplies for the other hunters in the village. I used to be one myself, until a wyvern just about took my leg off. Now I make arrows, leather armor, bows... light weapons and armor, basically. If that's something you need, you're in the right place. Otherwise... enjoy the fire, I guess?
” |
Leorah is the lethargic and laconic catfolk owner of the Huntress's Shop in Hawkethorne. Her stock primarily consists of tools and items for the hunters of the village, but she also sells other wares. She is a first-generation emigrant from Jassira, but feels more at home in the village than she ever did in the land of sun and sand. Leorah used to be a hunter, evident with her athletic body, toned abs and powerful thighs, however, after a hunting injury to her knee that didn't heal right, she can't walk long distances without it hurting, let along climbing. During her recovery period, she began doing tasks for other people, from bowyering, fletching to scraping flesh of pelts just to earn her keep, then one day, a young Garret said that she should open a shop since she's really good at what she does, and she's not going to ever go back to what she used to do. She's developed a taste for using wyvern venom when masturbating, commenting that its better than being in heat, although she uses the aphrodisiac toxin in moderation, lest she develop a resistance to it.
Leorah has a talent for craftsmanship, having assembled and prepared many tools for hunters, even Garth claims that the only good carpenter in the village is her. Leorah has commented that part of her feigned disinterest is due to keep up with appearances, that if someone looks too eager to sell, people will catch scent of that desperation and start trying to with them.
“ | Leorah would probably get along well with Janeen! They're both so... outdoorsy! Yeah, that's it! And they both probably like eating girls out too. Not that I'd know — I'm not really playing for that crowd!
” |
“ | Leorah is a grump, but I'm pretty sure all that apathy she has is fake. She's definitely cute though, and I can't imagine she'll stay single for long. Shame about her leg, though. That wyvern did a number on her.
” |
“ | The least I can do now is to see if I can't offer to make it up to her in some small fashion. It's unlikely to change her mind — by the looks of it, too much of her history and personality is wrapped up in her resentment of Mallachites, and Jassiran ones in particular, to ever truly forgive us. But perhaps some of these wrongs can be redressed, and perhaps Leorah won't hate us as vehemently...
” |
A gorgeous girl sitting behind the counter: a catfolk with skin darkened to a sultry brown by the desert suns of her homeland, her almond eyes half-closed with fatigue. A pair of black tattoos trace long, claw-shaped marks from under her eyes to near her chin, and branching out to cover her cheeks in vein-like strands. She's got a short-cropped mess of untamed and green-dyed hair, parting around a pair of particularly tall feline ears of the same color. A pair of small but perky breasts peek up from a low-cut padded vest and white undershirt, showing off a fair bit of cleavage as their owner leans over the counter.
She idly blows a stray lock of hair out of her eyes as you close this distance, looking at you with mild disinterest. "Name's Leorah. This is my shop." The dusky cat-girl sits up a little straighter as you bring up business. "I make and sell supplies for the other hunters in the village. I used to be one myself, until a wyvern just about took my leg off. Now I make arrows, leather armor, bows... light weapons and armor, basically. If that's something you need, you're in the right place. Otherwise... enjoy the fire, I guess?"
First Encounter
Entering the Huntress's Shop for the first time, the Champion is greeted by the refreshing warmth from the stone hearth, and observes the interior of the shop. Their eyes lay upon an elvish whitewood bow hanging above the counter, then to the catfolk below, resting upon her cleavage. The merchant yawns, commenting on where their eyes lay, if the Champion is a Catfolk, she comments that she doesn't see many other cats around (especially two, if Cait is present) and extends her greetings, else, with mild disinterest, introduces herself. Regardless, the Champion in turns gives their own name and asks what she sells. Leorah sits up a little straighter at the mention of business and states that she sells supplies for hunters, and that she used to be one until a wyvern just about took off her leg.
With introductions out of the way, her Shop options (see Huntress's Shop), and shop itself will become available between 8:00 - 16:59.
Subsequent Encounters
Outside of other quest-related interactions, Leorah only has shop interactions until One Man's Poison has been completed.
Quest Interactions
One Man's Poison
Since Leorah plays a major part of the quest, the details can be seen at One Man's Poison.
Other Quests
During the events of Caparison Hunter, Leorah can put an order in for Sugo's caparison in exchange for materials.
Post One Man's Poison
Returning to the shop, will have Leorah greet the Champion the same. Although if they had sexed her at least once, that despite her feigned disinterest, her ears may perk up and she'll give them a variety of greetings. Regardless, the following options will become available:
Option | Tooltip | Note | |
Shop | - | (see Huntress's Shop) | |
Training | Ask Leorah if she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two. | (teaches generic ranged powers) | |
Chat | Chat with the lethargic shopkeeper... or chat her up. | - | |
↳ | Herself | Feeling good lately? | - |
↳ | Business | How's business holding up? | - |
↳ | Venom | So... what exactly is it with Leorah and wyvern venom, anyway? | - |
Sex | Proposition the taciturn shopkeeper for some fun time. Proposition Leorah for a romp in the hay... or more correctly, on her rug. |
(see Sex section for details) |
Leorah can offer training, and teach the following generic ranged powers for 100 EC per level of the talent, along with taking up the rest of the day.
Name | Level | Type | Stealable? | Cost |
Stick and Move | 1 | At-Will | Yes | 100 |
Ranger's Stance | 1 | At-Will | No | 100 |
Suppressive Fire | 1 | Encounter | Yes | 100 |
Nerves of Steel | 2 | Encounter | Yes | 200 |
Triple Threat | 2 | Recharge 4 | Yes | 200 |
Crackle Powder | 2 | Recharge 4 | Yes | 200 |
Sure Shot | 4 | Recharge 1 | No | 400 |
Aim: Weapon | 4 | Recharge 4 | Yes | 400 |
Take Cover | 6 | Encounter | No | 600 |
Eagle Eye | 6 | At-Will | No | 600 |
Frostfire Shot | 6 | Recharge 1 | No | 600 |
When asked about herself, Leorah initially brushes off the question, stating that she's the usual everyday girl; that she had an exciting childhood, but most people around the town had one whether they wanted it or not, adding that one doesn't come out to the border without a very compelling reason. The Champion gives her a look, causing her to explain that she doesn't have sob story or some long history one can write a book about, she just gets by, and most of the stuff she has on sale has more interesting tales to tell than she does. The Champion reassures her that they weren't asking about her past, but if she has her head on right, that it'd really do her well to be more social than giving them this long roundabout story. Leorah gives up, stating that she's as talkative as her job needs her to be, but goes on to talk about:
Leorah states that she's going to let them in on a secret, that when someone brings in a carcass to her, she makes sure every bit gets used. There is plenty of value to be wrung out from the average beastie, not just their pelts and hides. Once the pelt is off, there is meat and fat; some of the fat goes to Ivris to be rendered into tallow and soap, Garth gets first dibs on hearts, livers, and intestines for his special sausages, guts and offal can be mashed into pet food and bait, bones for soup stock or Ivris who makes oil of vitriol for farming crops, and anything else goes into the compost heap. As her mother stated, nothing's every truly useless, one just has to use a little of imagination, and a world of possibilities opens up for one to lay their grubby little hands on.
Leorah made a trip to Tychris some years ago, where she wanted to open a bank account there. She thought it would help her with her finances, but they soundly rejected her because she was too small and her business could go at any moment, although she doesn't understand what it has to do with anything considering her wasn't looking to take out a loan, and Garth has his name on their rolls just fine. She believes they just made an excuse to get rid of her, as she works with her hands, which the city folk of Tychris look down upon. Now she's making enough, she could probably apply to open an account and get away with it, but she doesn't feel like doing it one bit. She knows enough of the world to not be fooled by relative sizes, as folks in town may think Tychris is the big city, but as big cities go. The ruling family of Tychris never quite recovered from mysteriously losing their heirs weeks before the Godswar broke out, and they've been down on their luck since. Having a bank within their walls means little when their vaults are empty and no one outside the Marches takes their credit.
The Champion reckons that Leorah is from Jassira, which makes her ask if her skin tone gave it away. If Cait is present, Leorah will take a jab at her by stating that Cait's from over the ocean and her skin's almost as pale as milk, that temple whores never see the light of day as their skin might peel from the sun or get a rash, or anything for that matter. A frowning Cait attempts to defend the Temple, but is cut off as the Champion drives the conversation back to the original topic. Leorah faces Cait's death glare head-on and simply yawns, asking again about what gave it away. Regardless, the Champion comments that they can tell Leorah's skin is darker than it used to be, that suggests strong sunlight outdoors which is hard to get with the climate and cold of the Marches. Impressed that the Champion can tell, she explains that she is a first-generation emigrant from Jassira, while River is a third-generation, she adds that she doesn't have much love for Jassira if she's going to be completely honest.
The Champion comments that with her usual demeanor, they find it hard for her to have much for love anything. Leorah answers that she's a cat with hidden depths, and she has enough love for Hawekthorne that she doesn't imagine leaving anytime soon. This causes the Champion to ask what made her leave Jassira, if present, Cait adds that surely a practical woman like her couldn't be wanting to see the world like Calla and she did. Regardless, Leorah states that there wasn't any one event that caused her to cross the sea; she just got sick of having to clean sand out of her fur every morning, the Sultana's slew of crazy edicts that changed every two months to the point that no one knew which was in effect at any time, and that there was no one left she gave a damn about. When she heard that some would-be aristocrat was making the trip over the water she though why not, and years later, she's feeling more at home than she ever did back in the land of sun and sand.
Curious on the story behind the bow on her wall, the Champion asks her about it. If the Champion was originally a Catfolk; they can tell its not of catfolk make, else if originally a Wyld Elf; they assume there is a good tale behind it considering most wyld or pale elves don't even get to see one, else failing both conditions; they simply note that its too neat to be hanging up in a place like this. Leorah comments that its just spoils of war she got years ago in a deeper part of the woods when a chubby elf declared that Leorah was 'raping the forest' and 'engaging in cruel slaughter of the fluffy ones'. She was going to be nice, since its a typical story of a young fop getting bored and going off to harass the locals on the flimsiest of pretexts. If the Champion has the Noble Scion or Courtesan background; they will comment about nobles and what they do, else, they've personally never had the misfortune to run into one like this. Leorah knew she couldn't take on the pale elf lordling and her retainers all at once, but she didn't feel like groveling in front of her either, so she lead them on a merry chase. She jeers that the Champion shouldn't believe that all elves are naturally gifted in the woods, too much good food and not enough exercise will do them in like anyone else. She got the elf thinking she was on a merry wild hunt, separated her from her retainers and led her to a couple of snares Leorah had set up that morning. By the end, Leorah had taken her toys and the elf was crying that she'll get her mommy to come after her, however to this day, Leorah's hasn't had any problems.
The Champion comments that the shop has a lot of personality to it, and it really feels like a place Leorah would be at home in. With a lazy grin she states that, just like her, the shop is kinda sluggish, expect when it has to move fast as there is no point in wasting energy on unnecessary stuff. She does not want to move again, and she's grown attatched to the smell that has gathered in the boards and rafters. When the Champion comments that it looks solidly built, Leorah boasts that, thanks to Garth's connections, its built of stout timbers all the way from Westbank. It took her two weeks throw together most of the roof thatching, and despite how lazy the shop may look, they'll never imagine all the work that went into building her little establishment.
On the topic of business, Leorah can talk about:
She admits that business couldn't be better, that ever since the blizzard came down upon them, there has been no shortage of glory-hunters looking for trouble that stop by Hawkethorne on their way out. The frontier has always been a magnet for these kinds of things, especially those looking to dig around in the ruins of Old Belhar. When asked if she considered expanding the shop, she answers that she has no plans to since people expect rustic and provincial, that her shop and every building in Hawkethorne has personality, although she had considered taking in an apprentice, but finding someone suitable and interested in her line of work is hard.
When asked if she makes everything she sells, Leorah answers that there are some, since there are things one shouldn't leave to merchants such that they have to fashioned by hand by someone trustworthy - there are also custom jobs. Through her crafts, she uses clever ways to keep her costs down and her prices low - the saying of More than one way to skin a cat and all.
When asked on business, Leorah answers that its going decently, but it'd be better if they'd buy something considering what other reason would they have to go to her. When the Champion answers to talk to her, she laughs, brushing it off as life being too short to waste time on just talking. She comments that it's flattering that they'd want to come all the way to chat her up and that its real nice of them, but it would be real great if they'd buy something. The Champion comments that she doesn't have to steer the conversation back all the time, to which she answers that they has asked about business and she answered - that it's important to not ask questions that have answers they may not like.
She states that business is pretty good, that with more people comes plenty of opportunity for good business. Most merchants who make their way out tend to be wholesalers, and Leorah acts as liaison between them and their potential customers, in addition to things she makes on her own. When asked to clarify on being a liaison, Leorah explains the scenario of a trade from Tychris that wants to spend as little time in the dangerous backwater as possible. They would have hundreds of different glory-seekers convinced that they've found ancient treasures, however, individually appraising everything they have to offer and negotiating a deal would simply take too long, so long that they can pay someone to do that job for them and pass along the most interesting finds. The Champion inquires if the situation is that bad to warrant as such. She explains that they have no idea the trash people have tried to pawn off on her, that at least the idiots selling ruined offal and chipped teeth vaguely remember what kind of store she runs, unlike those who try to sell her mushrooms and a handful of pine sap.
Leorah explains that she's finally found many someones to keep her in supply of wyvern venom, as such the Champion doesn't have to worry about that anymore, although she wouldn't say no to taking any they might have off their hands. She's explained before that it has many uses for a nonlethal yet effective incapacitating toxin, she's moving the stuff almost as quickly as she can get her hands on it - then there's also the stuff she keeps around for personal use, but not the kind of personal use the Champion may be thinking off. At the end, she states that if they have any extra on hand, she'll give them a good price for it.
Leorah comments that things are almost too good for her liking, she's making good turnover in volume to the point she's not sure what she could spend all her accumulating coin on. She had considered getting her shop redone, but it'd lose much of its charm, so she's thinking of just giving away the surplus to Garth or Sanders and have them decide what to do with it - if there's anything those two could be counted upon to do, it's having the good of the village in mind. Leorah states that her mother used to say that too much success can be a bad thing, and she's beginning to understand what she meant. The Champion comments that its very noble of her, which she brushes off, stating that noble is doing when one can't afford it, and she can damn well afford it and more. The two will be doing her a favor by taking the money of her hands, and she can't claim to be some kind of philanthropist when that's the case.
The sudden mention of wyvern venom causes Leorah to perk up, taking a few seconds before she catches herself, but a sheepish grin from the Champion shows they caught wind of her excitement. She congratulates them for catching her, however, she explains that a girl's gotta have her vices, and that most if not all of Hawkethorne already knows, they just don't say it out loud. The Champion comments that its cute how Leorah keeps trying to feign disinterest so transparently, which she explains that she has to keep up appearances, that if one looks too eager to sell, people will catch that scent of desperation and try twisting them.
Returning to the original topic, the Champion asks if she samples all the supply she buys, to which she answers no, quoting the saying to never get high on one's own supply. When she wants some venom for personal use, she herself goes out to wrestle down a wyvern for some, and while she can't rough it for weeks like she used to, she can still nip out for a few hours. Trade goods stay as is and she doesn't use anything earmarked for the store, also that the rush from a venom that is more than a day or two old is awful - all that trouble and work stops her from overindulging, and she's thankful for that, although she wouldn't shrink at entertaining gits if someone were so kind to pass along some for free. She uses the venom on and off for a bit of fun, but she doesn't let it rule her life as taking too much would result in building resistance, which would require more venom for the same rush and eventually she'll end up in debt.
From the things she's told, the Champion assumes that that is the reason behind her busted knee. Leorah admits that it is, that when she first arrived in Hawkethorne, she was wondering what to do other than hunt. Word came in that there were wyverns in the foothills, so she though she could get some for their spew straight from the tap. On one hunt, a wyvern's hind claws caught directly onto her kneecaps and cut her tendons clean through. The wyvern escaped and Leorah's leg was dangling like a strung-up puppet by the time other hunters rushed her to Sanders. There is a thin line between pain and pleasure, and wyvern venom messes it up. She remembers nothing from the haze, but Sanders told her he had to tie her hands and put rough mittens on her to prevent her from jilling off until the venom ran its course. She used the venom from time to time, but there and then she developed a taste for it like how some people develop a taste for wine. Ivris and Sanders were able to reattach her leg, but it never set right at the knee joint, so she can't walk long distances without it hurting real bad, much less climb. For half a year, she sat around and began doing things for other people, from bowyering to scraping flesh off pelts, she did anything she could to earn her keep. One day, a young Garret told her that she was really good at what she did and that she should open up a shop, that she should face it that she's never going to go back to what she used to do. At the end of it, Leorah closes her sad story, to which the Champion comments that it was a very sad story and that they're surprised that someone as tight-lipped as her would spill out so much about her life. She answers that they did her a good turn, that means they're friends now, and although she's not going to turn into a chatterbox overnight, she thinks they deserve as much.
Other Interactions
Meat Medley
The Champion's footsteps echo through a brightly-lit hallway as they push a dinner trolley down a marble corridor. They arrive at a room where their mistresses' — dressed in various finery — sit at a fine table with vapid smiles and a glazed-over look on their faces, except Kasyrra, who sits at the head. The Champion presents the special of the day, which makes their mistresses coo; "Meat medley". Hefting the serving plate onto the table and removing the cloche reveals a naked Brint with an apple-shaped gag in his mouth. Kasyrra calls upon her sisters to get ready to eat, as she kisses his cock, and with the tiniest of licks causes Brint to cum like a geyser. With the same empty smiles and unblinking eyes, the other four mistresses' with forks and knives in hand, also approach Brint, and as one say; "Thank You For The Food."
Suddenly, the Champion shoots up from their bed, sweating profusely. If Brint is present, they check on the big hunk of beef, who is sleeping soundly. A nightmare to be sure, but it is still dark outside, so they decide to head back to bed.
Option | Requirements | Tooltip | Result | Note | |
After giving Leorah the wyvern venom during One Man's Poison | |||||
Yes | - | A little voyeurism can't hurt... |
- | |
No | - | Nah, this has nothing to do with you. |
- | |
Post One Man's Poison | |||||
Sex | - | Proposition the taciturn shopkeeper for some fun time. | - |
| |
↳ | Yes |
- |
↳ | No | - | - |
Subsequent Sex Options Requires 1x Wyvern Venom | |||||
Cait 3Way |
Ask your pink kitty to join in. | - | - | |
Random chance if has both bits | - | ||||
↳ | 3SomeCock |
- |
- |
↳ | 3SomeVag |
- |
- |
Bestial Sex |
Just fuck Leorah like the beasts she knows so well. |
- Leorah provides the codex entry quote for the Wyverns
- Regarding Leorah's behaviour, her creator Savin comments that he "initially wrote her as acting bored and disinterested -- but her tail swishes like crazy when you come over to actually talk to her. She's... basically being a cat, acting like she's not interested in you when in fact she is super interested in you and has probably dropped everything to watch you."