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Defined as "the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal", the following Appearance elements fall under this category; Face, Eyes, Lips, Mouth, Tongue, and Beard. While the nose is indeed part of the face, there is no specific usage/variation/change to it. Listed in this page are the various different elements of the Face that can be obtained or modified through transformative items, scenes, or etc. Note that any changes to a character's appearance has no combat-altering effect. Additionally, note that the description generated under Appearance is separate/different from the bodily descriptions present in this page.

Elements covered here
  • Face Type
  • Face Tags
  • Face Descriptors
  • Eye Type
  • Eye Tags
  • Eye Color
  • Eyeshadow & Colors
  • Eye Descriptors
  • Lip Rating / Lip Mod
  • Lip Color
  • Lipstick & Colors
  • Lip Descriptors
  • Descriptors
  • Tongue Type
  • Tongue Tags
  • Tongue Descriptors
  • Beard Style
  • Beard Length
  • Beard Descriptors


A Face Tag can be considered as an extension or addition of a face, but does not affect the overall structure of it. In most cases, face tags are obtained alongside a new face type, which typically overwrites pre-existing tags. A character can have no face tags, but may also obtain multiple tags.

If one wishes to remove all tags, it is typically suggested to use a Soft Mud-infused Root of Man to specifically target the face only, although this process will also replace the previously existing Face Type.
Note: While the growth of an antennae can appear under the Head section, it classifies as a Face Tag. The specific removal section lists items that specifically remove that face tag without affecting any other tag. Being called specific, removes the inclusion of the "Raw" tag as the removal of the face tag might not occur through said method.

Tag Partial Transformation Excerpt Acquisition Specific Removal Note
Antennae You now have branched antennae, like a moth!

Looking up reveals the cause; you've got some pretty hornet antennae!
Acquisition and removal of antennae will not remove any pre-existing face tags

The Antennae face tag is connected to Mothfolk and Vesparans
Chitinous You now have a chitin-armored, humanoid face! No specific removals Acquisition comes with the Face Type: Arachnid

The Chitinous face tag is connected to Spiderfolk
Fluffy Not quite feathers nor fur, you now have a bug-styled fuzzy mane! No specific removals Acquisition of the fluffy face tag will not remove any pre-existing face tags

This is also a direct extension of the Face Tag Maned

The Fluffy face tag is connected to Mothfolk
Maned You now have a furry mane! No specific removals
The acquisitions listed here will not remove any pre-existing face tags (except for the case of the Leothran related transformations)

The Maned face tag is connected to:
Muzzled In no time at all you have the powerful, bull-like face of a minotaur.

You now have a sheep's face!

When the changes subside, you pat down your face and discover you now have a muzzled hyena face!
No specific removals
Acquisition always comes with a new Face Type and sometimes with Face Tag: Scaled/Furred and other effects

The Muzzled face tag is connected to:
Refined It gets softer and tighter until you're left with an angular, humanoid face and nose. No specific removals Acquisition always comes with the Face Type: Human

The Refined face tag is connected to Boreal Elves/Wyld Elves
Scaled You have a shark muzzle!

Finding the nearest reflective surface, you’re soon admiring your new narrow, reptilian muzzle, just like that of any lizardfolk!

You now have the terrifying predatory muzzle of a saurian.
No specific removals Acquisition always comes with a Face Type: Lizard/Repmorph/Shark, and the Face Tag: Muzzled

The Scaled face tag is connected to Pexighasts, Saurian, and Siorcanna
Tusked By the time the transformation has finished, you're left with new, impressive orcish tusks. No specific removals Acquisition of the tusked tag will not remove any pre-existing face tags

The Tusked face tag is connected to Orcs
Wooly You now have a wooly neck-wrap! No specific removals Acquisition of the wooly face tag will not remove any pre-existing face tags

This is also a direct extension of the Face Tag Maned

The Wooly face tag is connected to Sheepfolk


An Eye Type is always keyed towards a certain race, and determines the general structure or shape of an eye. A character can only have one Eye Type, and the process of obtaining another results in the previous being replaced. It should be noted that races can share the same eye type (ex. Human eye type is shared by Humans, Wyld Elves, Taeleer, and etc.).

Type Race Partial Transformation Excerpt Acquisition Note
Arachnid Spiderfolk You now have four eyes, like a drider! Clears all Eye Tags

Additionally, comes with a new Black Eye Color.
Bat Batfolk You now have the eyes of a bat, made for the dark! Clears all Eye Tags
Demonic Demonmorphs You’ve now got a pair of demonic eyes, with obsidian sclera and bright slitted yellow irises.
Clears all Eye Tags

Additionally, comes with:
  • Gold Eye Color
  • Raise Corruption by (2-3)(until 80) (item only)
Draconic Dragons You now have golden draconic eyes!

Additionally, comes with:

  • Golden Eye Color
Feline Catfolk
Wyld Elves(Wyld Mark)
Their pupils seem to shift, and after a moment you see why; you now have slitted eyes like a cat! Clears all Eye Tags
Goat Satyrs Your eyes now resemble those of a goat! Clears all Eye Tags
Hornet Vesparans ...you can see that your eyes have transformed, becoming pure black orbs. Clears all Eye Tags

Additionally, comes with a new Black Eye Color.
Human All other
unmentioned races
You now have normal, human-like eyes! Clears all Eye Tags
Lizard Pexighasts ...their appearance has instead changed to (color) reptilian eyes, complete with large irises and narrow, slit pupils! Clears all Eye Tags
Lupine Lupines -
  • Character creation:
    • Lupine
Plant Plantfolk You now have Luminescent Plant eyes!
Clears all Eye Tags

Additionally, comes with a new Eye Color of one of the following:
  • Luminescent Green
  • Luminescent Purple
Repmorph Saurian Your eyes have become brighter, the line between pupil and iris fading... Clears all Eye Tags
Salamander Salamanders You now have (color) salamander eyes!
Clears all Eye Tags

Additionally, comes with a new Eye Color:
  • Black and Gold (Cinderleaf/Frostleaf)
  • Red (Ashen Leaf)
  • Gold (Ashen Leaf)
Vulpine Kitsune
When you next dare open your eyes, you notice that they're now slitted like that of a fox's.
Clears all Eye Tags

  • Always accompanied by the (except Kitsune soulbind):
    • Face Tag: Muzzled, and Furred
    • Face Type: Vulpine


When calling upon an appropriate adjective to describe a character's lips, this factor is determined by Lip Rating. Lip Rating is the summation of Lip Mod and (Femininity / 25). Lip Mod holds any numerical modifiers a character's lips may have. The Champion starts off with an initial 0 Lip Mod, however, there are certain scenes and transformations that can increase or decrease their Lip Mod.

Source Source Type Repeatable? Conditions Result
Bovum Sherry Item Yes
  • If Lip Mod is < 3
  • Raise Lip Mod by (1)(until 3)
Leothran Herb Item Yes
  • If is Female
  • If Lip Mod is < 3
Lady Evergreen - Blow Her Sex Yes
  • Was not transformed already in this current scene
  • Has blown Lady Evergreen < 10 times,
    • but also not the: 4th or 9th time
  • If Lip Mod is < 4
She will offer to improve the Champion's lips,
and if accepted will result in:
  • Raise Lip Mod by (1)(until 4)
  • Raise Femininity by (5)(until 50)
  • If has blown Lady Evergeen at least 10 times
  • If Lip Mod is < 4
This transformation is a forced one, and no choice will be given
Kasyrra - Trade Oral - Transform Me(Winter City) Sex No
  • Is Romantic with Kasyrra
She will offer the Champion an option,
and if accepted will result in:
  • Raise Lip Mod by (1-3)(until 30)
  • Both orgasm
  • Both Orally Filled(based on each other's cum quantity)
  • Raise Corruption by (10)(until 100)
Kasyrra - Trade Oral - Bigger Lips(Dream Palace) Sex Yes
  • If Lip Mod is < 30
She will offer the Champion an option,
and if accepted will result in:
  • Raise Lip Mod by (1-3)(until 30)
  • Both orgasm
  • Champion Orally Filled(based on Kasyrra's cum quantity)
  • If has cock:
  • Raise Corruption by (1)(until 100)


Unlike most of the subsections here, the mouth is not directly modified or changed, but instead is influenced by a few factors. While only used under the Appearance section, Mouth Description will call upon a set of nouns and adjectives to describe a character's mouth. While unused, the exclusion of non-chaste adjectives is possible. When a mouth description is called, it will give a noun from a random assortment of possible nouns, the adjective is optional and only has a 50% chance of appearing, unless adjectives are specifically forced to appear.

Mouth Noun
Condition Nouns
  • 75% chance
  • 25% chance
Mouth Adjectives
Adjective Condition
  • Bestial
  • Muzzle-
  • Has Face Tag Muzzled
  • Tusked
  • Has Face Tag Tusked
Unchaste Adjectives
  • Alluring
  • Lusty
  • Sexy
  • One of the following must be met:


A Tongue Type is always keyed towards a certain race, and determines the general structure of a tongue. A character can only have one Tongue Type, and the process of obtaining another results in the previous being replaced. It should be noted that races can share the same tongue type (ex. Human tongue type is shared by Humans, Wyld Elves, Taeleer, and etc.). Obtaining a new tongue type usually replaces/removes any and all pre-existing Tongue Tags.

Type Race Partial Transformation Excerpt Acquisition Note
Bat Batfolk It appears you’ve gained the unique tongue of the batfolk!
  • Always accompanied by the:
    • Tongue Tag: Long, and Prehensile
Canine Gnolls You stick out your tongue, discovering it has changed to a fairly long canine tongue! Clears all Tongue Tags
Catmorph Catmorphs Once control over your tongue finally returns, you can say for sure that you've gained a feline-like tongue, nubs and all! Clears all Tongue Tags
Demonic Demonmorphs You’ve now got a long demonic tongue, quite human in appearance, aside from its length and tapered tip.
  • Always accompanied by the:
    • Tongue Tag: Long, and Prehensile
    • Raise Corruption by (1-4)(until 100)
Human All other
unmentioned races
You have a human tongue! Clears all Tongue Tags
Lupine Lupines You now have a lupine tongue! Clears all Tongue Tags
Repmorph Saurian You now have the tongue of a saurian.
  • Always accompanied by the:
    • Tongue Tag: Long, and Prehensile
Snake Wyld Elves(Wyld Mark) You now have a forked snake tongue!
  • Always accompanied by the:
    • Tongue Tag: Long, and Prehensile


The style of a beard determines its shape and look, and can be changed by stylists Aurera & Claire at the Desire Stylists and Tattoos in Hawkethorne, and Aunora & Ikora at the Ponytails in the Marefolk Village. Initially, the Champion begins with a blank/empty beard style, and upon growing from 0" to 1" in beard length, will automatically gain the Stubble beard style. While rarely used outside of appearance/descriptors and the services of the stylists, some scenes may check if the Champion has a beard or not.

Style Conditions Description Note
blank/empty Beard length 0 - Obtained if shaved by the stylists
Stubble Beard length 1 - -
Unkempt Beard length 2+ - This applies while a beard is not styled by the stylists.
Short 100 EC (Stylists) Closely-cropped, the classic hero look. Reduce Beard Length to (2)
Braided 100 EC (Stylists) Lay in some artistic northern braids -
Long 100 EC (Stylists) Neat and straight, still nice and long. -
Bushman 100 EC (Stylists) Really enjoy a deep scruffy beard. -