Combat Effects

From Corruption of Champions II
Revision as of 13:44, 27 June 2024 by Spotty McBumble Fuck (talk | contribs) (disclaimer note)
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Cait-Gat0w-ChibiCard-Note.png Note:
This page is outdated and the updated form is currently under construction in Effects,
once all combat effects have been updated on that page, this page will be wiped and act as a redirect for the new page
--Spotty McBumble Fuck (talk) 13:44, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

Combat Effects are positive or negative status effects that can be applied to a character during combat. Sometimes the duration and damage of some effects may differentiate based on the source. These effects are removed at the end of combat, or if the target has been defeated.

Name Description Type Duration Source Note
Ancestral Aegis You're under the protection of
your ancestors, gaining+25 Physical
and Magical Resistance and stun immunity.
Buff 3 Turns Ancestral Aegis
Aroused Unwanted arousal imparts -15 Spellpower
and Magic Resistance.
Debuff 1 Turn Allure
2 Turns Aphrodisiac Sting
Breast Plate
3 Turns Charm Spell
2 Turns Cum Spray
1 Turn Devious Ruse (random chance)
1 Turn Dominance
Until interrupted Harpy Song
1 Turn Kitsunetsuki
1-2 Turns Lustful Images
2 Turns One-Two
999 Turns
Until interrupted
Piper's Song
2 Turns Pollen Spray
Shadow Magic
3 Turns Trick (25% chance)
2 Turns Wyvern Sting
3 Turns Wyvern Venom
Banished You've been banished from combat.
Cannot act and cannot be targeted by
enemies and allies alike.
Disable 2 Turns Banishment Banishment has been replaced with Abjure
Blade Block [If Silly Mode]:With great honour and maximum
weebery, you effortlessly
riposte the blows of these foreign
devils and slice their arrows in mid flight.
|Impervious to physical attacks and
perfectly countering all melee blows.
Protection 3 Turns Blade Block
Bleeding You're bleeding out and
taking damage each turn!

Bleeding is raw damage over time that
ignores damage reduction. It penetrates shield HP
and reduces healing received by 25%.

Values listed are base damage values before modification.
2 Turns Bleeding Cut 3 + Cunning Bleed damage
Blood Let 3 + Strength Bleed damage
2 Turns Kunai 15 Bleed damage
Modified by attack power and crit bonuses.
This is identical to a normal weapon attack.
2 Turns Rend 3 + Strength Bleed damage
1 Turn Rending Strike Strength Bleed damage
Blessed A divine blessing grants +10 Accuracy,
and +100 Attack Power and Spellpower.
Buff 1 Turn Blessing
Blinded You're unable to see clearly, Accuracy
and Evasion are reduced by -15.
Debuff 3 Turns Blinding Beauty
2 Turns Devious Ruse (random chance)
1 Turn Pocket Sand
3 Turns Trick (25% chance)
2 Turns Smoke Bomb (enemies)
1 Turn Sun of Jassira
Bloodlust Your bloodlust grants +30 Attack Power. Buff 3 Turns Raging Thurible (party)
Bolstered You've been bolstered, gaining
+10 Evasion and Mental Resistance.
Buff Until interrupted Bolstering Dance (ally)
Brazenberry Ale You feel a lot more confident in your martial
prowess thanks to the effects of brazenberry ale.
Attack Power increased by X!
Buff Until combat end Brazenberry Ale Increase by
10 + Cunning + Toughness
You take X fire damage each turn!
You also have +25% Frost Resistance.
3 Turns Aurora Arrow 5 + Willpower fire damage
Blue Flame Blade (on crit) 3 + Willpower fire damage
Foxfire 10 + Willpower fire damage
1 Turn White Fire 3 + Willpower fire damage
2 Turns Will-o-Wisp 5 + Willpower fire damage
Conjurer's Concoction The conjurer's concoction is helping you
think a lot more clearly, increasing
your Spellpower and Focus by X!
Buff Until combat end Conjurer's Concoction Increase by 5 + (Cunning / 2)
+ (Toughness / 2)
Covered You've been given cover, gaining +20 Accuracy,
Evasion, and Initiative.
Buff 2 Turns Suppressive Fire (ally)
Counterspelled Your spellpower is being reduced by X. Debuff 3 Turns Counterspell Spellpower / 4
Defending You have taken a defensive position.
Your Armor, Ward, and Focus are increased by +50.
Buff 1 Turn Defend
Disarmed You've been disarmed and
can't Attack or use Weapon powers.
Disable 3 Turns Aim: Weapon
2 Turns Charge (on crit)
1 Turn Heat Weapon
Eternal Light You are recovering X Health a turn from the calming light within. Regeneration 3 Turns Eternal Light HP Max * 0.05 Health
Feather Dance A peacock-like dance has
reduced your Evasion by -30.
Debuff 1 Turn Feather Dance
First Strike You've got the drop on your
enemies, increasing Initiative by X.
Buff 3 Turns Ambush Argoth during
Right of Conquest
Raise Initiative by 5
1 Turn Stick and Move Raise Initiative by 50
3 Turns Sneak Attack on
Effigy Herald
Raise Initiative by 10
Focused Your focus has been increased by +15! Buff Until interrupted Control Pheromones
3 Turns Hornet Honey
Frigid You suffer from frozen muscles and
a full-body chill!
Evasion is reduced by -15 and
Crushing Resistance is reduced by -25%,
but Focus is increased by +25.
Debuff 2 Turns Chill Touch
3 Turns Cold Snap
1 Turn Frost Arrow
3 Turns Ray of Frost
Heightened Senses Your heightened senses grant +25 Attack Power. Buff 2 Turns Kiaijutsu
Ranger's Stance (activation)
Inspired You've been inspired, gaining +20% maximum
Buff Until combat end Inspiration
Lust Tagged You suffer -15 Lust Resistance
and take 50% more Tease damage.
Debuff 3 Turns Lust Tag
Mirror Image Multiple images move in tandem
with you, increasing Evasion by +10.
Buff 3 Turns Mirror Image
Obscured You're cloaked with shadows,
gaining +10 Evasion and
generating no Threat.
Buff 1 Turn Assassinate Apply effect is target is downed
Fading Strike
Shadow Strike
2 Turns Smoke Bomb (party)
Overcharge You have increased +20 Accuracy and X bonus
Storm damage to weapon, physical and spell attacks,
but Armor and Ward are reduced by -10.
3 Turns Overcharge
Poisoned Poison flows through your veins.
You take X blight damage each turn!
3 Turns Envenom 5 Blight damage
Poison Edge 15 + Cunning blight damage
Vile Miasma 7 + Willpower blight damage
2 Turns Wyvern Sting 5 + Cunning blight damage
Prone You've been thrown down on the ground.
Must spend next turn standing up.
Interrupt 1 Turn Boulder Heave
By The Horns
Lusty Tentacles (on crit)
Nerves of Steel
Pounce (on crit)
Thunder Strike (on crit)
Protected You're being protected by an ally,
absorbing damage in your stead.
Protection 2 Turns Protect
Restrained You've been grabbed!
You're Staggered and must try
and break free every turn.
Interrupt 3 Turns
Until Interrupted
Vine Restraints
Rhythmic Focus You're in tune with the rhythm of battle,
increasing Sexiness and Focus by +10.
Buff 3 Turns Rhythmic Focus
Shelled You're being shielded by another force,
absorbing some damage taken and
generating large amounts of Threat
each round.

Shield Amount: X.
Protection Until interrupted Shell 150 + Toughness * 5 Shield
Shielded You're being shielded by another
force, absorbing some damage taken.
Shield Amount: X.
Protection Until combat end Aurora Arrow 20 + Spellpower / 4 Shield
Until interrupted Guarded Stance Max HP * .1 Shield
3 Turns Shield of Light 50 * (1 + (Spellpower / 100)) Shield
Until combat end Spirit Veil 10 * (1 + (Spellpower / 100)) Shield
No end Tentacle Shield 60 Shield
Shield of Light You regenerate X Health each round so
long as your shield lasts.
Regeneration Until interrupted Shield of Light 20 * (1 + (Spellpower / 100)) Health
Silenced You've been silenced and
can't use Spell powers.
Disable 2 Turns Counterspell
1 Turn Kitsunetsuki
Song of Courage Prideful music inspires you to fight harder!
Attack Power, Mental Resistance, and Focus
increased by X
Buff Until interrupted Song of Courage Increase by Presence
Song of Splendor Bardic music inspires you to flaunt
what you've got!
Sexiness increased by +20!
Buff 2 Turns Song of Splendor
Spirit Bound You are spirit-bound and are
considerably strengthened, increasing all
core stats by 50%.
Buff Until combat end Spirit Binder
Spirit Veil You're protected by divine grace,
granting +10 Evasion
and +15 Physical and Magic Resistance.
Buff Until combat end Spirit Veil
Staggered Put off guard by staggering force!
Evasion, Physical Resistance,
and Attack Power are reduced by -15.
Debuff 2 Turns Aerial Drop
1 Turn Blight Orb
Dastardly Trick (stun failed)
3 Turns Devious Ruse (random chance)
2 Turns Dirty Trick
Entropic Winds
Garrote (on miss)
1 Turn Leananstone
3 Turns Kitsunetsuki
2 Turns Leech
Overhand Smash
3 Turns Prime Target
2 Turns Pummel
Shield Bash
Spider's Stride
3 Turns Trick (25% chance)
2 Turns Triple Threat
Steadfast Tonic Your armor has been treated to provide additional
protection from blows, increasing your
Physical Resistance and Armor by X!
Buff Until combat end Steadfast Tonic Increase by 5 + (Cunning / 2) +
(Agility / 2)
Stunned You've been left reeling by awesome power.
You cannot act and suffer -10 Evasion and
Physical/Magical/Mental Resistances.
Interrupt 1 Turn Crackle Powder
Cold Snap
Dastardly Trick
Light Sensitivity (while on fire)
(w/ 3+ negative combat effects)
Jolt (on crit)
Mind Snap
999 Turns
Until interrupted
Piper's Song
1 Turn War Stomp
Stun Immune You're temporarily immune
from further stuns.
Buff 1 Turn End of stun duration
Sundered Your armor is shattered and rent,
reducing its effectiveness by half.
3 Turns Kitsunetsuki
1 Turn Shatterstrike
2 Turns Shell Cracker
3 Turns Thunder Strike
Tainted Bulwark Corrupted power improves Armor, Evasion,
Ward, and Magic Resistance by +15.
Buff 3 Turns Tainted Bulwark
Terrified Terror grips your heart.
Mental Resistance and Sexiness
are reduced by -15.
Debuff 2 Turns Assassinate Remaining enemies are Terrified
if target is downed
3 Turns Blinding Beauty
4 Turns Dark Thoughts
2 Turns Devious Ruse (random chance)
1 Turn Echoes of Life
2 Turns Kitsunetsuki
3 Turns Trick (25% chance)
2 Turns Warcry
5 Turns War Song
Unbreakable You cannot be defeated and all
damage taken is reduced by half.
Protection 3 Turns Unbreakable
Vanguard You've been designated vanguard,
granting +20 Armor and Evasion.
Buff 2 Turns Vanguard
Warlord's Cry A fierce warcry boosts your
Attack Power by +10!
Buff 3 Turns Warlord's Cry
Winterstem You are recovering X Health at start of your turn from the
soothing effects of winterstem!
Regeneration 3 Turns Winterstem Max HP * (15 + (Cunning / 2)
+ (Presence / 2) / 100 * .33) Health
Madness Raving madness consumes the mind, reducing Evasion, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance, and Mental Resistance to 0 and inflicting one of Stagger, Terror, or arousal at the start of each turn Debuff 3 turns In cloudreach tower during The Demon of Ice, pick the 'pulse runes' option, or donate daliza's blood to dragonbarrow doors. (inflicted on Daliza only)