Drider Queen

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Drider Queen

Drider Queen-Moira-Full.png

Drider Queen-Moira-Full-Nude.png

Artwork by Moira
Creators BubbleLord
Contributors LooMoo
Personal Information
Relatives Unnamed Drider Queen (mother)
Unnamed man (father)
Location Frostwood (all zones)
Biological Information
Species Drider (Winter Drider)
Gender Female
Height 8'
Hair Color White
Eye Color Black/Obsidian
Fur Color White
Bust Size H
Cock Size 9" (Ovipositor)
Misc. Genitalia Ovipositor
Combat Information
Level 5
Health 387
Action Points 2
Other Information
Version Added 0.2.19
Changelog 0.2.43
Cait Eggnancy + Combat nerf
Cuddle sex(by LooMoo)

Continue conquering me and I may very well entrap you. I can't keep sharing you forever... my stalwart (warrior/warrioress).

For thousands of years, I have laid dormant. Who has disturbed my- oh, it's just you.

The Drider Queen is a hostile drider that can be encountered in all regions of Frostwood. She is a young queen who seeks a strong warrior to fertilize her eggs, to bring forth an entire nation of her children, and to ensure the protection of her nest. To her prey, she is a dominatrix with a taste for sadism, but to the strong, she is more than willing to fulfill their desires. She truly cares for her children, as after the Champion has been egged, she cautions them to be careful as she would like their children to be safe. The Drider Queen makes mention that her mother had pinned down the man, that would later be her father, who came into her nest. Additionally, the Drider Queen is pent up due to weaklings being unable to handle her.

Are you out adventuring again? Watch out for that big drider, she's been spinning her webs all over again.


That sounds like one of the local queens. My true nest, however, lies far from here. Yet I had never imagined a young queen would come here, to the Frost Marches of all places! Is she strong? Is she healthy? Is she-?



Instead, you're left gazing at the white fluff-wreathed chitin of a wintery drider. Standing nearly eight feet tall as her eight legs ferry her around, the woman's white hair billows with the winds and lets her black-eyed gaze ensnare your attention. Her coat's heavy grey furs clad her human half as warmly as her spider half's fur, stretching against securing harnesses thanks to her H cup tits. The sultry woman's lips curl into a grin as she properly shifts a spear into her right hand and approaches slower this time, cautious of your reflexes.


First Encounter

The silence of Frostwood is suddenly interrupted by the sound of clicking chitin. As the Champion readies their weapon, a wintery drider emerges and comments that she thinks the Champion could be worthy of ferrying her children, or better yet to fertilize her children and ensure her nest's future prosperity. She then twirls her bronze spear and begins a fight.

If victorious against the drider and Cait is present, as the drider pleads to the Champion, Cait will comment that she wishes she could do something for the pent-up drider; else, the Champion notes that the drider's wanton desire is an indication on how little she gets to relieve her desires. With that, the following options will become available:

Option Tooltip Result
Sex Well, if she's so eager... (see Victory Sex Options)
Leave - No sex

Subsequent Encounters

Subsequent encounters with the Drider Queen will have the Champion recognize the sound of clicking chitin as the drider approaches from behind them. What the Champion did in their previous encounter will determine her comment on the Champion:

She comments why the strong intruder returns to her new domain, and asks if they wish to breed her and proliferate her lineage.

She comments that the weak one continues to intrude on her territory, and asks if they truly do wish to help her build a nest as one of her egg caretakers.

She laughs, stating that she recognizes the coward and asks if they've come to forfeit or flee again.

Regardless of her comment, the drider takes her spear and rushes the Champion, starting a fight. The victory options and defeat scenes are the same as the first encounter.

Combat Stats

Stats Likes Powers Other
Combat Stats
Attack Power
Armor Penetration
Spell Penetration
Critical Chance
  • All Cocks
  • All Breasts
  • Big Asses
PrimarySpear (modified Pike)
ArmorFur Coat (modified Leather Coat)
Other Information
RaceDrider(+1 Presence)
ClassWarrior(+1 Toughness)
BackgroundNoble Scion(+1 Presence)
Dislikes Drops
  • Big Breasts
  • Big Cocks


Victory Sex Options

Option Requirements Tooltip Result Variations
Titfuck Has cock Those big tits of hers sure look welcoming; how about you stick your cock between them? -
Variations Used
  • Has balls or not
  • Cock size < 14"/14"/15"+
  • Has cocks or not
Tits - -
  • Orgasm
Variations Used
  • Cock size < 14"/14"/15"+
  • Cum volume < 100mL/100mL+/10L+
Mouth - -
Variations Used
  • Cock size < 6"/6"+/12"+/20"+
  • Cum volume < 100mL/100mL+/10L+
  • Has balls or not
Vaginal Has cock

If she's a girl, then surely she has a pussy for you to fuck.

If she's a girl, then surely she has a dick for you to fuck.

You're stuffing her pussy full of (cum) and she isn't spilling a drop.

  • Fucked the Drider Queen
  • Orgasm
Variations Used
  • First time or not
  • Cock size < 15"/15"/16"+
  • Height < 4'2" or not
  • Has balls or not
  • Cum volume < 100mL/100mL+/10L+
Egg Dom Not currently Butt Pregnant You're going to get her eggs and take her ovipositor for a ride she'll never forget.
Variations Used
  • First time or not
  • Is an Anal Virgin or not
  • Height < 5'10" or not
  • Has birthed Drider Queen's eggs before or not
Egg Sub Not currently Butt Pregnant You want her to fuck your ass with her ovipositor and stuff you full of eggs.
Variations Used
  • First time or not
  • Height < 5'10" or not
    • Height < 6'8" or not
  • Is an Anal Virgin or not
  • Has birthed Drider Queen's eggs before or not
  • Is not a Dark Knight
  • Has sexed the queen at least once(any victory sex option)

You know, she's pretty fluffy. Maybe it's time to get to know her better.

Cuddling is like, pretty fun, but you’re definitely gonna fuck her afterwards!

The last time you cuddled with her was lovely, so maybe she’d want to again?

  • Orgasm
Variations Used
  • If first time or not
  • Is Bimbo or not
  • Has Skin Tag; Furred or not
  • Cunning < 75/75+
  • Is currently Butt Pregnant or not
  • Has fur or not
  • Is bald or not
Leave - On second thought... No Sex -

Defeat Sex Scenes

(order determines priority)
Scene Requirements Tooltip Result Variations Used
Cait Egg Loss
  • Cait is present
  • She is not currently pregnant with eggs
  • Cait offers to take the Champion's place
Variations Used
If Dominant Arona is present or not
Close - You're cool not watching her get filled full of eggs. -
Watch - Well, Cait is hot...
Variations Used
  • If Cait has laid and hatched the Drider Queen's eggs before or not
  • If Cait is an Anal Virgin or not
Champion Egg Loss - -
Variations Used
  • First time or not
  • Is an Anal Virgin or not
  • Is currently Butt Pregnant or not
  • Has laid and hatched the Drider Queen's eggs before or not


Champion Butt-Pregnancy

The Champion can be impregnated anally with eggs by the Drider Queen, as such, standard Butt Pregnancy Conditions apply. For information on the events related to the Champion-Drider Queen pregnancy, see here.

Cait Butt-Pregnancy

If present and lost to the Drider Queen, Cait will volunteer herself to take the eggs instead of the Champion, as such, standard Butt Pregnancy Conditions apply. For information on the events related to the Cait-Drider Queen pregnancy, see here.