Royal Amnesty

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Royal Amnesty
Creators Savin
Quest Details
Quest Type Companion
Requirements Met Etheryn and decided to guide her
Quest Giver(s) Etheryn
Level Range 1+
Location(s) Ruined Wayfort
Castle Hawkstone
Conditions and Outcomes
Can Fail? Yes
Has Combat? No
Is Timed? Technically yes
Unique Loot No
Multiple Outcomes? No
Completion Result The baroness can't help
Failure Result Nothing actually
Other Information
Version Added 0.1.9
Changelog 0.2.29
Quest Completion
Early interaction revisions for those that didn't interact with Etheryn before Winter City
Good, Th-then I must speak to th-the lady of the castle! P-please, if it's not too much trouble... could you g-guide me? I've never been south of the River Ridell. I'm sure I c-could make it on my own, if I have to, but... but it would be a lot easier with help. And I can be useful, if you need. It might not seem like it given my circumstances, but I'm pretty good with a bow, and I know some magic. I'm a falconer, too! My war-bird got chased off by the demon with a hurt beak when he went for her eyes, but I'm sure he'll turn up if I call!


Having rescued Etheryn from her bindings at the Ruined Wayfort, she asks for the Champion's aid by guiding her to Castle Hawkstone to meet The Baroness.

Quest States

Quest States
State Acquisition Description
0 Etheryn seems intent on getting to Castle Hawkstone, seat of the Frost March's hereditary baron. As a princess of the Winter City, she's likely got something important to say during this meeting — accompanying her would doubtless benefit you as well.
Etheryn had the opportunity to meet with Baroness Carmen Reverra, but was denied any support — it seems Hawkstone has nothing to offer, even if the baroness wanted to help her. You'll have to bring Ryn to the Winter City yourself if she's ever to secure her homeland and depose her corrupted sister.
Events have progressed too far for Hawkethorne's reclusive nobility to be of any help; even if the Baroness of Hawkstone wanted to help Etheryn, there's nothing she could do now on the cusp of Kasyrra's victory over the Winter City.


  • There are three slightly different ways to acquire this quest:
    • After meeting Etheryn at the Ruined Wayfort, refusing to guide her and then after meeting her at Castle Hawkstone; talking to her at the Frost Hound
    • After meeting Etheryn at the Ruined Wayfort, and bringing her in as a companion; talking to her at camp or the Frost Hound and has not travelled with her to Castle Hawkstone
    • After meeting Etheryn at the Ruined Wayfort, and bringing her in as a companion; and bringing her Castle Hawkstone (this method skips past state 0 and directly completes the quest)

Characters Involved

Baroness Carmen-WikiHeadshot.png
The Baroness

Companion Interactions

Agnimitra Arona Atugia Azyrran Brint/Brienne
Agnimitra-WikiHeadshot.png Arona-WikiHeadshot.png Atugia-WikiHeadshot.png Azyrran-WikiHeadshot.png BoB-WikiHeadshot.png
Cannot be recruited yet
  • Minor comment
  • Minor comments
  • Will appear with The Baroness if not recruited
No unique interactions

No unique interactions

No unique interactions

Cait Etheryn Kiyoko Quintillus Viviane
Cait-WikiHeadshot.png Etheryn-WikiHeadshot.png Kiyoko-WikiHeadshot.png Quintillus-WikiHeadshot.png Viviane-WikiHeadshot.png
No unique interactions
  • Heavily involved
No unique interactions No unique interactions Cannot be recruited yet

Quick Summary

  • 1. Encounter Etheryn at the Ruined Wayfort
  • 2. Task to bring her to Castle Hawkstone
    • 2a. Take her into the party and bring her directly
    • 2b. Take her into the party, but talk to her first
    • 2c. Refuse to take her into the party and later meet her at Castle Hawkstone
      • 2c-1. Talk to her at the Frost Hound
  • 3. Travel with her to Castle Hawkstone and meet the Baroness
    • 3a. Comfort Etheryn (+5 Confidence)
    • 3b. Simply Leave (-10 Confidence)
    • 3c. Any other provides no confidence change

Detailed Summary


If the Champion had refused to guide Etheryn and later met her at Castle Hawkstone, and now approaches her at The Frost Hound; or approaching her as a companion whether that be at camp or the inn for the first time.

The Champion can decide to check up on Etheryn, in which they take a seat next to her - the mere act of approaching makes her recoil and she leans away from them, as if expecting to be hit. After a few moments of nothing, she forces herself to relax and sheepishly says hello. The Champion is forced to take the initiative to get her to talk about Winter City, to which she explains that Njorhaalt is the home of all boreal elves and that its been at least a hundred years since any of them travelled this far south. When asked why she left, she explains that there is something wrong in the city, that the queen had locked herself in her chambers and the guards have changed, going from just mean to evil, and unfortunately, no one in the city will listen. The old treaty of alliance between Winter City and the Frost Marches guarantees a mutual aid in times of crisis. A Champion with the Noble Scion or Scholar background will ask who is she to call upon old treaties; else, they will ask why she thinks the baroness will listen to her. She shrugs, explaining that she is a princess, "Duchess Etheryn var Ridell, Daughter of Queen Alraince", although she prefers to called Ryn as she never liked titles or formalities unlike her sister, the current queen. She was afraid that her sister's guards would really hurt her so she fled to look for help. With the treaty, whoever is the Lord of Hawkstone is now obliged to protect her, and maybe she can make the baroness listen to her.

Before she can say anything else, a bird with bloody-red feathers bursts in with a banshee-like screech. Etheryn immediately runs towards the beast and calls its name, before landing on one of her leather bracers. She praises the bird, and if Arona is present, she swears and states that the bird is worse than a harpy. She introduces her bird as Harrick, and gives a big genuine smile as she states that she let him loose before she fled the city as she was afraid that her sister would hurt him. She had been raising his lineage since she was a child, but he followed her - while Etheryn is giddy with excitement, the bird looks hatefully at everything except Etheryn.

Meeting with the Baroness

On the way to the castle, Etheryn extends a leather-clad hand for Harrick to land, giving a loud screech that echoes as he wings down. Etheryn hopes that the baroness will hear her out, to which; if Atugia is present, she will reassure her that Carmen is a reasonable gal most of the time; else the Champion puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder and states that she'll do fine. The castle's huge wooden doors open, if Atugia has not been recruited, she will appear first to hold the door for the baroness. The baroness comments that she doesn't remember summoning anyone today, and politely asks why she's being visited.

Etheryn shuffles her feet awkwardly until Harrick stamps on her glove and pecks at her. Etheryn stammers through her greetings, but is cut-off as the baroness sighs and tells her to get it together as her patience is far more limited than her time. With an audible gulp, Etheryn introduces herself and humbly requests sanctuary in Castle Hawkstone - stammering only thrice this time.

With a narrowed brow, the baroness thought the boer'alvar had died out long ago, asking why a young princess would seek her protection, and questions her lack of guards.

Etheryn whines as she states she's alone, and stammers over her words as she explains that they have no king, that her sister is, that her sister is evil, and that she ran away.

Concentrating on the baroness' words and not her steely gaze, Etheryn takes a deep breath and introduces herself, and humbly requests sanctuary in Castle Hawkstone - stammering only once.

With a narrowed brow, the baroness thought the boer'alvar had died out long ago, asking why a young princess would seek her protection, and questions her lack of guards.

Etheryn states she came here unescorted, that her sister the queen has turned into an evil wicked tyrant, so she escaped south as soon as she could - stammering only slightly.

Etheryn takes a deep breath, steadies herself, and looks directly at the baroness' eyes. She introduces herself, humbly requesting sanctuary in Castle Hawkstone.

With a narrowed brow, the baroness thought the boer'alvar had died out long ago, asking why a young princess would seek her protection, and questions her lack of guards.

Proudly, Etheryn states that she had not come alone as she takes the Champion's hand in hers. She explains that they have no king, only a wicked tyrant of a queen whose heart has turned black as soot. While she ran away from the city, her people are still in peril and so she need the baroness' help.

The baroness fixes her gaze on Etheryn and clarifies that she's looking for help in retaking the city from her evil sister. This clarifying question causes Etheryn to shuffle awkwardly, however, the baroness tells her to relax and formally introduces herself. Unfortunately, Belhar is no more and with it, much of her power. There only live [2/3 (with Atugia)] people in her castle, and one of them is a gargoyle. She cannot offer the hospitality and comfort befitting of a princess, as well as the resources to retake a city many miles away. The Marcher Baron's armies were utterly destroyed during the Godswar and hiring mercenaries to keep the roads clear has resulted in many of them becoming bandits or worse. This news causes Etheryn to slump, and the baroness apologizes that the four-century-old treaty was with an empire that no longer exists, and she has no power to help Etheryn even if she were to honor it. The best she can offer is getting the best room and her needs met at The Frost Hound, and that she may stay in her barony as long as she needs.

Etheryn turns to the Champion with wide teary eyes, and they are given the following options:

Option Tooltip
Thank Carmen At least the baroness was willing to hear Ryn out, right?
Get Mad Wow, what the fuck. How dare Carmen just turn Ryn away!
Comfort Aww, poor Ryn.
Leave Thanks for nothing, bitch.

With a sigh, the Champion thanks the baroness for her time and hearing Etheryn's plea. The baroness in return gives an apologetic smile, stating that she truly is sorry and tells them to take care of the young princess as her path will be a long and difficult one. Etheryn begins to sniffle, a sign for the Champion to guide her out before she embarrasses herself.

The Champion scowls and thrusts a finger at Carmen's face, exclaiming that she dare call herself a noble, that she can't just ignore a treaty and run away. The baroness sighs and explains that she has no soldiers to offer, no staff to wait on Etheryn in the castle, she has nothing. She tells the Champion to begone and that they should be thankful she doesn't rescind what generosity she has shown the princess with their outburst. Understanding she has a point, they leave and guide Etheryn back to town. Etheryn thanks them for standing up for her, and they reply that they'll need to deal with Queen Alissa themselves.

The Champion pulls Etheryn into a tight hug and she starts bawling. The baroness awkwardly bites her lower lip and glances around for anyone watching as she rests a comforting hand on Etheryn's back, stating that she is sorry and she truly wishes that there was more she could do. The Champion thanks her for at least ensuring Etheryn is welcome in town, and she withdraws back into her old keep.

This action of comfort gives Etheryn (+5 Confidence).

With a sigh, the Champion turns and leaves, causing a tear-streaked Etheryn to chase after them. When asked what she's going to do, the Champion simply shrugs and states that they'll need to deal with Queen Alissa themselves.

This action of "abandonment" or brutal truth gives Etheryn (-10 Confidence).

Result & Reward

By completing this quest, the Champion and Etheryn will learn that the baroness has no power to help her retake the Winter City as much of her power fell with Belhar.

Should the quest be failed, Queen Alissa would have already been ousted from the city.