
From Corruption of Champions II
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Artwork by Moira
Creators BubbleLord
Personal Information
Pronunciation Eh-zahl-tee
Nickname(s) Ihz
Relatives Miro (brother)
Miro (chubby mouse pet)
Numerous unnamed siblings
Unnamed Queen Mother
Occupation Oracle
Residence Hidden Cave (Foothills)
Location Foothills (Zone 2)
Biological Information
Species Drider (Winter Driders)
Gender Female
Height 6'
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Abyss-Black
Skin Color Smooth Olive
Fur Color White (lower legs)
Black and Gold (upper body)
Chitin Color Black
Bust Size D
Cock Size 8" (egg-laying tube)
Misc. Genitalia Ovipositor
Other Information
Version Added 0.2.35
Changelog 0.3.1
Allow me to apologize. I rarely get company these days. My name... is Ihzalti; you may call me Oracle Ihz or Oracle, if you so desire. Miro and I had foreseen guests but one does not merely know the precise nature of the future. Tell me; what is your name?

Ihzalti is a drider orcale that lives in a hidden cave at the southern region of the Foothills. Because of the overpopulation of her nest, her mother and queen allowed her to leave, and the braids on her hair are the only things she retained. Due to the nature of her nest she lives alone, with her pet mouse Miro. If informed about the Drider Queen, Ihzalti will not hesitate to join the young queen, should she ask for her.


However, the woman beckons your attention; she's only about six feet tall despite her impressively-sized spider half. Beautiful white fur adorns most of her legs save for the length nearest her body, mottling black and gold before transitioning into her figure. Her spider body and abdomen's fur, in contrast, is a beautiful pattern of the two colors, helping mask her black chitin and running all the way to her wide human hips in a thick, warm coat. Fair-skinned with a thicker ring of fur hiding her groin, her perky nipples are all but visible beneath her fur-lined cloak. She wears it untied with nothing underneath, tastefully following her curves so that it hides only her D-cup tits' teats. The mysterious spider's shoulder-length black hair is a mix of straight and braids, every few inches of the beautiful locks sporting a new twisting braid bound within engraved bronze bands. All four of her black eyes watch you, petting the top of a small iron cage whilst waving to the opposite end of the table.

Ihzalti stands about as tall as the average human male thanks to her impressive spider-half, a beautiful mix of colors and beauty. White fur lines her lower legs and mottles into a patterned black and gold on the upper legs and her spider fur. A thicker set of gold fur wraps around her human and spider waistline, transitioning up to smooth olive skin. Her tits — a modest pair of D-cups — are round and full, sporting perky nipples that poke through her cloak. Her soft cheeks and smooth jaw capture her youth, whilst her four abyss-black, pupil-lacking eyes glint with wisdom. The solitary oracle's black hair falls freely just above her shoulders, yet bands of bronze link sections of it into tight braids; if they were unbound, Ihz's hair would probably be much longer.

Her attire consists of a fairly simple yet highly revealing singular choice: a hooded cloak tied loosely around her neck. The cloak drapes over her shoulders and wraps around her chest, tucking along the curves of her tits almost magically. It leaves a highly provocative sight of her lean stomach, cutting off just beneath her waist and resting on her back.

Ihzalti stands about as tall as the average human male thanks to her impressive spider-half, a beautiful mix of colors and beauty. White fur lines her lower legs and mottles into a patterned black and gold on the upper legs and her spider fur. A thicker set of gold fur wraps around her human and spider waistline, transitioning up to smooth olive skin. Her tits — a modest pair of D-cups — are round and full, sporting perky nipples that poke through her cloak. Her soft cheeks and smooth jaw capture her youth, whilst her four abyss-black, pupil-lacking eyes glint with wisdom. The solitary oracle's black hair falls freely just above her shoulders, yet bands of bronze link sections of it into tight braids; if they were unbound, Ihz's hair would probably be much longer. Although she hides it well, the ring of fur around her waist hides a tight human pussy. As a drider, she has an ovipositor hidden within her spider half so that she can lay eggs.

Her attire consists of a fairly simple yet highly revealing singular choice: a hooded cloak tied loosely around her neck. The cloak drapes over her shoulders and wraps around her chest, tucking along the curves of her tits almost magically. It leaves a highly provocative sight of her lean stomach, cutting off just beneath her waist and resting on her back.


First Encounter

Points of Interest - Foothills
Ihzalti/Strange Moss

The Champion will first meet Ihzalti by investigating the Strange Moss found at southern region of the Foothills.

Investigating the strange moss, the Champion gets their hand snared on it, and in a panic to pull free, they grab a rock on a nearby wall. The rock sinks into the chasm wall, causing the mossy surface to raise up like a hatch door. Investigating into the ancient-looking chamber reveals it filled with white webbings of various thickness and amount, along with red crystals that provide a flood of warm lighting. A soft voice calls out for them to go no further, as it doesn't want to hurt them. When the Champion asks for her to do the same, the crystals erupt with brilliant light, momentarily blinding the Champion. When it recedes, they see a large- spider-like woman resting beside a low-sitting table. She apologizes, stating that she rarely gets company these days and introduces herself as Orcale Ihzalti, and her pet Miro.

The Champion asks what she is, to which she explains that she is a drider, specifically of the winter driders. Her people are quite rare so she can understand them not knowing, but she is certain they can be friends as she is far from hostile.

The Champion guesses that she is a drider, to which she smiles and nods, and brings a hand up to her braids. She explains that these are the only things she retained from her nest, as her queen and mother allowed her to leave the nest due to overpopulation. She notes its quite unusual for a stranger to recognize her kind, and asks if they've met others.

Regardless, the Champion puts away their weapons and settles down at her table. A warm glowing smile from her clearly indicates that she is happy to have company. (for interaction options, see section below)

Subsequent Encounters

Subsequent visits to Ihzalti will have the Champion press the stone beside the doorway, which raises the mossy hatch and reveals the crystal-lit interior. Inside, they may find Ihzalti cleaning, petting Miro, or having just caught herself dozing off. Regardless, she adjusts herself and asks what she and her little Miro can do for them. If present, Arona will laugh at the fact Ihzalti calls her fat mouse, little. With that, the following options will become available:

Option Requirements Tooltip Result Note
Appearance - - - -
Chat - She's lonely, right? Chat with her about her day! - -
Drider Queen - - -
  • Can only occur once a day
You'd like to make use of the Oracle's services. -
  • Only once per visit

You want to have some fun with Ihzalti!

You want to fuck Ihzalti!

(see Sex section for options)
  • Ihzalti will cover Miro's cage with her cloak
  • If present, Quintillus will give the Champion a thumbs-up
Leave - -
  • Ends the visit
  • Ihzalti will be sad to see the Champion go, but hopeful for their next visit


When asked, Ihzalti may take about:

Ihzalti raises the cage on the table, introducing her pet mouse Miro, named after one of her brothers. She loves her little fat pet and his little tummy. She boasts that he is always keeping things interesting between visitors, that he eats bugs and sneaks around like a brave warrior. She only wishes that she could maintain a nicer home for him, but his teeth chew through her webbing if he gets serious.

Ihzalti reaches up and brushes one of the engraved bronze bands in her hair, commenting that she may have a merchant friend that can produce more rings as her hair is getting long enough to warrant another braid. The rings and bands may seem paltry, but their designs depict a drider's life stories; queens and their entourages often carry many between themselves.

Ihzalti looks around, seeing if anyone else is listening, before raising her hands to each side of her mouth and whispers:

That not only are there orcs, but also harpies. According to legends, the harpies used to bully her people. She hopes none of them find her.

"Benis" into the Champion's ear, and settles back to her normal position with a chuckle.

Despite Ihzalti racking her brain for a subject to talk about, she can't think of anything. Her face reddens with embarrassment and she apologizes that she can't think of anything to talk about.

Drider Queen

When asked if she knows about the Drider Queen in Frostwood, she gives a face of hopeful anxiety and a small smile. She answers that it sounds like one of the local queens, however, her true nest lies far from the Marches. She never imagined a young queen would come all the way to the Marches, and begins asking if she is healthy and strong. The Champion's answer is dependent if they ever lost to her in combat or not, regardless, they are surprised to see Ihzalti so interested in the queen and ask what would she do if the queen came looking for her. She answers that she would join her without pause, that due to way of her nest, she lives alone with Miro - that to offer her services to a queen would be a great honor. Although the cave may be her home, a true nest created by a queen is the peak of drider society, and not only can one find a mate among the queen and her honor guard, there is a possibility of becoming a tutor for young princesses. She asks the Champion that should the day that Drider Queen call for aid, that they will tell her about it. Should the Champion have laid the drider's eggs, they will ask if she would be taking care of them if that happened, which she confidently answers that there is no one better, else Ihzalti's normally calm demeanor is replaced with unusual confidence. At the end of it, they state that they will let her know.


When asked if she can see into their future, Ihzalti comments about their fortune seeing. If present Quintillus or Arona will frown, questioning if the Champion is really entertaining the idea. With that comment, if Etheryn, Cait, or Atugia are present, they will give their own comment and they choose to believe in good fortunes/Ihzalti. Regardless, she begins her service by having the Champion draw three cards, all the while her eyes illuminate and her hair brands slip-free and hover around like a protective ring. The Champion may draw a varying degree of cards, but it will all boil down to great or ill-fated fortune. Ihzalti states that fortunes are but a way to tint one's own abilities - that fail or succeed, one must consider it a part of their own extension rather than fate itself. If present and the Champion drew an ill-fated fortune, Atugia goes back on her earlier goodwill and comments that one controls their own destiny, fortunes or not.


Option Requirements Tooltip Result Note
Fuck Pussy
  • Has cock

You want to have some pussy-filling sex.

You want to have some degenerate, handholding, and pussy-filling sex.

  • Fucked Ihzalti
  • Orgasm
  • Minor variation if sexed the Drider Queen
  • Does not end encounter
EggPlay -

Ihzalti must have eggs, right? Maybe she'll stuff you with some.

She may be unwilling to knock you up, but you're in the mood to get filled with eggs!

  • Does not end encounter