Mistress Matiha

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Artwork by Moira & DCLzexon
Creator HugsAlright
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Summoner
Title Mistress
Family Berwyn (apprentice)
Location Matiha's Tower
Wayfort (Possible)
Level 4 (during The Mistress)
Health 220
Strengths She has 2 action points

His mistress turns her head just slightly, not enough that you can see her eyes, but just enough to make out a smirk crossing her face, "Oh, but I see you've brought friends. Are they for me?"

The woman chuckles and turns around, revealing an impressive bust stretching her robes and a beautiful face with browns eyes and dark lips. "Oh come now, Berwyn," she says, "I don't know what you're going on about, but help me deal with your friends here and then we can have a nice night together..."

Mistress Matiha is a powerful magician and summoner who has her own tall stone tower, which is practically a fortress, where she and Berwyn reside in. She is the mistress and teacher of Berwyn, whom she took into her care when he left his parents. She was kind and cared for her only apprentice, however as she continued to study a strange runed stone, her personality changed and she became more and more obsessed.


During The Mistress:

A tall, pale skinned human woman stands before a desk, flipping through a large tome, a strange runed stone next to the leather bound book. She's wearing an outfit similar to her apprentice's, and it fits tightly around her womanly body.

The woman chuckles and turns around, revealing an impressive bust stretching her robes and a beautiful face with brown eyes and dark lips.

During Matiha's Revenge:

This ‘new’ Matiha has dark-grey skin, looking similarly to Elexis beside her. Her mage’s outfit hasn’t been updated and her thigh is still exposed to the air. Pulsating veins criss-cross in thick spider webs across her face, her thigh, and, judging by the dull glow beneath her clothing, all throughout her body: the spider webs focus in on her eyes and the direction of the pulses start at her chest and emanate outwards, rolling across her face from the neck up, as if her heart wasn’t pumping blood, but ether.

Her hair is longer, reaching down to her shoulder blades, but the roots have been frosted to the same pale teal as what courses through the veins. And her eyes... have been replaced by something else altogether. Gone are the vibrant-brown irises, replaced with a dark, swirling void of teals and blacks, daring you to stare into them for longer than a second at a time. Bluish tendrils claw their way into her pupils, giving her eyes a shattered look to them, and they seem to ripple with every pulse of her heart.

While Mutated during Matiha's Revenge:

Matiha takes on a massive surge of size and mass, her body shifting and transforming to accommodate that sudden massive influx of mana. Her skin turns scaly and orange, pockmarked by welts and divots, turning her formerly-perfect skin into something hardly even uniform, much less smooth. Her body shifts as it gets larger, changing from a humanoid figure with two defined arms and legs and turning into... something else without a defined shape, riddled with extra limbs and extremities, almost like antenna. You can no longer discern where her front and her back are on her torso, and yet, three sets of featherless wings sprout along the undulating, shapeless mass, writhing and flapping as she gets larger and larger.

She shifts, lifting her left arm – or, what was her left arm – out from underneath herself and planting it on the floor. It more closely resembles a fleshy hoof than a hand: it lacks digits and her wrist ends in a thick stump instead of a proper palm. Then she removes her right arm... and then her other left arm, and then her other right arm. A thick, scaly tail sprouts from where you presume her spine meets her coccyx, hitting the floor hard enough to shake the dust from the newly-formed bricks around the dome. It whips through the air with enough force to make the air sing a thick contralto tone.

One additional limb lifts and wriggles above the scaly flesh, placed roughly in the center of the gross mass, and on its end is what can generously be called a human face: it has six-too-many eyes and they’re placed at asymmetrical points; its mouth is crooked, almost diagonal; and it has holes instead of a nose. But if you had to choose any part of this new creature’s body to be the head, or at least the face, it would be that.

After Matiha's Revenge:


During The Mistress

Mistress Matiha is first met during the events of The Mistress where Berwyn will bring the Champion with him to stop her and her plans. Although she will try and warn Berwyn that should he not step aside, he will get hurt, Berwyn will refuse. Should the Champion lose to her, they will be subjected to tentacle fucking and a Bad End.

After Matiha's Revenge

If you kept Matiha around and let Berwyn talk to her, you can choose to be romantic, fuckbuddies, or platonic with Matiha.


During The Mistress

Mistress Matiha will be accompanied by two Shadow Clones that will aid her in combat.


Attack Power: 15 Spellpower: 59
Sexiness: 12 Temptation: 5
Armor: 40 Physical Resist: 11
Warding: 67 Magic Resist: 22
Focus: 13 Mental Resist: 20
Evasion: 25 Tease Resist: 33

  • Big Cocks
  • Big Asses
  • Average Breasts
  • Big Breasts

  • Vaginas
  • Small Breasts



During Matiha's Revenge

Quest Related

The Mistress

Berwyn needs the help of the Champion to stop his Mistress.

Matiha's Revenge

Matiha has grown so powerful that she has caught the eye of the Order Astrida, but the agents sent to stop her have failed. Astraea has come to you and Berwyn in the hopes that he can reason with her to stop her plans.




















Found within visiting Matiha's Fortress
when Matiha and Berwyn/Wynne are Fuck Buddies