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Cait-Gat0w-ChibiCard-Note.png Note:
Complete overhaul in progress
--Spotty McBumble Fuck (talk) 16:00, 16 October 2024 (UTC)

Character Card

The character card acts as the primary indicator of the current status of a character, and in that character card, contain the following quick information:

XP HP Stats Effects Threat
The amount of experience shown until the next level. The bar will flash slowly when full, indicating that the Champion can level up after sleeping. Hit Points (HP) serves as the primary durability stats when combat is involved. There are many things that can damage and heal a character, both in-combat and out. HP can be increased through increasing its associated attributes.
Upon selecting the three dots, the following stats of a character are presented:
  • Character Name
  • Current Level
  • Current XP / Current XP Level Cap (Champion & companions only)
  • Effects
  • Perks
  • Combat Stats
  • Equipped Powers
Effects are temporary positive or negative changes that can affect a character. Split into three different types; Combat Effects are typically found and used during combat, Boons which are bonuses obtained through items or service but only one can be active at a time, and Status Effects which are effects obtained outside of combat, and are sometimes sex-related. Threat controls the ebb and flow of battle — the higher Threat you pose to the enemy, the more likely you are to be singled out from your party to be attacked.

HP, XP, and Leveling Up


As of version 0.5.0 Resolve has been removed from the game. Resolve used to serve as the secondary durability stat, and would act as a character's sanity when facing horrifying and sexy things. Now, any remnants that increase or decrease Resolve apply to Health instead.


Attributes serve as the main stats that can be permanently increased as the Champion levels up, through the Starting Attribute Bonuses, or temporarily increased through Boons, certain items, and etc.

Icon Attribute Description Affected Stat Attribute Computation
Icon-ATR-STR.png Strength A measure of physical power and might. Attack Power (Strength * 3)
Base Penetration (for all damage types) (Strength)
Armor (Strength)
Icon-ATR-AGI.png Agility The character's finesse and precision. Accuracy (Agility * 2)
Evasion (Agility)
Initiative (Agility / 2)
Icon-ATR-WIL.png Willpower The character's mental fortitude and resilience. Spellpower (Willpower * 3)
Focus (Willpower)
Mental Resistance (Willpower)
Icon-ATR-TUF.png Toughness How much punishment a character's body can endure. Max HP (Toughness * 5)
Physical Resistance (Toughness)
Icon-ATR-CUN.png Cunning How quick-witted, perceptive, and knowledgeable the character is. Critical Effectiveness (Cunning * 3)
Critical Chance (Cunning)
Ward (Cunning)
Magic Resistance (Cunning)
Icon-ATR-PRS.png Presence A combination of the character's charm, magnetism, and leadership. Max HP (Presence * 2)
Leadership (Presence * 2)
Sexiness (Presence * 2)

Attribute Range

The base maximum score, without any boosting effects, an attribute can be for a character is: 2 + (Level) * 3. While the 'ceiling' maximum score, with any and all boosting effects, is: (2 + (Level) * 3) * 1.5 (rounded down). This means that a Level 3 Champion can have a base maximum Strength of 11, and a 'ceiling maximum' Strength of 16. It should be noted that Boons that temporarily maximize an attribute, raising it to the base maximum score.

The Attribute Range is a frequently used mechanic where the attribute of a character is compared to the current base maximum score (i.e. a Strength Range check for a Level 3 Champion to determine if they are strong or not is to determine if their Strength is at least 66% of the base maximum score, which means that they must have at least a Strength of 7). These checks can have a small to moderate impact in a scene, and its effect can range from a few change in words to opening an alternate route in a dungeon.

Listed below are descriptions the Champion can gain if they maintain a certain attribute range. While these descriptors are used, there are many other instances where an attribute range is checked at a higher or lower percentage, with no significant consistency. In the case of attributes that don't have a descriptor, while they do not provide a descriptor, they are still used in attribute range checks.

Attribute Percentage Function Sample Scene Usage Frequency
Strength 66%+
  • The character is considered Strong

Still, it's not there yet, and the both of you need to work the door that leads to the outer terrace with a good thrust before it will open.

Agility 66%+
  • The character is considered Agile

The splinters fill the air, puffing up into spores that float and surround you. You hastily dodge out of the way, mere moments before Byvernia is following you, landing flat atop you with her rock-hard abs pressing down atop your face.

Willpower - - - -
Toughness 66%+
  • The character is considered Tough

That was quite the impressive display, your Eminence. I was almost worried I'd break you, but it would seem that I underestimated you.

Very Infrequent
Cunning 66%+
  • The character is considered Cunning

You give her a casual look-over, immediately noticed the lack of baby-bump, and grin mischievously.

"New highlights?" you ask, smirking.

"I saw you looking, you goof! Don't joke about that," she says, laughing despite herself.

Presence - - - -

Combat Stats

While in-game these stats are classified into Offense and Defense, with Threat not being a visible stat, for the sake of classification on the wiki, they are classified into Offensive, Defensive, and Resistances.

Unless stated otherwise, any buffing or debuffing sources that use any attributes are based on the caster's stats. Note that some sources are marked with a (*), which indicates additional requirements. Additionally, the Buffing & Debuffing list is sorted by how the changes are applied in order (i.e. for Attack Power, the effects of Warlord's Cry is added before Dragoon's Rally).

Stats Explanation Base Computation Buffing & Debuffing
Attack Power Increases the damage of Physical attacks. Treated as a percentage. 3 * Strength
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Leadership Stat +Leader's Leadership
(to all non-leader members)
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Warlord's Cry Combat Effect +10
Dragoon's Rally Combat Effect +10
Unfocused Combat Effect -35
Immolation Combat Effect -30
Bloodlust Combat Effect +30
Heightened Senses Combat Effect +25
Eye of the Storm Status Effect +10
Weakened Status Effect -25
Frenzy Power +50
Song of Courage Combat Effect +Presence
Brazenberry Ale Combat Effect +10 + (Cunning / 2) + (Toughness / 2)
Berserkergang Power +100
Blessed Combat Effect +100
Hyped Up! Combat Effect +50
Flames Within Combat Effect +50
Veteran* Perk +25
Cornered Beast Combat Effect +10 (max 65)
Empowered Summon Combat Effect +100 (summons only)
Razorcup Nectar Boon +25
Perfect Positioning* Perk +10
Spellpower Increases the damage of Spell attacks and the amount of health healed with Healing powers. Treated as a percentage. 3 * Willpower
Buffing & Debuffing
Note: The effects of the Pyromancer Set and Storm Singing do not stack.
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Leadership Stat +Leader's Leadership
(to all non-leader members)
Arcane Attunement Status Effect +10
Arcane Infusion Status Effect +10
Weakened Status Effect -25
Aroused Combat Effect -15
Immolation Combat Effect -30
Unfocused Combat Effect -35
Blessed Combat Effect +100
Shadowflame Combat Effect +50
Conjurer's Concoction Combat Effect +5 + (Cunning / 2) + (Toughness / 2)
Counterspelled Combat Effect -(based on Power used)
War Hymn Combat Effect +10 per round (max 50)
Flames Within Combat Effect +50
Child Of Flame Combat Effect +50
Empowered Summon Combat Effect +100 (summons only)
Razorcup Nectar Boon +25
Roaring Storm Power +25
Archmage Perk *1.5
Pyromancer Set Armor Sets If Sexiness is higher, despite all
the previous entries, Spellpower = Sexiness
Storm Singing Perk
Sexiness Increases the damage of Tease attacks. Treated as a percentage. 3 * Presence
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Leadership Stat +Leader's Leadership
(to all non-leader members)
Libido Stat

If Libido is 35+:

  • +5 + 10 * (Libido - 35) / 65
  • (e.g. If Libido is 50; +7.3)
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Duelist's Stance Power +10
Terrified Combat Effect -15
Song of Splendor Combat Effect +20
Weakened Combat Effect -25
Empowered Summon Combat Effect +100 (summons only)
Blessed Combat Effect +100
Stylish!* Perk +4 * Level
Unfocused Combat Effect -35
Flames Within Combat Effect +50
Rhythmic Focus Combat Effect +15
Penetration Acts as the base penetration for all damage types. Is not visually displayed and instead its penetration subcategories are. Strength
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Juiced Up Boon Maximize
Armor Penetration Is the offensive stat that counters Armor. This penetration type is linked to Weapon & Physical hit types.

Armor Penetration can reach a maximum value of 100.
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Armorer Status Effect +5
Serpent's Dance Power +15
Spell Penetration Is the offensive stat that counters Ward. This penetration type is linked to the Spell hit type.

Spell Penetration can reach a maximum value of 100.
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Temptation Is the offensive stat that counters Focus. This penetration type is linked to the Tease hit type.

Temptation can reach a maximum value of 100.
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Blessing — Romance Boon +15
Heart's Desires Status Effect +10
Serpent's Dance Power +15
Accuracy Determines that chance to hit for all attacks. While it is treated as a percentage, accuracy does not have a maximum value.

It should be noted that the accuracy stat in weapons does not add to over all accuracy as it only affects attacks made with said weapon.
2 * Agility
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire Items +based on equipped items
Prone Combat Effect -25
Blinded Combat Effect -15
Covered Combat Effect +20
Distracted Combat Effect -20
Blessed Combat Effect +10
Empowered Summon Combat Effect +100 (summons only)
Second Sight Perk +Willpower
Razorcup Nectar Boon +10
Roaring Storm Power +25
Critical Chance A percentage that determines if an attack or power is used at normal or becomes a Critical Hit.

Critical Chance can reach a maximum value of 100.

It should be noted that the crit stat in weapons does not add to over all critical chance as it only affects attacks made with said weapon.
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Juiced Up Boon Maximize
Attire Items +based on equipped items
Sharpen Blades Status Effect +10
Frenzy Power +10
Equanimity (w/ Silver Mask) Power +25
Equanimity (w/o Silver Mask) Power +15
Good Fortune Boon +10
Berserkergang Power +100
Perfect Positioning* Perk +10
Critical Effectiveness Increases the amount of damage or healing done when a critical hit occurs. Treated as a percentage.
Is Champion or in Champion's Party?
  • Yes: [cond] = 100
  • No: [cond] = 50

[cond] + (3 * Cunning)
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Chrysanthemum Petal Weapon +50
Golden Carrot* Attire +25
Equanimity (w/ Silver Mask) Power *1.1
Equanimity (w/o Silver Mask) Power *1.2
Initiative Determines how fast a character acts in combat (Turn Order). Increases the success chance for fleeing in-combat. random# (1-9) + (Agility / 2)
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Ranger's Quarry Status Effect +10
First Strike Combat Effect +(source dependent)
Covered Combat Effect +20
Chained Combat Effect -50
Ranger's Stance Power -10
Flames Within Combat Effect +10
Heavy Item w/o Veteran Item -5
Leadership Increases the efficacy of all other party members. All other party members have their Attack Power, Spellpower, and Sexiness increased by the leader's leadership. Summoned creatures use the caster's leadership to determine how high their attributes are.

Leadership can reach a maximum value of 100.
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Threat Determines the priority or focus target for AIs in-combat. The higher the threat, the more likely a character will be targeted.

This stat cannot be dropped below 0.
10 * Level
Buffing & Debuffing
Name Type Amount
Rogue's Ring* Attire *0.75 (-25%)
Slip of the Mind Perk *0.65 (-35%)
Horned Helm Attire *1.20 (+20%)
Conqueror's Breastplate Attire *1.10 (+10%)
Guarded Stance Power *1.20 (+20%)
Imposing Perk *1.25 (+25%)
Shielded Stance Power *1.30 (+30%)
Seal of Light Combat Effect *1.30 (+30%)
Obscured Combat Effect Set to 0
Attention Grabber Perk *2 (+100%)
Attire & Weapons Items +based on equipped items
Veteran* Perk *1.25 (+25%)
Banished Combat Effect Set to 0

Combat Mechanics

TODO transfer the contents of Combat mechnics + explain how this shit works. this table is terrible and I will change it later

Attack Types, Damage Reduction, Damage Avoidance, & more

Attack Type: Physical, magical, mental, sexual Damage Type: Raw, Pen, Crush

Hit type:

In regards to combat, there exist 4 different Attack Types, which determines what defensive stat is used to decrease the effectiveness of an attack. On the other side, the Hit Type, which is associated with a specific Power Tag, determines the penetration stat to counter the defensive stat.

Attack Type Defensive Hit Type Power Tag Penetration
PHYSICAL Armor Physical Hit Melee Armor Penetration

Accuracy vs all other Attack Types Damage Reduction etc

Turn Order


Summons & Party Members


Likes & Dislikes



As of version 0.4.9, Sense is a guaranteed success every time. Sensing is an in-combat action that reveals the Perks, Combat stats, and equipped Powers of a hostile character. Once a character has been sensed, their stats can be examined at any time in their Stats menu.

Sensing may be vital to formulating strategies to defeat more complex bosses.




Monsters and other enemies that the Champion encounters in their adventures will generally fall into one of several groups. While not directly visible and only seen through the Combat Stats table when sensing a character in-combat, taxonomies can provide a useful shorthand as to what tactics should be taken against them, although some special cases apply where the resistances of a character are specifically increased or decreased.

Type Description Resistances Example Characters
Beast Beasts include both feral animals and people with animalistic traits and behaviors, such as Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Gnolls, although some exceptions apply.
  • Weaknesses
    • [-75] Blight
    • [-75] Pheromone
Demon Demons that may have come from Mareth, brought over or turned into by Kasyrra, or Wraith-Touched creatures.
  • Strengths
    • [33] Fire
    • [75] Blight
  • Weaknesses
    • [-33] Tease
    • [-100] Holy
Blood Knight
Blood Knight-WikiHeadshot.png
Imp Lord
Imp Lord-WikiHeadshot.png
Mad Psion
Mad Psion-WikiHeadshot.png
Plant Refers to plantfolk and other sapient creatures that share plant-like traits such as the Alraune.
  • Strengths
    • [33] Drug
    • [33] Pheromone
    • [33] Storm
  • Weaknesses
    • [-25] Penetrating
    • [-50] Frost
    • [-100] Fire
Wyld Tree
Wyld Tree-WikiHeadshot.png
Ethereal Ethereals include ghosts, specters, wisps, and other energy-based beings. Typically they are immune to physical damage and must be dealt with elemental means.
  • Weaknesses
    • [-100] Crushing
    • [-100] Drug
    • [-100] Penetrating
Jarl Gunvaldsen
Jarl Gunvaldsen-WikiHeadshot.png
Queen Atheldred
Queen Atheldred-WikiHeadshot.png
Spectral Smith
Spectral Smith-WikiHeadshot.png
Unstable Elemental
Unstable Elemental-Moira-Headshot.png
Undead Undead are those who linger on in this world after their passing. Often mindless, they cannot be teased or cowed into submission.
  • Strengths
    • [33] Penetrating
    • [100] Drug
    • [100] Mind
    • [100] Pheromone
    • [100] Tease
  • Weaknesses
    • [-50] Fire
    • [-100] Holy
Construct Constructs include golems fashioned by sorcerers, and elementals of various forms. They are usually impervious to mental attacks by virtue of having no sapience, but the types of materials they tend to be fashioned from leave them weak to storm and acid attacks.
  • Strengths
    • [33] Penetrating
    • [100] Drug
    • [100] Mind
    • [100] Pheromone
    • [100] Tease
  • Weaknesses
    • [-50] Crushing
    • [-100] Acid
    • [-100] Storm
Forge Golem
Forge Golem-WikiHeadshot.png
Magma Golem
Magma Golem-Moira-Headshot.png
Stone Elemental
Stone Elemental-DCL-Headshot.png
Rune Stone
Rune Stone-Moira-Headshot.png
Fey Fey creatures include pixies, dryads, and other similar creatures.
  • Weaknesses
    • [-50] Drug
    • [-50] Pheromone
    • [-50] Tease
    • [-100] Blight
Humanoid Humanoids have no innate strengths or weaknesses. The Champion is always considered a humanoid, as are the starting races; Humans, Catfolk, Orcs, Wyld Elves, and Lupines. - Cait

Difficulty Modes


Sexual Stats

Libido, Feracity, Fertility, Virility TODO

For bodily stats, probably redirect to Appearance?

See and remeber if there are any other stats we need to put here and explain