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Harpy Stormcaller



Artwork by Moira
Creator Savin
Species Harpy
Gender Female
Occupation Paladin
Relatives Harpy Matron (mother)
Zhara (elder sister)
Shar (sister)
Religion Sorran
Location Grave of Saints
Level 6
Health 366
Cait-Gat0w-ChibiCard-Note.png Note:
Currently the only update change has been the page name change, an overhaul and update to this page will come eventually
--Spotty McBumble Fuck (talk) 08:41, 10 September 2024 (UTC)

"I answer to the gods themselves, not the bickering cave-dweller clerics. We are charged with defending these sacred paths, and already demons have defiled them while impersonating those who should be charged with their protection. No more."

The Harpy Stormcaller is a Sorran paladin in the Windy Peaks above the Undermountain. She is one of the Harpy Matron's many daughters, and sister to others such as Zhara and Shar.


She's a particularly tall, athletic member of the species, with a messy mane of black feather-hair spilling down around bronzed skin and dark makeup. She's wearing a breastplate over her loose tunic and clutching a polearm in her hands, its copper head shaped to resemble a thunderbolt. Electricity crackles over the blade.


If you travel with Calise to the Grave of Saints, the Harpy Stormcaller intercepts you with her sisters above the mountain. She's called a tremendous storm to impede your passage, and threatens you and your companions with death if you trespass on their sacred ground. The stormcaller and her sisters were already fooled by shapeshifters who turned out to be demons intent on robbing the temple.

  • Fight!
  • Diplomacy: Try and talk your way past these feathery godsworn. (if you have children with Zhara, skips combat.)
  • Leananstone: Throw a Leananstone into the midst of the harpies. You'll need a sure aim to hit one of the harpies's breastplates — it's not like there's solid ground to detonate it on. (requires a Leananstone. If you have 66%< Agility, skips combat. Otherwise, leads to combat.)
  • Agnimitra?: Perhaps Agni could speak to these whipper snappers for you? (requires Agnimitra in party, skips combat)

If you successfully negotiate with the Harpy Stormcaller, either through Diplomacy or Agnimitra?, they wish you well in stopping the demons who are defiling the temple. If you use the Leananstone successfully, the harpies are knocked into the gale storm they summoned and blown away. If you defeat the harpies in combat, you are able to enter the temple with the harpies unable to stop you.

Bad End

If you are defeated by the harpies in combat, they disable your wings if you have them before throwing you off the mountain to your death.

Post-Ring of Fate

After completing the Ring of Fate quest, Vasha can be reencountered as a random combat encounter in the Windy Peaks

A unique scene can play when entering Aerend's house in the Windy peaks, featuring Vasha spending time with her father and younger sisters.


Vasha's pre-combat dialogue changes if you have got her pregnant, recognizing the player as the sire of their children but still maintain her goddess's order to shed the Windy Peaks of lowlanders, even you.


    • Fuck Vasha:
      • Thighjob: Push Vasha against the wall and fuck those thick harpy thighs (requires Penis)
      • Mating Press: Fold the paladin over and breed her pussy. (Requires Penis)((Chance of impregnation))
      • Eat her pussy: Get a mouthful of feathery muff.
      • Use Her Butt: Lay Vasha out on her stomach, oil that huge bird butt up, and fuck it (Requires Penis)
    • Group Assjob: Put all those big harpy butts to work squishing your dick. Vasha will provide the lube with her tongue


  • Cowgirl (If player has Penis)
  • Facesitting (If player does not have Penis)
  • Get Milked (If player is Lactating)

  • Flirt: Perhaps instead of coin. Vasha might take a different payment? (Random sex scene:)
    • Cowgirl (If player has Penis)
    • Facesitting (If player does not have Penis)
    • Get Milked (If player is Lactating)
  • Follow Her: Surrender a little coin and follow Vasha down the mountain. (Returns Player to Windy Peaks entrance point)


Stats Likes Dislikes Powers Drops
Attack Power: 65.0 Armor Penetration: 7.0
Spellpower: 131.0 Spell Penetration: 7.0
Sexiness: 18.0 Temptation: 7.0
Accuracy: 34.0 Critical Chance: 7.0
Armor: 82.0 Physical Resist: 20.0
Warding: 17.0 Magic Resist: 12.0
Focus: 54.0 Mental Resist: 29.0
Evasion: 27.0 Crushing Resist: -10.0
Holy Resist: 20.0 Penetrating Resist: 25.0
Storm Resist: 20.0 Tease Resist: -50.0
  • Big Cocks
  • Average Cocks
  • Big Asses
  • Small Breasts
  • Big Breasts
  • Small Cocks
stealable - [+]

Total Gain Per Encounter

Composition Total Loot
Harpy Stormcaller, Harpy Storm Cleric,
2 Harpy Stormbreakers

Quests and Events

The Ring of Fate

The Harpy Stormcaller and her sisters guard the Grave of Saints, and need to be dealt with to pass.