The Alraune

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The Alraune
Full art of the Alraune by DCLzexon
Creator Savin
Contributors BubbleLord
Species Alraunes
Gender Female
Children Effigy Herald (daughter)
Effigies (daughters)
Effigy Archers (daughters)
Effigy Pollinators (daughters)
Location Corrupted Garden
Level 4
Health 310
Resolve 152
Strengths The Alraune has 2 action points
Version Added 0.0.30
0.1.0 (post-dominate by SomeKindofWizard)
0.2.33 (Hornet Holiday)
0.3.14 (Arona Herald Threesome)
 OverhaulV2 in progress--Spotty McBumble Fuck (talk) 16:55, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

"I don't know. I have no queen to follow any more, and you have proven my dream to be just that. What should I do? I cannot leave this place. My mind and body were sculpted to indulge in pleasures of the flesh, and to fill the world with more daughters with each passing day."

Sequestered deep in the heart of the corrupted garden lies the Alraune, mother to the effigies plaguing the Old Forest. She was saved by Kasyrra after the blizzard and such, her body and mind was sculpted by the gift of Kasyrra's seed to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. Her corrupting influence on the Old Forest was the originator of many things such as but not limited to: Evelyn getting her cock, the appearance of Lycanthorn, TODO.

"An alraune, if I'm not wrong, and clearly the originator of many such lesser creatures that now roam the forest. Not the kind of alraune I'm used to, of course. Much more perverse and direct, judging from what time the girls and I have spent spying on her and the people unfortunate enough to fall into her clutches.


The titanic flower in the glade's heart rustles, accompanied by a series of gasps and moans from inside its lush red petals. Slowly, sensuously, the bulb unfurls itself, releasing a cloud of yellow-hued pollen and the sickeningly-sweet scent of sexualized nectar. A naked body slumps out of the flower, a lupine man covered in sticky golden juices from head to toe and to his raisin-dry balls and leaking red cock. He gasps for breath, scrabbling away from the other figure still standing in the heart of the flower.

Or rather... growing from it.

The woman has no legs, but sprouts from the thighs up straight out of the irriguous flower's heart. The lupine's seed leaks freely from a fragrant flowery pussy, smeared across her impossibly broad hips and thick thighs. Her verdant green skin is wrapped in writhing pink vines as fine as her lustrous emerald hair and a long tongue plays across full, pouty lips as she drinks your group in. Crimson eyes linger on you, giving the poor man she'd been coupling with time to scarper.


First Encounter

The Champion may first hear about the Alraune from the Effigies, the Forest Kitsune, or from a group of men in Hawkethorne (written by Wsan), regardless, the first time they will encounter her is when they defeat the Effigy Herald and other Effigies. Defeating the Herald will cause her to cry for her mother, who unfurls from the titanic flower the Herald was playing a top of before the encounter. Her daughters will hide behind their mother and shout a litany of accusations at the Champion, which causes the Alraune to proclaim to the Champion that Kasyrra gave her powers for a reason, and if they dare to threaten her, then she's more than happy to stuff them full of her seed as vines erupt from the ground as a fight begins.

Being defeated by the Alraune will result in the Soul Harvesting bad end.

Written by SomeKindofWizard

Defeating the Alraune will have her yield, in disbelief that despite the power and pleasure promised to her by Kasyrra, she cannot defeat the Champion. Realizing her situation, she sighs and realizes that her queen had abandoned her, feeling north and left her to be destroyed. She begs for mercy, stating that she will become their willing slave if they desire, but they must not hurt her daughters any further. With that, the following options will become available:

  • Question Her - This woman has been plaguing Hawkethorne ever since Kasyrra came through that portal. You need answers if you're going to find the demon!
    • Kasyrra - What is the Alraune's relationship with Kasyrra, and more importantly, where is the demoness now?
    • Her Origin - You haven't seen anything quite like this planty temptress before. Even her daughters are unlike her. Where did she come from?
    • Her Goals - If you let the Alraune live, what will she get up to?
  • Dominate - You'll let the Alraune live, but she can't be left to her own devices out here... she clearly needs someone like you to take control of her where Kasyrra left off. And her body's begging for your touch besides...
    • Use Tentacles - You're pretty sure if you're careful you can avoided being seeded, and those tentacles are luridly beckoning you into their well-trained touch.
    • Breed Her - You've got a cock, she's got a cunt. Even an idiot can figure this one out. (requires a cock)
  • Kill - This creature has been a thorn in your side — and the whole region's — since Kasyrra got her fingers in it. Kill the Alraune and open up the roads once more!

Note that regardless of what the Champion does to Alraune afterwards will not change the Effigies combat encounter in the Old Forest.



When asked how she knows Kasyrra, the Alraune will raise an eyebrow and ask what did she promise them, and they reply that she promised to steal their soul. With the two having something in common with Kasyrra, the Alraune explains that Kasyrra came to her after the blizzard, where she was dying, cold, and alone as her young body was unprepared for its first winter to be so brutal. Kasyrra offered her warmth and passion, filled her with her seed, and when she woke her body had grown big and beautiful. Kasyrra also made her a promise as she gave the Alraune her first seedling; that the Alraune would make more with the people of the forest, that the more seeds she would plant in her garden; the more her lustful perfection would grow and stretch beyond, and Kasyrra was to be her queen, however, the Alraune never saw her after their first night. When asked if she knows where Kasyrra is, the Alraune admits that she doesn't know, although Kasyrra took wing to the north, towards the Winter City.

Her Origin

Asking about where she came from, will have the Alraune raise a hand to cover a laugh as she points down to her stalks and states that she came from the garden, and that she's rather stationary. The Champion ponders, guessing that no one in the town noticed she was there, to which she shrugs and comments that she knew nothing about the town until Kasyrra came to her as her glade was the only world she had ever dreamed of. She might have been planted by a capricious fey, or her seed travelled in the talons of a beast, she doesn't know, although the glade is where she was sprouted and where she will die; by the Champion's hands or by the ravages of time. When asked if there are more like her, she responds that surely there may be as nothing wholly formed springs from the aether, that surely she has a mother as she is a mother to her effigies. Although where ever her mother is or what form she has, she doesn't know, but she does know that within this part of the world, she is unique.

Her Goals

In regards to the Alraune's goals, the Champion will ask what she was trying to accomplish. She responds that she was remaking the forest, sending her daughters to spread their glade throughout the land, that was the mission that Kasyrra had given her in exchange for the bounty of her cock. She sees now that the power that was promised to her was a fleeting thing, washed away in an instant by a nameless wayfarer. She questions if she was just a tool for Kasyrra, regardless, her dream of an endless garden of pleasure is gone. They will asks what will she do if they let her stay, to which it takes her a while to reply, pondering until she responds that she doesn't know, that she no longer has a queen to follow and the Champion has proven that her dream was just a dream. She cannot leave her glade, and her body and mind were sculpted to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh and to fill the world with more of her daughters with each passing day. She sighs wistfully, stating that perhaps she could be of use to the Champion, that her body craves to swear fealty to on as strong as them, to allow her to become a worshipper at the temple of their flesh. Should Cait be present, she will tell the Champion to not be tricked by the Alraune's tits, and that they already have all the worshippers they need.




Killing the Alraune will have the Champion dispatch her in an instant with their weapon, which causes the surrounding effigies to scream and run for the hills. Although the main road has been cleared, the glade is still a haven of Kasyrra's corruption.

Subsequent Encounters

Written by SomeKindofWizard

Having spared the Alraune, they will find her at her garden in the Ruined Wayfort, and when approached, the following options will become available:

  • Talk - Share some words with the Alraune.
    • Garden - Ask how the Garden's doing.
    • Daughters - Are her daughters still getting up to their usual antics?
    • Fortress - Ask her to tell you about the fortress.
    • Kasyrra - Ask about her experience with Kasyrra, and if she's seen her again.
    • Centaur - Ask about your centaur. Is she taking care of him properly? (requires the Behemoth to be at the wayfort)
  • Sex - Get some planty action.
    • Breed Her - Fuck the Alraune's pussy until every seed in her womb is nice and fertilized. (requires a cock, results in an increase of Cum Multiplier by .25 until 5, and Aphrodisiac Covered)
      • Fuck Me! - More in the backdoor!
      • Clench! - Silly Mode: You can't catch me, gay thoughts!|else: Resist her anal compulsions.
    • Get Tentacle'd - Allow the Alraune to use all those writhing tentacles on you... (results in Aphrodisiac Covered and Champion knockup chance)
    • Worship - Have the Alraune use her mouth and breasts on your dick. (requires a cock greater than 6")
      • Fuck Me! - More in the backdoor!
      • Clench! - Silly Mode: You can't catch me, gay thoughts!|else: Resist her anal compulsions.
    • Anal - Silly Mode: Put the ass in YASS... wait, why does a plant even have a butthole anyway?|else: Pound this plant-babe's ass. (requires a cock and results in Aphrodisiac Covered)
    • Arona Fertilize - Have your buxom orc take charge and seed the planty milf. (written by BubbleLord) (requires Arona, her fucking both the Alraune and the Herald, and results in her getting Aphrodisiac Covered)
  • Get Seed - Silly Mode: Not *that* kind of seed... for once.|else: See if the Alraune has an effigy seed you could take with you. (requires inventory space for an Effigy Seed)
    • Breed Her - Fuck the Alraune's pussy until every seed in her womb is nice and fertilized. (requires a cock) [option present if no seed is available]











Written by Wsan


Get Seed


Combat Stats


  • ^Plant Taxonomy
  • Disarm Immune
Attack Power: 21 Spellpower: 39
Sexiness: 47 Temptation: 17
Armor: 47 Physical Resist: 13
Warding: 17 Magic Resist: 7
Focus: 1 Mental Resist: 6
Evasion: 2 Blight Resist: 33
^Fire Resist: -100 ^Frost Resist: -50
Holy Resist: -50 Storm Resist: 33
^Drug Resist: 33 ^Pheromone Resist: 33

  • All Cocks
  • All Breasts
  • Big Asses
  • Vaginas






  • Through dominating the Alraune:
    • Use Tentacles - You're pretty sure if you're careful you can avoided being seeded, and those tentacles are luridly beckoning you into their well-trained touch.
    • Breed Her - You've got a cock, she's got a cunt. Even an idiot can figure this one out. (requires a cock)
  • Post-dominate sex scenes:
    • Breed Her - Fuck the Alraune's pussy until every seed in her womb is nice and fertilized. (requires a cock, results in an increase of Cum Multiplier by .25 until 5, and Aphrodisiac Covered)
      • Fuck Me! - More in the backdoor!
      • Clench! - Silly Mode: You can't catch me, gay thoughts!|else: Resist her anal compulsions.
    • Get Tentacle'd - Allow the Alraune to use all those writhing tentacles on you... (results in Aphrodisiac Covered and Champion knockup chance)
    • Worship - Have the Alraune use her mouth and breasts on your dick. (requires a cock greater than 6")
      • Fuck Me! - More in the backdoor!
      • Clench! - Silly Mode: You can't catch me, gay thoughts!|else: Resist her anal compulsions.
    • Anal - Silly Mode: Put the ass in YASS... wait, why does a plant even have a butthole anyway?|else: Pound this plant-babe's ass. (requires a cock and results in Aphrodisiac Covered)
    • Arona Fertilize - Have your buxom orc take charge and seed the planty milf. (written by BubbleLord) (requires Arona, and results in her fucking both the Alraune and the Herald and her getting Aphrodisiac Covered)
  • Seasonal Scenes:
    • Visiting Azyrran at the Hornet Hive (Azyrran must not be recruited, Land of Milky Honey at state 4 or greater, is currently Festivus or Holiday Events is on, and only occurs once per year)
      • Tentacle Fuck - Get bound up in tentacles with Azyrran.
      • Sandwich Azzy - Press Azzy up against the Alraune and fuck her while she drinks. (requires a cock)

Bad End

Soul Harvesting

Written by Wsan


Quest Related

In Her Footsteps

The Alraune is the source of the corruption spreading to the Old Forest and bars the path to Frostwood where Kasyrra was seen travelling to.