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Ardia's bust, by Adjatha
Creator Savin
Species Dzaan Alpha
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Occupation Pirate pleasure slave
Title Slave (Agrosh)
Family Arine (Sire)
Farahn (Mother)
About a Hundred or So Sisters and Half-Sisters
Relatives About a Dozen Aunt-Mothers
Nationality Hauâ Mai
Location Zheng Shi

Ardia is a freshly captured Alpha Dzaan pleasure slave found on Zheng Shi. She can be rescued by Steele who can then become her lover, or beta.


Ardia is a dzaan alpha, and what she lacks in the traditional amazonian physique that term evokes, she makes up for in sheer plump curvaceousness. She’s a big girl, about seven feet tall, and stands on the balls of her feet as if wearing high heels at all times. A Zheng Shi slave jumpsuit hugs her body tightly, clinging so tightly to her thick thighs and ample hips that you can see every outline of her pant-ripping, flared cock and massive, apple-sized balls. Blue hair spills down her shoulders, parting around a crown of keratin growths around her brow; another single stud of keratin adorns her chin. Her bright blue eyes shine with a passionate spark, the same color as her kissable lips.

Still, your eyes are drawn down to her lush curves: the massive set of breasts, each capped with a saucer-sized brown teat; the broad strokes of her breeding hips, and the pillowy thickness of her thighs and callipygian buttocks. Between those dense chocolate cheeks rests a tight little asshole, right where it belongs.

History/Personality/Information of Note

She grew up on the Dzaan colony world of Hauâ Mai in a particularly wealthy area. She ended up being kidnapped by pirates because of the fact that she went to join a mission trip to one some of the Dzaan tribes that were being raided by slavers.


Zheng Shi Crossroad Location

First Encounter
There are 2 ways of encountering Ardia: The first entering the forge floor's break room for the first time, when not having reached that floor by means other than sneaking in with the slaves, which results in Steele finding Ardi blowing Agrosh who immediately realizes Steele is not supposed to be here and starts a fight.

The second and more interesting way occurs when Steele enters the crossroads (pictured on the right) whilst meeting all of the listed conditions, they can choose to sneak in with the slaves as a way to get to the next floor.

  • Not done Zheng Shi Space Walk
  • Event not occurred before
  • Not freed any slaves (yet)
  • Either wearing a Slave Uniform or having one in Steele's inventory

Should Steele choose to Sneak In they will meet Ardia shortly before being picked up as a pleasure slave with her for the foundry by Agrosh. They are then given the option to service Agrosh and wait for a chance to take him out, or straight-up fight him.

  • Service - Join Ardia in giving the big man the sexual service he requires of his slaves. This should make him nice and pacified for a bit; give you a chance to slip out without too much of a ruckus.
    • Knocks him out without having to fight him
    • Steele orally takes a load of Ardia's addictive cum
  • Fight! - While you have a chance, try and escape this predicament. Agrosh is still well aware and able to defend himself, since he hasn’t been sexed up, but that’s no threat to you, right?
    • Just plain up fight Agrosh to knock him out

Once Agrosh has been knocked out Ardia can be properly interacted with.

Ardia as a crewmate can be put up as a bedmate with several morning scenes being available.

Crew status Once Ardia has been recruited she can be booted off to remove her from the crew. After this, she can be found hanging out in the Tavros station's beach resort. Captain Steele can also travel briefly to Ardia's mother's resort on Hauâ Mai by selecting one of Her Folks after going through all her talk options. (See Recruitment)

Captain Steele can also discuss her role on the ship and potentially kick her off where she will be temporarily residing on the


Note that only real talk options have been placed here (Her TFs).

Zheng Shi Talk scenes available when Ardia is on Zheng Shi

  • Her Story - How’d Ardia end up here?
  • Other Slaves - What can she tell you about the other slaves here in the base?
    • Has variations for how many slaves Steele has released
  • Pirate Info - Ask about the pirate gangs working on Zheng Shi.
    • She gives basic information for all Zheng Shi gangs
  • Escape! - You’ve freed both groups of slaves, so it’s time to get Ardia the hell out of here.
    • Has released the slave colors
    • Has released the slaves in the slave pen
    • Has defeated the Shock Hopper
    • Triggers her recruitment


  • Her World - Ask Ardia about her homeworld, the resort planet of Hauâ Mai.
    • Has an additional paragraph for Ardia's dom level being at either
      • 1 to 4
      • 5 or more
  • Her Family - Ask Ardia about her folks and siblings.
  • Her Goals - Ask Ardia about what she wants to accomplish in life.


If she is on Zheng Shi and Agrosh has been dealt with, she will give the following drinks for free

Name Effects
Ausar Chaser
  • Imbibe alcohol by 15.
  • Steele is a half or full ausar/huskar
    • Restore 5 energy
Miniature Rahn
  • Imbibe alcohol by 13.
Honey Mead
  • Imbibe alcohol by 10.
  • For every drink of Honey Mead until the 7th in a 3 hour time frame
    gain the following effects for 3 hour (starting from the first drink)
    • Increases physique by 1
    • Decreases reflexes by 0.5
    • Decreases aim by 0.5
    • Decreases intelligence by 0.5
    • Decreases willpower by 0.5
    • Lust increases by 5.
Her Leads to the Eat Her Out sex scene (with a Zheng Shi exclusive intro leading into the sex)


Addiction is one of the 2 core mechanics for interacting with Ardia the other being dominance, although its primary effect with Ardia is variations in some interactions, it also gives a debuff when Steele spends to long without consuming one of her loads.

Steele is addicted to Ardia as long as they have either the Beta's Satisfaction or Dzaan Withdrawl status effect.

Steele gains the first of these status effects for 7 days, whenever they take one of her loads inside of them (whether orally, vaginally, or anally).

Beta's Satisfaction lasts for 7 days before (when not reset by taking another of Ardia's Loads) turning into Dzaan Withdrawal. See table below for effects

Icon Name Gaining Effect Duration Removal Description
Icon Charmed 0xFF69B4.png Beta's Satisfaction
  • Taking in a load of Ardia's cum
  • Whilst having this status effect Steele
    • Is addicted to Ardia
    • Increases lust defense by 2
  • Upon time out turn give Steele Dzaan Withdrawal
  • If Steele takes in a load of Ardia's cum whilst having this status effect
    • Reset timer to 7 days
    • 25% chance to gain an additional dom level
  • 7 days
  • Time out
  • Immunization
You’ve recently sated your desire for your alpha’s cum, and can think only of her. You take less damage from lust-damaging attacks.
Icon Charmed 0xFF0000.png Dzaan Withdrawal
  • "Beta's Satisfaction" time out
  • Whilst having this status effect Steele
    • Is addicted to Ardia
    • Lust gain is increased by 1.5 times
    • Health and energy recovers at half rate
  • Time out
  • Taking in a load of Ardia's cum
  • Immunization
You crave your alpha’s cum, gaining Lust more quickly over time, and you find recovering during rest difficult with such distracted thoughts.

Whilst Addicted to Ardia and having her recruited, Steele can ask Ardia to Get Cum, with Ardia having Steele milk the cum themselves if her dom level is at 7 or more


Ardia's dominance represents how much Ardia has effectively trained you into being her addicted beta cum-dump.

Dominance has a total of 11 levels (starting at 0), which are then divided into 3 major groups.

  • 0 to 3: Ardia is leaning submissive - Unaddicted/Lightly addicted, and generally dominant over Ardia
    • At this level Steele
      • Can lose their addiction by waiting it out, or getting Immunized
      • Has access to the Prone Bone scene
      • Steele can chooses the sex scenes
    • Note Steele cannot exceed level 3 whilst Ardia is on Zheng Shi
  • 4 to 6: Ardia is leaning dominant - Rather addicted, and Ardia shows her dominant side
    • At this level Steele
      • Can only lose their addiction by means of immunization to Steele
      • Unlocks the Get Plowed and Ride Her Dick scenes
      • Steele can chooses the sex scenes
  • 7 to 10: Ardia is alpha and goddess - Fully addicted, Ardia is your mistress, now go worship her cock
    • At this level Steele
      • Can no longer lose their addiction
      • Steele can no longer choose the sex scenes

Ardia can gain dominance levels in several ways

  • Steele taking a load of her cum whilst not addicted
    • Increases dom level by 1
  • Steele whilst having the "Beta's Satisfaction" status effect taking a load of her cum
    • 25% chance to increase dom level by 1
  • Steele giving her a Horse-Cock
    • Increases dom level by 1
  • Steele giving her, her first dose of Nuki Nutbutter
    • Increases dom level by 1
Requirement Dom level
  • Taking a load of Ardia's cum whilst not addicted
  • Not immune to addiction
  • 25% Chance, when taking a load of Ardia's cum whilst "Beta's Satisfaction"

Sleeping with Ardia is also affected by her dominance, at levels 0-3 the player will find Ardia still sleeping, in which they can Let Her Sleep, Kiss Awake, or Suck Awake. At levels 4-6 Ardia will wake up with you, and offer to let you Suck Off, Ride Cowgirl, or Fuck Her. At level 7-9 Ardia will wake up before you and automatically make you suck her or buttfuck you in her sleep. At level 10 in addition to a pussy fuck scene, a harder butt, and throat fuck variant are added to the scene pool of level 7-9.

Prevention To prevent raising the dom level Steele should

  • Not do the Get Missionary scene
  • Not have sex with Ardia whilst having the Beta's Satisfaction status effect.
  • Immunize at the point you want and choose to Fake it.


Immunization prevents Steele from falling (deeper) into addiction to Ardia's (and only Ardia's) cum. Once immunized Steele is immune to the effects of the addiction portion of Ardia's content.

If Steele meets the following conditions they can ask Anno to make an immunizer for Ardia's addictive cum. Which is immediately followed by Anno safely gathering a fresh semen sample from Ardia.

  • Ardia is crew
  • Anno is crew
  • Ardia dom level is less than 7
  • One of the following
    • Informed Ardia that you are not okay with being addicted (requires that you have never had sex with her on Zheng Shi before)
    • Currently addicted
  • Not immunized to Ardia
  • Immunizer not currently being made

Note: there is a difference in the talk with Anno depending on if Steele is addicted or not.

After 48 hours, Anno will bring Steele 2 doses of the immunizer, taking one for herself and giving the other to Steele.

If Steele isn't addicted at the time they receive the immunizer, Anno will tell Ardia her captain will want to see her. Steele then informs Ardia they are now immune to the effects of her cum.
Note: This path doesn't reset Ardia's dom level (although at most it could have been 3)

If Steele is addicted at the time they receive the immunizer, they will go to Ardia and be given the option to either tell her you took the immunizer or fake it and pretend to still be addicted to her cum.

  • Tell Her - Tell Ardia what you’ve done. This will undo the dominant streak Ardia’s built up.
    • Resets Ardia's dom level to 0
  • Fake It - Fake It Till You Make It. Just pretend that everything’s as it was with Ardia. This will leave Ardia’s scenes as they were, “pretend” mental effects included, but her dominance score will no longer advance, as you cannot sink further into addictive cumsluttery.
    • Doesn't reset Ardia's dom level

Her Folks

The Her Folks event can be accessed in two ways.
1. Steele chooses not to Recruit Ardia after helping her escape Zheng Shi
2. The Her Folks button, which is unlocked after doing all of Ardia's crew talks (other than mods).

Steele lands on Ardia's family resort on Hauâ Mai where they are then greeted by Arine. Who will the first time they land here offer them a 35,000 credit reward, which Steele can then refuse or accept. If Steele didn't recruit Ardia the refusal option will cause them to leave, and split ways with Ardia immediately.

Accepting the reward (or having Ardia recruited), will cause Steele to go and have fun for several hours until they are asked to dine at the master penthouse with Arine, and Ardia. Where after you go to your room below theirs, and Arine asks if you need anything. Steele can answer either I’m Fine or Tuck Me In with the later triggering Arine's sex scenes.

Steele Tech Suit

If Steele approaches Ardia seven days after recruiting her, Ardia will tell Steele how good latex body wear looks on her, but she hates her current slave sluit. Thus she asks/expects Steele to get her some new latex threads namely a Steele Tech Suit. This will unlock the Give ST Suit button

  • Scene has variations for Ardia's dom level
    • 0 to 3
    • 4 to 6
    • 7 to 10

Once Steele has a Steele Tech Suit, they can give it to Ardia. Which will trigger a scene with several variations.


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The Zheng Shi sex scenes that can be found bellow Relax... = > Her can be found in the General section of Sex as Eat Her Out.

If Ardia is at dom level 7 or more, she will randomly choose one of the following Crewmember scenes when attempting to have sex with her through her menu.

  • Blow Her
  • Get Plowed
  • Get Missionary
  • Rim Her
  • Ball Worship
  • Facesitting
  • Ride Her Dick


Red scene bubbles indicate that Steele will take one of Aridia's Addictive loads
Red arrows indicate that Steele is forced to make this choice if they are addicted

Scenes that are accessible on both Zheng Shi, and Steele's ship when Ardia is a crewmate

On Zheng Shi this scene accessible when Steele asks to Relax and then her.

Whilst Ardia is a crewmate this scene can be accessed in her sex menu when her dom level is 6 or less.

  • Eat Her Out - Munch on Ardia’s proverbial rug.
    • Has minor variation for Ardia's balls size being: 17 inches or more, or not
    • Her Pussy - Keep worshipping Ardia’s pussy until the curvy alpha cums all over herself.
      • Fuck Her - Slam your dick into Ardia’s cunt and pound the wanna-be alpha until she’s a screaming, cum-soaked mess
        • Has penis
        • Has variations for
          • Ardia has a horse cock or not
          • Addicted to Ardia or not
      • Suck Her - Go down on Ardia’s cum-drooling tool and get a fad load of her jizz.
        • Has variations for
          • Ardia has a horse cock or not
          • Addicted to Ardia
          • Not addicted to Ardia
            • Is immune to Ardia addiction or not
        • Swallow - Tag a gut-full of Ardia’s drugged-up spunk.
        • Jerk Her - Use your hands, and let Ardia cum on your chest.
          • Has variations for
            • Ardia has a horse cock or not
            • Steele has breast size of D-cup or more
            • A paragraph dependent on the following (Only the first met condition is used)
    • Her Balls - Worship those fat balls hanging low under Ardia’s cock.
      • Suck Her - Go down on Ardia’s cum-drooling tool and get a fad load of her jizz.
        • Same scene as Suck Her under the Her Pussy scene
      • Ride Her - Climb into Ardia’s lap and ride that intoxicating cock of hers.
        • Has variations for
          • Ardia has a horse cock or not
          • Has vagina or not
          • Has penis or not
          • Has variations for
        • Get Smeared - Let Ardia bust her nut on your backside and cover you with cum. Non-addictive.
    • Her Butt - Ardia’s body is so lush and soft, it’s hard to decide what you like best... but you gotta say, it’s her jiggling butt that gets you hardest.
      • Has penis that fits (38 inch³ or less) or hardlight strap-on
      • Had sex with Ardia at least 3 times
      • Has variations for
        • Ardia has a horse cock or not
        • Using penis or hardlight

Special scenes

Special scenes cannot be accessed through the sex menu and require one or more conditions to be met and may not be repeatable

If Steele asks Anno for a Dzaan cure she will need some of Ardia's cum, which Anno will harvest herself

  • Dr.Anno and Ardia: proctological milkings
    • One time only
    • Has a minor variation for Ardia having a horse cock or not

When Steele is addicted to Ardia they can ask her for a cum bubble to help tide them over whilst out adventuring. With Ardia requiring Steele to suck her off when her dom level is at 7 or more.

  • Get Cum - Ask Ardia for a little pick-me-up to go. Can’t go having withdrawals while you’re adventuring, can you?
    • Addicted to Ardia or not
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Addicted to Ardia or not

Zheng Shi Agrosh encounter

Scenes involving Agrosh during the first meeting with both Agrosh and Ardia If Steele sneaks in with the slaves they will have to option to Service Agrosh.

  • Service - Join Ardia in giving the big man the sexual service he requires of his slaves. This should make him nice and pacified for a bit; gives you a chance to slip out without too much of a ruckus.

If Steele is defeated by Agrosh a bad end will play, where Steele and Ardia are fucked by Agrosh before Agrosh's fellows take their turns.

From Mods/Items

Sex scenes that occur when Ardia receives a body mod, or other Item

Giving Ardia a Horse-Cock causes a small scene with minimal variations.
Note Immediately after Steele will have the ability to play the Suck Her scene from the Eat Her Out sex scene

  • Suck Her - Go down on Ardia’s cum-drooling tool and get a fad load of her jizz.

Giving Ardia her first dose of Anusoft Cream, will have Ardia asking Steele a question which is answered as follows

  • Her Butt - Ardia’s body is so lush and soft, it’s hard to decide what you like best... but you gotta say, it’s her jiggling butt that gets you hardest.
    • The scene that is played is the Her Butt scene from the Eat Her Out sex scene

Giving Ardia her second dose of Anusoft Cream, will play a small scene

Giving Ardia her first dose Nuki Nutbutter will cause a small scene

    • Has variations for
      • Addicted to Ardia or not
      • A paragraph dependent on the following (Only the first met condition is used)
        • Ardia is addicted
        • Has penis and fucked Ardia's butt
        • Other

  • More Nutbutter! - Ardia’s balls aren’t big enough right now. While she already has the fabled Nuki Nuts, you can apply more of this creamy butter to her balls in order to swell them up with a surge of productivity.
    • Ardia's balls size is Less than 17 inches
    • If Ardia's dom level is
    • Has variations for
      • Addicted to Ardia or not
      • Ardia has horse-cock or not
        • Ardia's dom level is
          • More than 3
          • 3 or less
        • Has penis and fucked Ardia's butt
        • Other

  • Give ST Suit - Ardia wanted a new suit, and you have just the SteeleTech suit for her...


Scenes that are available through Ardia's sex menu when she is a crewmate.
    Note: that Steele can only select scenes when Ardia's dom level is less than 7. At level 7 and above Ardia will randomly select one of the scenes on her own
  • Eat Her Out - Munch on Ardia’s proverbial rug.
    • Has variations for
    • Has variations for
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia dom level of
        • Less than 7
        • 7 or more
      • Addicted to Ardia or not
        • Is immune to Ardia addiction or not
        • Has penis or not
        • Breast size of C-cup or more
  • Reverse Cowgirl - Ask Ardia to crush your pelvis and drain your balls with that ass.
    • Has minor variations for
      • Ardia dom level
        • Less than 4
        • 4 or more
      • Has knot or not
  • Get Titfuck - Ask Ardia to wrap those pillowy jugs around your dick.
  • Get Missionary - Snuggle into Ardia’s bed, spread your legs for her, and let your thick-as-a-brick alpha fuck you full of her intoxicating semen.
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Ardia Anusoft doses taken
        • 0
        • 1
        • 2
      • Has penis or not
      • Has vagina or not
      • Ardia dom level
        • 0-3
          • Tongue has long flag
            • Tongue has prehinsile flag or not
          • Addicted to Ardia or not
        • 4-6
        • 7-9
          • Tongue has long flag
        • 10
  • Ball Worship - Polishing your alpha-to-be’s ballsack should remind her of what you are, and what you’re going to be to her.
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Ardia Anusoft doses taken
        • 0
        • 1
        • 2
      • Has long tongue
      • Ardia dom level
      • Ardia's balls size is
        • 17 inches or more
        • Less than 17 inches
    • Outside - Probably best not to become too addicted to a Dzaan...
      • Available when Ardia's dom level is less than 6
      • Has variations for
  • Facesitting - The savory crescent of Ardia’s dusky pussy is tucked away behind her balls and between her thighs. If you want a taste of it, then getting under the thickness would be more prudent than getting down with it.
  • Ride Her Dick - Ardia’s dick always looks so hot, hanging between those thick thighs and backed by her hefty balls, but those huge tits are just so snuggleable... how can you choose! But what if you could get her cock inside you and get your hands all over those boobs?
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Has penis
      • Using vagina or ass
      • Ardia dom level
        • 0-3
        • 4-6
        • 7-10

Sleep with scenes

Scenes that occur when sleep whilst Ardia is your bedmate

  • Going to bed - Go sleep with your chocolate love pillow
    • Plays when Steele sleeps in their ship whilst Ardia is a bedmate
    • Has variation for Ardia dom level of
      • 0-6
      • 7-10

Morning scenes

Scenes that occur when waking up whilst Ardia is your bedmate

Ardia is your Equal
These are the morning scenes that are available when Ardia's dom level is 3 or less

  • Suck Awake - What better way to wake someone up than with some loving oral sex?
  • Kiss Awake - Kisses! So many kisses for your cute d’zaan lover.
  • Let Her Sleep - Look at that face. You can’t bring yourself to wake her.

Ardia is your Alpha
These are the morning scenes that are available when Ardia dom level is 4 to 6

    • Has minor variations for
  • Ride Cowgirl - Straddle your alpha’s wide, womanly hips and ride her fat cock like there’s no tomorrow.
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Genital configuration
        • Herm
        • Penis only
        • Vagina only
        • Neuter
      • Ardia has a 'Nuki Nuts perk or not
  • Fuck Her - Service your alpha with your cock.
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Has vagina or not
      • Has penis or not
  • No Thanks - You’ll just bring her breakfast instead.

Ardia is your Mistress
These are the morning scenes that are available when Ardia dom level is 7 or more
Ardia will randomly choose one of the available scenes to perform

    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Genital configuration
        • Herm
        • Penis only
        • Vagina only
        • Neuter
      • Ardia's ball size is
        • 17 inches or more
        • Less than 17 inches
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Genital configuration
        • Herm
        • Penis only
        • Vagina only
        • Neuter
      • Ardia's ball size is
        • 17 inches or more
        • Less than 17 inches
        • Ardia has the 'Nuki Nuts perk or not
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Has penis or not
      • Ardia's ball size is
        • 17 inches or more
        • Less than 17 inches
        • Ardia has the 'Nuki Nuts perk or not
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Genital configuration
        • Herm
        • Penis only
        • Vagina only
        • Neuter
    • Has variations for
      • Ardia has a horse cock or not
      • Genital configuration
        • Herm
        • Penis only
        • Vagina only
        • Neuter
      • Ardia has the 'Nuki Nuts perk
      • Ardia doesn't have the 'Nuki Nuts perk
        • Ardia's ball size is
          • 17 inches or more
          • Less than 17 inches



If Steele meets the following conditions they can give Ardia a SynthSheath causing her to grow a massive horsecock.

  • Had sex with Ardia at least 3 times
  • Unlocked the SynthSheath Codex entry
  • Ardia doesn't currently have a horse cock
  • Has a SynthSheath

Immediately after Steele has given Arida a horsecock they can play the Suck Her scene from the Eat Her Out sex scene

Anusoft Cream

If Steele meets the following conditions they can give Ardia a dose of Anusoft to give her a plumper ass

Immediately after giving Ardia her first dose of Anusoft Cream, she will ask Steele a question which is answered as follows

  • Her Butt - Ardia’s body is so lush and soft, it’s hard to decide what you like best... but you gotta say, it’s her jiggling butt that gets you hardest.
    • The scene that is played is the Her Butt scene from the Eat Her Out sex scene

Steele can also give her a second dose of Anusoft Cream, to cause her ass to become hyper pumped.

Nuki Nutbutter

If Steele meets the following conditions they can smear Ardia's balls in Nuki Nutbutter, to give her the 'Nuki Nuts perk, and allow her balls to store excessive cum.

Note It takes about 2237 minutes (can be shorter/longer due to rounding) for Ardia's balls to reach size 17 after she has fully emptied them.

More Nutbutter! If Ardia's balls are less than 17 inches Steele can give her more Nutbutter to swell them up further. This can be refilling them, or making them swell to beyond 17 inches (the latter starting when her balls are at least 41% full). Although if Ardia's dom level is 4 or more Steele will immediately suck her off.


Zheng Shi Probe hunt

Ardia has 2 interactions during the probe hunt on Zheng Shi.

  • If Steele meets the conditions to join the slave procession and joins them, they will encounter Ardia there who can then help Steele defeat Agrosh, by servicing the Thraggen with Steele.
  • She can be asked for information on the Pirate gangs of Zheng Shi. Which will result in her giving some basic info on all of the gangs.

For the remainder of her stay on Zheng Shi, Ardia will be capable of offering Steele free drinks and sex.


If Steele has freed Maike's slaves and defeated the Shock Hopper, they can help Ardia Escape!. After taking her on board Ardia will call her mother, who is grateful to know her daughter is alive and wants her home ASAP. At which point Steele must make the choice of weather or not they wan't to keep Ardia around.

  • Recruit Ardia - Add the chubby alpha alien to your crew. Only amazing things will come of having a dickgirl with chemically addictive cum aboard.
    • Forced if addicted to Ardia
    • Ends call and officially recruits Ardia
    • Has different versions for being
      • addicted to Ardia or not
      • With addicted Steele's having the option to give her a welcome blowjob
  • Don’t - Bye, Ardia.
    • Not addicted to Ardia
    • This choice removes Ardia from the game

If Steele chooses Don’t Steele will play through the "Her Folks" event but when leaving Ardia will stay on Hauâ Mai.