Miscellaneous Items

From Corruption of Champions II
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Items under this category are those that can be collected or purchased but cannot be equipped like Weapons or Attire, or consumed to provide a status or a transformative effect like Consumables or Transformative Items. In most cases these items are materials to complete a quest or upgrade something, to be sold for a good amount of Electrum Coins or provide a cosmetic effect on the Champion, although some special cases apply.

While Camping Supplies are listed as miscellaneous items, they have their own page as they are technically consumables.


These items provided a cosmetic, non-body altering transformative effect on the Champion.

Name Description Acquisition Usage Stack
Black Lenses Deep black eye color changing lenses. Changes the user's eye color to the color of the lenses

Note: These effects are permanent and will require a different set of lenses or a transformative effect to change the user's eye color again
1 50
Blue Lenses Bright blue eye color changing lenses.
Brown Lenses Warm brown eye color changing lenses.
Green Lenses Heartfelt green eye color changing lenses.
Orange Lenses Fancy orange eye color changing lenses.
Purple Lenses Mysterious and arcane purple eye color changing lenses.
Red Lenses Sultry burning red eye color changing lenses.
Red Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Red. Changes the user's hair color or fur color to the color of the scrub

Note: These effects are permanent and will require a different scrub or a transformative effect to change the user's hair or fur color again
Brown Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Brown.
Black Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Black.
Blonde Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Blonde.
White Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color White.
Purple Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Purple.
Blue Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Blue.
Silver Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Silver.
Gold Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Gold.
Pink Scrub A scrub to make fur and hair color Pink.
Growth Stopper Scrub
Applied to the face or head, will prevent the growth of hair. Will stop the growth of the user's hair or beard
Hair Growth Potion
A potion to increase your hair length a few inches. Also resumes passive hair-growth!
  • Resumes the growth of a user's hair if it was stopped
  • Raise hair length by (3)(until 99)
Beard Growth Potion
A potion to grow out your facial fuzz a few inches. Also resumes passive beard-growth!
  • Resumes the growth of a user's beard if it was stopped
  • Raise beard length by (2)(until 99)
Get Good Facial-Scrub
Clean and feminize that face of yours.


These items are typically meant to be sold to merchants.

Name Description Acquisition Usage Stack
Small Silver Sphere
This little silver sphere was gifted to you in a most direct fashion by the goddess of the forest fountain — if indeed she is what she says. What you can be sure of is that this would sell for a fine price if you're willing to part with it. - 1 80
Silver Sphere
This small silver sphere was gifted to you in a most direct fashion by the goddess of the forest fountain — if indeed she is what she says. What you can be sure of is that this would sell for a fine price if you're willing to part with it.
  • Given by the Fountain Goddess through Take a dipClean Up
    • Champions with a vagina will get this item by default
    • Champions with a cock and a Cum Quantity of 50 to 9,999 will get this item
- 1 200
Large Silver Sphere
This decently weighty silver sphere was gifted to you in a most direct fashion by the goddess of the forest fountain — if indeed she is what she says. What you can be sure of is that this would sell for a fine price if you're willing to part with it. - 1 500
Ashenstone A gray stone with just a trace of glowing red around the middle. It feels cold to the touch and looks rather mundane, but some blacksmiths still use the small red part for cheap jewelry. You can probably sell it for some coin. 9 150
Emberstone A blazingstone that has already lost part of its shine and heat. Merchants used to say that the soul trapped inside is already starting to die. Nowadays everyone knows that unless treated with the right technique, fresh air cools down the blazingstone and steals its color. This one can still be sold and treated, but will not regain the shine it has already lost. 300
Blazingstone A glowing red gemstone that feels searing to the touch. Merchants used to say that the stone has the soul of a fire elemental trapped inside and that you can feel its weak heartbeat when you hold it in your hand. Nowadays everyone knows that the only thing that you can feel when you hold a blazingstone for too long is your own hand burning. Still, it's a beautiful jewel commonly used in necklaces and rings, and will get you some money if you sell it. 500
Weapons Crate
A crate full of boreal elven weapons, crafted in the distant realm of Dracia. These are exceptional blades, bows, and staves — and enough to arm a whole platoon of fighters. Good thing you kept them from the clutches of the enemy. Obtained during the events of The Siege of Khor'minos when investigating the smugglers and after defeating the Imp Horde and the Blood Knight Can be given to either Daliza or Garth to arm the Wayfort or Hawkethorne

Note: Currently as of version 0.7.1, giving the weapons has no significant in-game impact but it is assumed that it will in later patches, its currently only use is when the crate was given to Daliza before the start of The Demon of Ice changes some of the initial scene's dialogue slightly.
1 10000
Gold Coin A coin made of solid gold that you happened to come across in Matiha’s Fortress in the Ways Between. A massive letter B is stamped into one of the faces of the coin. Being made of gold, it’s sure to fetch a half-decent price! Obtained by stumbling upon the golden statue room in Matiha's Tower during the events of Matiha's Revenge

Note: The chance for the Champion to stumble upon this room is 1 in 10,000
- 1 225
Golden Lamp
An oil lamp made of what appears to be gold. Sitting atop its fanciful lid is a flawless ruby, amplifying any light that passes through it, and connecting the lid to the lamp is a small chain fastened to the handle. What was once a mystical item of immense power and opportunity is now nothing but an ordinary lamp – although, with its make, it’s probably worth a fair amount. Or you could keep it as a night light. The Genie Lamp turns into the Golden Lamp once all of the wishes granted by Oma have been used up, and her Freedom was wished for. - 1 10000
Royal Jewels The personal jewelry of Khor'minos's eldest princess: glittering gold, priceless trinkets, exotic baubles. Worth a small fortune to any merchant unscrupulous or unsuspecting enough to take them. Taken from Princess Varena's private chambers (the furthest door) during the events of A Feast For Heroes. - 1 5000


These items are normally only acquired once or hold significant meaning to something or someone.

Name Description Acquisition Usage Stack
Frozen Kobold
F. Kobold
A kobold you had literally stumbled upon in the frozen wastes of the Glacial Rift. It's still breathing, but only barely, and it needs a consistent, gentle source of heat in order to wake it from its near-death hibernation. Maybe you should stop to rest somewhere.... Randomly encountered while exploring Zone 1 of the Glacial Rift Sleeping at The Frost Hound or at camp with this item in the Champion's inventory will result in their first encounter with Lyric 1 0
Genie Lamp An oil lamp made of what appears to be solid gold, polished and shined to perfection, with a sparkling ruby placed atop its lid. Light the wick and give the lamp a rub, and you’ll summon Oma, the genie residing within. Obtained after using the Oil Lamp

Note: This item is both Undroppable and Unsellable.
Can be used at Camp to summon Oma. 1 10
Oil Lamp An old, dirty, beaten-up oil lamp that’s been so neglected over the years that you can’t tell what metal it’s made of. Aside from the jewel adorning its lid, it’s worthless in its current state. Naptha is a common oily jelly that could be used to light it while at camp, if you can find some... Either:
  • Purchased from Nash for 1000 EC after Browse(ing)
  • Found when Browse(ing) the Kobold Queen's treasure, having asked about her Treasure before

Note: Discovering the Oil Lamp from one, disables the chance to find it from the other.

Can be Used while having (1x) Naptha and at Camp, leads to Oma and the Genie Lamp 1 10
Useless Book A leatherbound book with pristine parchment and unblemished leather, tied together with beautiful black string as the spine. More pages appear within the leather as necessary. But the only thing that can be written in its pages is the word ‘anything,’ and only you can write it, making it absolutely useless and worthless.
Given by Oma after asking for More Wishes with the following conditions:
Can be used at anytime, checking the contents of the book.

Note: There are 7 random variants.
1 0
Warm Plume
A set of ragged clothing scraps from an older woman that you met on the street in the Wayfort, as well as a hot-to-the-touch downy feather. The woman drew a map on the palm of your hand, guiding you to the northeast of the Wayfort, with the instruction to bring her remains there. What remains of the Old Woman who appears in the Wayfort after The Winter City has been cleared, and asks that her remains be brought to a specific location If sacrificed at the correct location, will result in the rebirth of Agnimitra 1 0

True Miscellaneous

Items under this category have no tag or consistency among other non-tagged items to provide a category for them.

Name Description Acquisition Usage Stack
Broken Metal Parts
A collection of broken weapons and armor, bundled into a small bag. Sells for only a little but may be of use for those who are looking to melt it down and make something better. 20 25
Competitor Ticket
Comp. Ticket
A ticket for the Khor'minos colosseum that grants you entry to any event as a competitor.
  • Used to enter the gladiator event (ENTER EVENT) between 8:00 to 10:59
9 500
Mysterious Note
A plain paper envelope with your name written on it. Flipping over the envelope, you notice a simple wax seal protecting its content. Passed by Garth to the Champion at least 7 days after successfully rescuing Koko from the Gray-Furred Slaver during the Twin Rings event Can be used to read the message written.

Note: The item will be consumed upon use
1 0
Pristine Wood
A valuable asset, this pristine wood is some of the best around; whether you're looking to build or simply start a fire, wood like this has a use. Of course, you can't sell it for much since only a craftsman can put a proper use to it... 20 25
Sturdy Stone A commonplace ingredient in building, this stone is a sturdy one. Capable of being grinded down and shaped, enough of these may be able to build a castle or simply make a fine base for a trophy. Either way, it's not going to be of much use in its current state. 20 25