Mad Cow

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Mad Cow
Creators Wsan
Other Name BrienneQuest
Quest Details
Quest Type Companion Quest
Requirements Brint is in the party
Level Range 3+
Location(s) Harvest Valley Hollow
The Frost Hound
Chapel of Velun
Khor'minos Outskirts
Conditions and Outcomes
Can Fail? No
Has Combat? No
Is Timed? Yes
Unique Loot No
Multiple Outcomes? Yes
Completion Result Brint permanently becomes Brienne
Failure Result Permanently locked out from Brienne
Other Information
Version Added 0.2.9
"Well..." Brint says, eyeing it carefully. "It does look like it would fit me, []. Should I?"

You could have Brint put the glowing golden rune-inscribed armor on.

Mad Cow triggers when Brint puts on the cursed armor found in the Harvest Valley Hollow. If left unattended, the armor will eventually transform him into Brienne, unlocking new content but locking the player out of Brint's content forever.

This quest has a non-obvious failure state. Entering the Khor'minos Outskirts before completing the quest (even if it is in-progress) will negate the quest completely. If Brint is mid-quest upon entering the Khor'minos Outskirts, the armor falls off, negating the transformation; if Brint has never put the armor on, the hollow in Harvest Valley caves in and the armor becomes inaccessible.

Quest States

State Acquisition Description
0 Brint equips the armor Brint has equipped the golden armor from the Harvest Valley hollow. It remains to be seen if anything will come of it.
1 Brint tells the Champion of the dreams he's been having Brint has started having visions of his male self fucking his new, genderbent female self from the point of view of the woman. Perhaps visiting Hawkethorne's priest might be a good idea if you want to prevent anything further.
2 The champion chooses how to respond to Brint's heat episode

Brint appeared to go into heat, most likely at the behest of his armor. You dealt with it by getting Arona to fuck him, which might have exacerbated the problem. You might not have long before the end result of this ongoing process occurs.

Brint appeared to go into heat, most likely at the behest of his armor. You dealt with it by fucking him yourself, which might have exacerbated the problem. You might not have long before the end result of this ongoing process occurs.

Brint appeared to go into heat, most likely at the behest of his armor. You dealt with it by sending him to a whore to fuck, which might have exacerbated the problem. You might not have long before the end result of this ongoing process occurs.

Brint appeared to go into heat, most likely at the behest of his armor. You dealt with it by waiting it out, ensuring the problem wasn't worsened by way of sex. You likely still don't have much time but it was better than the alternative.

Go to Brother Sanders to remove the armor You had Sanders halt the changes occurring to Brint. He employed enough power to destroy the armor entirely. All you have left of the experience is a confused — but whole and grateful — minotaur friend and the assurance nothing further will happen.
Ignore the warning signs The cursed armor has transformed the former minotaur stud into a knockout cowgirl. She seems to have retained all of her power and knowledge and is thus still suitable as a companion. All's well that ends well...?
Arrive in Khor'minos mid-quest The armor seems to have fallen off of its own accord. Brint is back to normal, and to your knowledge nothing more will happen.


The quest is acquired when Brint equips the armor found at the Harvest Valley Hollow.

Once the champion enters Khor'minos, the hollow collapses, rendering the armor and the quest inaccessible. If currently active, the quest will end prematurely with no changes to Brint. See Quest State 5.

Characters Involved

Arona 125px Garth Gwyneth BrotherSanders Moira WikiHeadshot.png
Arona* Brint/Brienne Garth Gwyneth Brother Sanders*

*These characters are optional.

Companion Interactions

Agnimitra Arona Atugia Azyrran Brint/Brienne
125px 125px 125px 125px 125px
TBA *Unique interactions No unique interactions *Minor comments

Quest character

Quest character

Cait Etheryn Kiyoko Quintillus Viviane
Cait-WikiHeadshot.png 125px 125px 125px 125px
*Minor comments No unique interactions TBA *Minor comments TBA

Quick Summary

  1. Enter the Harvest Valley Hollow with Brint in the party.
  2. Tell Brint to equip the armor found in the hollow.
  3. After 12 hours, the next time the champion is in the Frost Hound, Brint tells them about the weird dreams he is having. Taking Brint to Brother Sanders halts the progression of the quest.
  4. Two to three days later, Brint collapses in seeming heat at the Frost Hound. The champion can tell Arona to fuck Brint, fuck Brint themselves, send Brint to a prostitute, or take Brint to Brother Sanders. Taking Brint to Brother Sanders halts the progression of the quest.
  5. The quest can end in three ways: The champion takes Brint to Sanders to remove the cursed armor; the champion waits until Brint transforms into Brienne; the champion enters Khor'minos mid-quest and the armor falls off.

Detailed Summary

At the Harvest Valley Hollow

When exploring Harvest Valley near the Marefolk Village, the Champion may find a large cliff with lush greenery hanging from its edge. The Champion notices that something is off--the roots hang perfectly down. The Champion can then Investigate if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Brint is in the party
  • Champion has an Agility range of at least 50%

Once inside the cave, the Champion notices a faint glowing in the cave's interior. Upon closer inspection, they notic a series of inscribed runes in a script of an unknown language is the source of the glowing. If the Champion has Cait in the party or a magic class (Black Mage or White Mage), they note the presence of passive magic within the area. As they head deeper into the cave, they will come to a stop at a darkened room. The Champion can enter or choose to leave. If the Champion decides to leave, they may revisit the cave again under the Hollow option.

If the Champion enters, it will light up with the same runes that lit the rest of the cave. At the end of the room stands a single large mannequin wearing a set of ceremonial armor, glowing and covered with ceremonial runes. Party members can be asked to try it on; all decline except for Brint, who eyes the armor carefully and states that the armor could fit him. If Brint is not in the party, there is nothing else to do but leave. However, if Brint is present, the champion may tell Brint to try on the armor.

As Brint inspects the armor up close, he notes that the armor is made of regular steel and was just painted gold. When he puts on the breastplate, the armor automatically straps itself to him: it doesn't seem to constrict him, but the magically-sealing armor is quite concerning. Brint will nevertheless equip the remaining pieces of armor until only the neckpiece remains, which appears to be little more than a golden ring. When asked how he's going to put the neckpiece on, Brint states that he strangely knows how to put it on. As Brint pushes the ring against his neck, the ring seems to pass through his skin and solidifies once it reaches the other side. When the neckpiece reaches the other end, Brint grunts, staggers and almost loses his footing. The party carefully exits the cave and Brint quickly recovers once outside.

At The Frost Hound

After 12 hours or more, Brint approaches the Champion at Frost Hound, regarding two problems he's been having since he's gotten the armor: he can't remove it, and he's been having strange sex dreams where he's a female cowgirl being fucked by himself. The Champion suggests that they go ask Brother Sanders if he knows something about the armor.

Talking to Brother Sanders

If the Champion goes to Brother Sanders and talks about the Armor, Sanders explains that the armor is severely cursed and asks where they found it. After explaining the circumstances, Sanders muses that it's similar to an deprecated method the marefolk used to use to handle their stallions. Sanders explains that, left unhindered, the armor would have completely changed Brint within a matter of days. However he removes the curse using a warhammer in a ritual that causes the armor to fall free from Brint. Brother Sanders comment that he'd half-expected the magic not to work and ask if Brint is alright, to which Brint replies that he's fitter than ever and thanks him for his help. Brother Sanders asks that the ritual be kept a secret, and then becomes unavailable for the next six to seven hours to rest.

Brint's Heat

If the Champion decides not to bring Brint to Brother Sanders after Brint shares about his dreams, Brint will collapse like he's in heat at the Frost Hound in the next two to three days. The following options will become available:

  • Ask Arona - Get the orc studbitch to 'help' Brint out of his predicament.
  • Fuck Him - Bring Brint home and 'help' him yourself. He's looking pretty suggestible...
    • Fuck Ass - Pound Brint nice and hard until he's better. (requires a cock)
    • Ride Cock - Take Brint inside you and make him pop until he's feeling better.
  • Ask Whore - Look for a whore in Hawkethorne to 'help' out your minotaur friend. There's gotta be at least one pretty girl in the town that'd leap at the chance to sleep with a real bull.
  • Wait It Out - Sit down and wait until Brint is better. You don't want to do anything that might exacerbate the problem, and if it's getting worse then you need all the time you can get to solve it.

Once Brint's heat has calmed down, he thanks the Champion for helping him. An in-game warning appears, stating that if the armor is not removed soon, Brint will be permanently changed.

Brint Is Brienne

Should the Champion ignore the second and final warning after 2-3 days (2 if the Champion had sexually helped Brint, else 3), Brint will suddenly collapse and the rest of the party will drag him onto his bed at the Frost Hound. Suddenly the cursed armor begins to glow so bright that the Champion has to look away. Upon hearing a noise reminiscent of rattling chains and the fading of the intense glow, the cursed armor on Brint has disappeared, leaving him in his regular clothes, however, he will undergo a transformation that will turn him into a cowgirl. Once the transformation is done, it doesn't take long for Brint to awake, stating that he had the weirdest dream. Following this situation, the Champion is given two options:

  • Comfort - Make sure she's okay. This might be hard for her.
  • Plow Her - Pound the fuck out of the amazon cowgirl as a welcome to her new role. (requires a cock) (+3 Corruption)

Should the Champion Comfort Brint, after some clarification and discussion, he will change his name to Brienne using the bedsheets as a temporary top. The Champion will talk to Garth regarding chopping some wood, of which he will direct them to a head of unchopped logs the bar uses for firewood. With that, Brienne and the Champion make their way to the logging site, away from any prying eyes.

After several swings and the cutting of logs, Brienne will note that she has not lost any strength due to her transformation. Upon the completion of one log, she will comment that maybe she should test out her stamina as well as to not get tired from swinging her axe around. The Champion may suggest:

  • "Stamina Test" - There's another way to check if her stamina's up to snuff, and you've already got a pretty good idea of how you want to do it...
  • Cut Logs

Should Brienne continue cutting logs, she will keep a steady rhythmic pace for a while until she suddenly stops. She will shyly ask the Champion if they would like to fuck, stating that all the physical labor is getting her pretty worked up. The Champion may say:

  • Sure - Why not?
    • Rough - Give it to her hard, exciting the cowgirl's instincts and overwhelming her senses until she's cumming her brains out.
    • Loving - Usher her into femininity with gentle, sensuous sex and enough mindblowing orgasms to make her legs wobble.
  • No - Not interested.

Should the Champion suggest a "Stamina Test", they will get the same Rough and Loving options as above.

Once the Champion and Brienne have finished her "Stamina Test", they will finish chopping the rest of the wood before heading back to the bar. Upon their return to Garth, he will notice that Brienne is using his bedsheet as a bra, letting it slide, as chopping wood makes his back ache and directing them to Gwyn for a suitable top for Brienne, along with asking Gwyn to wash the bedsheet. Brienne is able to find a bra she likes which belonged to Gwyn's mom. Once Brienne has fitted it and given it some experimental squeezing, she will ask for the Champion's thoughts.

  • Looks Good - She looks nice.
  • Looks Hot - The sight of her walking around in a loincloth and a bra makes you want to ravish her.

If the Champion declined Brienne's invite to fuck or plowed her at the beginning, certain events will change slightly and they will not be able to comment on Brienne's new outfit.


If the Champion decided not to have Brother Sanders remove the armor from Brint, he will transform into Brienne. The effects are irreversible.