Harboring a Fugitive

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Harboring a Fugitive
Creators Gardeford
Contributors SKoW
Other Name CentaurQuest
Quest Details
Quest Type Side Quest
Requirements Has encountered at least 3 Centaur Packs
Quest Giver(s) Ahmri
Level Range 1+
Location(s) Harvest Valley
Marefolk Village
Centaur Village
Conditions and Outcomes
Can Fail? No
Has Combat? Yes
Is Timed? No
Multiple Outcomes? Yes
Completion Result Access to the Centaur Village
Unlocks the western drawbridge
Other Information
Version Added 0.1.17until Marefolk Village
Cait-Gat0w-ChibiCard-Note.png Note:

This page is currently being updated and may contain outdated or missing information.

-teawolf (talk) 20:52, 3 December 2024 (UTC)

I won't leave the valley. If you heard my name, then you probably also heard that I'm the chief's daughter. Chief Taldahs's only daughter, to be precise. I'm not going to run away until I find a way to fix my tribe.

Ahmri, First Encounter

After exploring in Harvest Valley and repeatedly encountering the marauding Centaur Packs, the Champion meets Ahmri, the daughter of the chieftain of the Valley's Centaur tribe, on the run from a pair of centaurs. She has an ask for the Champion: help hide her from her corrupted tribe members, and then help her save her village from Kasyrra's corruption.

Harboring a Fugitive is a side quest, but its completion gates many of the other side quests in the game, particularly in Harvest Valley and in the Glacial Rift. It has two end states: the Champion can purify the Centaur Village, restoring Chieftain Taldahs and many of the tribes' members, or they can take mastery of the corrupted village.


The quest is obtained when the Champion encounters Ahmri, running from the centaur marauders for the first time. This scene can be encountered in all regions of the Harvest Valley.

Quest States

Journal Quest States
State Acquisition Description
0 Investigate the noise but lose to the Centaur Marauder pair. You were unable to fend off the corrupt marauders harrying a centaur mare named Ahmri. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try again at full strength, as she might be able to tell you something about what's going on with the centaurs.
1 Rescue Ahmri, but build camp elsewhere. You've rescued Ahmri, daughter of the centaur village's chief! She said she had somewhere to hide, but would rendezvous with you when you set up a camp in the valley.
2 Rescue Ahmri and move her into the Champion's camp. Ahmri is staying in your camp in the Harvest Valley. She'll be able to make her way to new camps you set up, but it would be good to find out more about her situation.
3 Learn more about the Centaur Village from Ahmri. You've talked with Ahmri about her village. If only you can find somewhere safer for her to stay while you make plans for the centaur village.
4 Ask Atani to harbor the centaur princess. Chieftain Atani of the marefolk village has agreed to harbor Ahmri while you make plans to infiltrate her village. Only a matter of time now.
5 Return to Atani and begin rescue. You've begun a covert assault on the centaur village. Make your way through the village to reach Taldahs and talk some sense into him.

Free Taldahs from Kasyrra's influence.

You've successfully rescued the centaurs from the corruption's influence. Some still follow the cult and continue to serve their demonic masters, but their unrest in the valley has been eliminated. The centaurs have a ways to go before things get completely back to normal, but you'll be there to help them along the way.

Quick Summary

  • 1. Encounter and rescue Ahmri, an encounter which can happen anywhere in Harvest Valley.
  • 2. Build a camp on the same spot where they encountered Ahmri, or build one elsewhere.
  • 3. In camp, choose CentaurVillage from Ahmri's Talk menu.
  • 4. Travel to the Marefolk Village and find Atani in her tent on the southern road.
  • 5. Accept Atani's request to save her mother by choosing Of Course or returning to her tent and choosing Yes.
  • 6. Choose Centaurs from Atani's Talk menu, and then choose Help Princess.
  • 7a. Choose CentaurRescue from Atani's menu, and then choose Rescue Time, entering the Centaur Village dungeon.
  • 7b. Optional: to purify Taldahs through conversation only, talk to Ahmri about Stories and Childhood.
  • 8. Defeat Tollus and Eubicha in combat.
  • 9. Choose Wait No when faced with Genova, defeat her in combat, and do not fuck her.
  • 10. Defeat the Behemoth in combat.
  • 11a. Defeat Taldahs by freeing him and the tribe from Kasyrra's corruption through conversation battle, or;
  • 11b. Skip or interrupt the conversation battle and kill Taldahs in combat, and take control of the corrupted village.

Characters Involved

Ahmri Atani Behemoth Centaur Marauder Eubicha
Ahmri Atani Behemoth Centaur Marauder Eubicha
Genova Naiyana Taldahs Tollus
Genova Naiyana Taldahs Tollus

Companion Interactions

Agnimitra Arona Atugia Azyrran Brint/Brienne
Agnimitra-WikiHeadshot.png Arona-WikiHeadshot.png Atugia-WikiHeadshot.png Azyrran-WikiHeadshot.png BoB-WikiHeadshot.png
No unique interactions
  • Moderate scene & dialogue variation
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation

  • Moderate scene & dialogue variation

Cait Etheryn Kiyoko Quintillus Viviane
Cait-WikiHeadshot.png Etheryn-WikiHeadshot.png Kiyoko-WikiHeadshot.png Quintillus-WikiHeadshot.png Viviane-WikiHeadshot.png
  • Moderate scene & dialogue variation
  • Unlocks Behemoth scene
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation
  • Minor scene & dialogue variation

Combat Summary

Dungeon Combat
Required? Fight Name Enemies Victory Condition Victory Result Defeat Result Loot
Yes Centaur Marauders Defeat both Centaur Marauders Must repeat the encounter to begin the quest
  • 30 EC
  • 60 XP
Yes Lustrider Tollus TBA
  • Bondage Gear
  • Eubicha recruitable as a Follower post-quest
  • Follower Eubicha provides extra Storage post-quest
Undercarriage Slave
(bad end)
  • TBA
Yes The Unitaur Defeat the Unitaur
  • Genova sex options
Mind Controlled
(bad end)
  • 150 EC
  • 550 XP
Yes The Behemoth Defeat the Behemoth
  • TBA
Behemoth Cock Sleeve
(bad end)
  • 150 EC
  • 550 XP
(Conversation Battle or Combat)
Taldahs Defeat Taldahs
  • TBA
Eternity of Tentacles
(bad end)
  • 150 EC
  • 550 XP

Detailed Walkthrough

Throughout this walkthrough, Champion options that progress the quest are marked with a star (⭐).

Encountering Ahmri

While traveling in Harvest Valley, the sound of hooves just over a hill alerts the Champion of an approaching Centaur Pack, and gives them the following choices:

Option Tooltip
Investigate Check out the commotion. Better to get the jump on a violent centaur than be caught unaware.
Leave Better get out of here before the centaurs hear or see you.

The Champion and their party quietly creep up on a hill and spot three centaurs. Two male centaurs wielding large clubs attempt to convince a female centaur they call Ahmri to return home, however, Ahmri states that whatever the weird red woman did to her father is clearly affecting them as well. She promises that she'll find someone to fix them and she asks to be left alone. Realizing that the centaurs are toying with her, the Champion walks up to the centaurs, weapon readied.

The centaurs don't notice the Champion until they're practically standing between both parties. One of the marauders tries to convince the Champion to put their weapon away so they can take their princess home, however, his less-diplomatic partner adds that they'll get to fuck her every night along the way. With their plan revealed, the two prepare for a fight, and the Champion is in a fight against two weakened Centaur Marauders.

The less-diplomatic centaur starts seizing: his skin bulges from the inside, and he roars mindlessly as slippery tentacles sprout from his body. The un-transformed centaur swears and runs off, leaving the Champion with his monstrous companion, who advances on a fear-stricken Ahmri.

The Champion rushes in, grabbing a short blade from Ahmri and striking the monster's heart; however, the transformed centaur bats it away with one arm and moves to smash them with his club. This distraction allows Brint, Atugia, Cait, or the Champion (if none of the listed companions are in the party) to strike down the monster.

After the monster's death, Ahmri points her bow at the Champion, and asks how she can know they aren't another one of the "red bitch's pawns." When the Champion convinces her, she sinks to the ground in exhaustion, and states that she doesn't think she can run much further and, although she brought enough food to last her a while, she needs to rest. The Champion checks Ahmri's supplies and finds nothing but sweets, which they tell the tired centauress wouldn't last for a week before spoiling.

After helping Ahmri sort her food, she's left with dried fruit and a handful of jerky, which is maybe enough for two good meals. The Champion tells her they can find her shelter at Hawkethorne until they find some way to fix whatever is going on in the valley. The friendly gesture perks Ahmri up, but she refuses to leave: as the only daughter of Chief Taldahs, she will not run away until she can fix her tribe. Respecting this decision, the Champion teaches Ahmri how to forage for eggs and make a fire, and invites her to stay in any of the camps they set up in the valley.

The following options become available:

Option Tooltip
Build Camp You could build a camp right here! This spot seems safe enough.
Elsewhere You'd prefer to use a different camp in the valley.
Building a camp on the spot does not consume Camping Supplies, since the Champion uses the transformed centaur's gear, however, should they prefer a different spot in the valley, it will require Camping Supplies.

The Champion must Investigate the centaur pack, defeat them, and build a camp in Harvest Valley to progress past this stage of the quest.

Ahmri at Camp

Once the Champion has set up a new camp or visits one of their camps in Harvest Valley, a tired Ahmri collapses on a sleeping mat as her exhaustion finally catches up with her. In subsequent camp visits, Ahmri will be arranging her summer dresses while humming a soft tune.

Ahmri will be present at any camp the Champion sets up in Harvest Valley until they talk to Atani in the Marefolk Village.

To progress the quest, the Champion must talk to Ahmri in the camp. The first time the Champion speaks to Ahmri, she will thank them for being a hero, and, in a roundabout manner, offer sex in reward for her rescue. With that, the Champion has the following options:

Option Tooltip Result
Accept Accept the poor girl's offer, for the gods' sake.
  • If has Cock, Titjob proceeds
  • If does not, CuddleBate proceeds
Decline You don't need that kind of reward right now.
  • No sex

After the Champion responds to Ahmri's offer, they have the following options when visiting her in camp. (Note that declining Ahmri's initial offer does not lock the Champion out of sex with her.) To progress the quest, the Champion must choose Talk, which is marked with a star in the table below:

Option Tooltip
Appearance Get a better look at the fugitive centaur.
Talk Ask Ahmri some questions.

Find Ahmri for some restful cuddles.

Sex Maybe Ahmri would be up for some lewd fun.


When the Champion chooses to Talk to Ahmri, they have the options below. To progress the quest, they must choose CentaurVillage (marked with a star in the table below).

Option Tooltip
HarvestValley Ahmri's lived here her entire life, she's got to know some interesting things about the valley.
CentaurVillage Ask Ahmri about her home. She's got to know something that can help you try to take it back. Even if she doesn't, talking about what happened could help her feel better.
Books From what you've heard centaur tradition is mostly based in oral histories. How is it that Ahmri seems to know of foreign stories and commonly written tales?

In CentaurVillage Ahmri gives the Champion intel about the layout of the village. Tucked into a ravine, the village is arranged in a circle, with the common living spaces in the center. She and her father live on the north side. She tells the Champion there's a path through the mountains that the foragers use, but because it's narrow and the footing is uneven, the centaurs would never initiate combat there: they can use it to enter the village unnoticed. Importantly, she adds that Kasyrra did something to her father to turn him into a tentacled beast, but she's certain it's still him on the inside.

See Ahmri for further details on her other in-camp interactions.

Atani and the Marefolk Village

To progress the quest, the Champion must enlist the help of Chieftain Atani in the Marefolk Village, located on the southeastern edge of Harvest Valley. Atani can be found on the western-most tile of the southern road of the village.

If the Champion has not met Atani before, they'll discover a pheromone-laden, cuddle-able, and very sad mare in her tent, who will explain that her mother, the former Chieftain Asani Naiyana, was kidnapped by the corrupt centaurs. Atani has taken on the position of acting chieftain in her stead, but Naiyana was like a mother to the whole tribe, and everyone misses her terribly. She asks the Champion for their help in rescuing her. With that, the Champion has the following options:

Option Tooltip Result
Of Course As if you could leave this poor daughter to her fate.
  • Unlocks Atani's interactions
Refuse There are plenty of dangers in the world; you can’t handle this one too.
  • Kicks Champion out of Atani's tent
  • Increases Corruption by 1

Subsequent Encounters

Once Ahmri is safely in one of the Champion's camps in Harvest Valley, and the Champion has unlocked interactions with Atani by agreeing to help rescue her mother, Atani's tile in the Marefolk Village is marked with a !, and presents the following options:

Option Requirement Tooltip
Appearance - You can’t get tired of drinking her in.
Centaurs - So what’s the deal with these jerks?
Help Princess
  • Have Ahmri in camp
Speaking of princesses...
Her Mother - Ask about her mother.
Herself - How’s she holding up?
Private Time Maybe she’d be interested in some comfy company?

Atani explains that the two species have much in common, including powerful pheromones and large dicks, but that these commonalities--and common concerns--make her feel the corrupted tribe to be traitors.

Nevertheless, she can't hate them; she considers that they might be so corruptible due to the way they've developed in order to live alongside the marefolk. The corrupted centaurs, however, now have such powerful pheromones that only the strongest marefolk warriors can stand against them, and then, usually only because they want to be on top.

Atani ends by saying that she hasn't had a chance to spend time with them, other than briefly meeting the chieftain's daughter years ago.

Help Princess

The Champion asks Atani if she'd be willing to let Ahmri stay in the Marefolk Village while they develop a plan to defeat the corruption in the valley.

Atani is hesitant, but agrees, directing the Champion to bring Ahmri to her tent first, rather than leave her alone in a distrustful village.

The Champion returns to pick up Ahmri from their camp, who is excited to meet Atani, and returns. While the Champion and Ahmri find the Marefolk Village not hostile, the centaur princess gets many curious looks on their way to Atani's yurt. Once inside, Ahmri, nervous, stumbles through an introduction, apologizing for not getting to know Atani when they first met--because she was in the middle of a good book.

Her stumbling words completely convince Atani that she's incorrupt, and the two quickly bond over a love of reading and romance. They hug in order to stave off tears about their parents, and Atani tells Ahmri she can stay in the village as long as she needs, and help the Champion plan a way into the Centaur Village.

See Atani for details on Atani's other options.


Once Ahmri and Atani have been introduced, Atani's tile in the Marefolk Village remains marked with a !, and the following option is added to Atani's main menu:

Option Tooltip
CentaurRescue Discuss the village rescue.

When the Champion selects Centaur Rescue, they are presented with the following options, allowing them to choose to begin the Centaur Village dungeon, or return to regular gameplay:

Option Tooltip Result
More Prep You need more time to get ready.
  • Returns to Atani's menu
Rescue Time Get on with it.
  • Enters Centaur Village dungeon

Rescue Time

Once the Champion is ready, Ahmri, Atani, and her two guards set out a map and clay figures in order to formulate a plan to save Naiyana and address the corruption affecting the Centaur Village. Atani expresses concern about that the centaurs outnumber the marefolk, but Ahmri suggests that the marefolk don't have to fight the centaurs: they can simply distract them! She points out a network of trails the marefolk can use to pull the centaur warriors out of the village, so the Champion can get inside unnoticed. One of Atani's guards assures everyone the marefolk will succeed--they've been eluding the centaurs for centuries.

The Champion asks Atani's guards if they're up to protecting Atani and Ahmri while they go to the village, but Ahmri immediately rejects this idea. She's the only one who knows the paths through the cliffs that lead to the village--she has to come along. She reassures the Champion that she's been learning a little bit about magic from Kavi, and that she can make her symbol of Lumia glow really bright. The Champion realizes that not only is there no dissuading her, they do need her guidance. Once everyone is in agreement, the Champion and Ahmri depart.

After leading the Champion and their party, if they have one, through the mountains, Ahmri pauses for a rest at a small clearing surrounded by red and blue flowers. With that, the Champion has two options. Options that make the final boss conversation battle easier are marked with a ➕ in the following tables.

Option Tooltip Result
Talk Ask Ahmri any last minute questions you still wonder about.
Hurry You need to hurry - who knows how long the mares distraction will last.
  • Begins dungeon combat sequence

If the Champion chooses to talk to Ahmri before continuing, they are given the option to ask her about the flowers surrounding them, or for more information on Taldahs as a father.

Option Tooltip
Flowers Ask Ahmri about these flowers on the wall. They seem quite relaxing.
Pick Flower -
Red The fiery red and orange flowers really match her carefree spirit and dedication.
Blue The blue flowers are soft and pleasant to look at, just like her!
Childhood Ask Ahmri about growing up here. Anything about her father could potentially help get through to him if he's not fully lost.
Stories Ask Ahmri about her favorite story her father tells.

Lustrider Tollus


The Unitaur

After defeating Tollus, the Champion is ambushed by a massive dragon upon entering the Centaur Village. The Champion finds themselves unable to respond, but the dragon is quickly dispatched by a beautiful unicorn-taur accompanied by both Centaurs and Marefolk. She greets the Champion, and adds that she needs fighters like them to help her save the village. All they need to do is make love to her, and their combined love will create wonders. With that, the following options become available:

Option Tooltip
Fuck Her What better way to harden your resolve for the coming battle?
Wait No Something's not right here, who did she say her god was again?

The Champion approaches the unitaur. Overwhelmed by her scent, they begin to fuck her without even speaking. See Mind Controlled Bad End.

The Behemoth



The Champion approaches the Chieftain's hut at the north of the village. From it steps a centaur covered in corrupted living crystal. The monster calls Ahmri his moonlight snowball, happily looking forward to her and the Champion taking their places in Kasyrra's plans. Ahmri corrects him: the Champion has come to fix the corruption. The corrupted centaur laughs and invites the Champion to enlighten him about what needs fixing.

The Champion can engage the Taldahs monster in a conversation battle to convince him to throw off Kasyrra's influence or engage him in physical combat. This choice determines the end of Harboring a Fugitive. Winning the conversation battle leads to freeing Taldahs of corruption and purifying the tribe; choosing to go straight to physical combat ends in Taldahs's death and maintains the village's corruption. Losing either form of combat results in a bad end.

The options available are:

Option Tooltip Result
Full Blessing Did you hear him correctly? Starts the conversation battle.
Convince He wouldn't stop to listen if some part of him didn't want it. Starts the conversation battle.
Nickname What kind of a nickname is moonlight snowball? Starts the conversation battle.
Attack Fuck this. Attacking before you talk Taldahs down will result in the village's corruption. Ahmri will NOT like this, and will probably run. Starts the physical battle.
Conversation Battle

There are three possible routes in the conversation battle. If the Champion stopped to Talk to Ahmri at the start of Harboring a Fugitive, they can purify Taldahs completely through conversation. If they did not, they can get partway through to him, but complete purification will require physical fighting in addition.

If the Champion fails by losing all their health (see the Full Guide), they experience the Eternity of Tentacles Bad End.

Victory Routes

While the Champion can take as many detours as they'd like, (it is possible to read every dialogue option without losing), the routes below take the Champion to victory in the conversation battle.

If the Champion chose to Talk to Ahmri at the start of the quest and asked her about Stories her father tells, the victory route is Convince->Berate-->Family-->Single Dad.

Taldahs angrily renounces Kasyrra and peels away the corrupted physical mass covering his body.

Full Guide

Some dialogue options cause the Champion to lose health and some cause them to regain it, as noted in the table below. Additionally, the conversation battle reveals lore and information about Taldahs, his family, the Centaur Village, and Harvest Valley. To learn more, see Taldahs: Conversation Battle Content.

Conversation Battle: Options & Mechanics
Option Tooltip Result
Menu 1
Option Tooltip Result
Full Blessing Did you hear him correctly?
  • No health change
  • Stays on Menu 1
Convince He wouldn't stop to listen if some part of him didn't want it.
  • No health change
  • Opens additional talk options
Goad He might be stronger than he's ever been, but he's fooling himself if he thinks he's stronger than Kasyrra. She could be done with him just as soon as she granted him this power.
  • Champion loses 5% of health
  • Gains clue for Berate
  • Returns to Menu 1
Berate What do you mean nothing?

  • No health change
  • Progresses to Menu 2

Stay Silent ...
  • Champion loses 5% of health
  • Returns to Convince sub-menu
Nickname What kind of a nickname is moonlight snowball?
  • No health change
  • Opens additional talk options
What Happened? When did all that change? From his own description it doesn't seem like she's changed much.

  • Minor fracture appears on Taldahs monster
  • Champion heals completely(First time only)
  • Returns to Menu 1

Berate So what? Ahmri reminds you of your wife, and now you want her as a replacement?
  • Champion loses 10% of health
  • Returns to Menu 1
Stay Silent ...
  • No health change
  • Returns to Menu 1
Menu 2
Option Tooltip Result
Village What's it like being the leader of the centaurs?
  • No health change
  • Opens additional talk options
Duties This is getting a little off topic. You were more interested in his daily duties than a monologue.
  • Champion heals completely(First time only)
  • Returns to Menu 2
Tactics What kind of tactics is he talking about, precisely?
  • No health change
  • Stays in Village talk options
Other Races What about the other races in the valley? How does he interact with the Mecians and the Sheepfolk for example?
  • No health change
  • Stays in Village talk options
Family What of his family?
  • No health change
  • Opens additional talk options
Long Distance Hold on a second. You know they've been keeping in touch, Ahmri mentioned letters from her mother and learning to read because of them.
  • No health change
  • Stays in Family talk options
Sex Life He must have been quite the stud to keep her here as long as he did.
  • Champion loses 10% of health
  • Returns to Menu 2
Single Dad It must have been hard raising Ahmri alone after she left.

  • Triggers fully purified Finale

Feats Is there anything more substantial he can tell you about the adventures he had?
  • No health change
  • Opens additional talk options
Prime How about another tale from his time as chief?
  • Champion loses 10% of health
  • Returns to Menu 2
Youth What about a story from his youth, surely he has some tales from before he became chieftain.
  • No health change
  • Stays in Feats talk options
Fatherhood What about a story from Ahmri's youth?

  • Minor fracture appears in Taldahs monster
  • Champion heals completely(First time only)
  • Returns to Menu 2

Physical Combat

The Champion can choose to fight Taldahs by selecting Attack before starting the Conversation Battle, or anytime before reaching the finale. Doing so triggers the Corrupt Village ending of the quest. They also fight Taldahs if they did not Talk to Ahmri about Stories at the beginning of the quest.

The Champion doesn't have time for this. They tell Ahmri to go hide, and muse that the village would be better off under their control. Taldahs welcomes the direct attack, and tells the Champion he will give them to Kasyrra--or keep them for himself.

Ahmri begs for the Champion to reconsider, but when they do not, she dashes off. Taldahs takes an intimidating stance, triggering combat with the Champion.

If the Champion is victorious, Taldahs staggers and falls to the ground for the final time. The Champion, pleased, heads off to introduce the rest of the village to their new boss.



Purified Village


Corrupted Village




Bad Ends

Undercarriage Slave

If the Champion loses to Tollus and Eubicha, they wake strapped underneath the centaur, with a large cock pressing into them; pleasuring the centauress becomes their sole goal. See Undercarriage Slave Bad End for details.

Mind Controlled

If the Champion loses to Genova, or chooses to fuck her at any point during the quest, they become a part of her mind-controlled harem. See Mind Controlled Bad End for details.

Behemoth Cock Sleeve

If the Champion loses to the Behemoth, they present themselves to him, and are carried away on his cock. See Behemoth Cock Sleeve Bad End for details.

Eternity of Tentacles

If the Champion loses to Taldahs at any point during the quest, they are enveloped and penetrated by the tentacles covering Taldahs until they lose the will to resist. See Eternity of Tentacles Bad End for details.