Ale ts28
 Found within Daliza's Get Pegged/Try Her Toys? sex scene
 Found within the (Cream Pie/Dick) and (Cake/Eat Out) sex scenes during the Fishing walk option while married to Ahmri
 Found when Joining Aileh during the Pamper event
 Found within Ashelander's dream encounter (dependent on previous sex scene) (Enabled through Ashelander (weapon)'s menu)
 Found within Ashelander's dream encounter (dependent on previous sex scene) (Enabled through Ashelander (weapon)'s menu)
 Found in Atugia's Brienne sex scene
 Found within Atugia's Fishnets sex scene
 Found in the Anal Cowgirl sex scene and a variation in her Sleep with
 Found in the Treasure Daliza sex scene with a Dragon Champion
 Found in the second Jaelyn Date with Maid Jael'yn
 Found within Lumia's Missionary sex scene (must not be from Worship)
 Found within Lumia's Missionary sex scene (must not be from Worship)
 Found within Tarah's Body Writing sex scene
 Found within Tarah's Body Writing sex scene while she's lactating (66%+ of current pregnancy)
 Found in the Stargazing camp option
 Found in the Stargazing camp option while she wears the Cowprint Bra
 Found in Byvernia's Quick Fuck during her Field Encounter
 Found in Byvernia's Quick Fuck during her Field Encounter
 Found in Pregnant Elthara's Appearance option
 Found in Elthara's Rough Les-dom sex scene
 Found in Pregnant Elthara's Rough Les-dom sex scene
 Found in the Blow Her in Evelyn's Hawkethrone explore scene
 Found in the Blow Her in Evelyn's Hawkethrone explore scene
 Found in her Get Collared sex scene
 Found in the Centaur Farm Night Event
 Found in the Say Hi option during the Centaur Farm Night Event
 Found within Tetsuya's Things Change 2nd scene; Origami Crane (see scene requirements here)
 Found in the 2nd Training of Equanimity
Barbera Dieselbrain
 Found in Infrith's Sleep scene
 Found in Female Keros' Get Sucked sex scene
 Found in her Bad End
 Found in the Standing Fuck sex scene
 Found in the Standing Fuck sex scene
 Found in the 3rd Training of Exertion
 Found in Kiyoko's Wedding scene
 Found in her combat bust and Appearance while Witch Gear is equipped
 Found in her Missionary sex scene
 Found in her Missionary sex scene if Brienne has piercings and/or a cowbell
 Found after Aileh delivers her egg during her Pregnancy
 Found within the First sex scene with Arille
 Found in Atugia's Voyeur sex scene with Brint
 Found in Azyrran's Frost Hound Cuddle scene
 Found in Azyrran's Frost Hound Cuddle scene (night)
 Found within Brint's Kneeling Fuck sex scene
 Found within Brint and the Champion's Wedding Ceremony
 Found within Rina's Fourth Date and the Call Brienne sex scene
 Found within the Triple Ceremony option during Brienne's and the Champion's Marriage Featuring Cassia, Brienne, and Rina
 Found within the Small Church/The Pantheon option during Brienne's and the Champion's Marriage
 Found within Cassia's Kids Dream scene Featuring Laura
 Found in combat bust and Appearance while the Queenly Raiment set is equipped
 Found in combat bust and Appearance while the Warrior Queen set is equipped
 Found within Hana's first birth scene
 Found within Rindo's Guidance sex scene
 Found within Mai's Ritual Sealing sex scene
 Found within Pregnant Mai's Ritual Sealing sex scene
 Found within the sex variation to Call Orlaith (requires having done Blow Her at least 3 times)
 Found within Orlaith's MakeMeGag sex scene
 Found within the Champion's birth scene of their first child with Tarah
 Found within Vatia's 4th pregnancy event scene and in her Kids option at the Wayfort Featuring Vatia and Vera
 Found within Hana's Double Suck & Fuck after Flirting w/ Hana & Rindo during The Gardens date with Hana
 Found within Hana's Double Suck & Fuck after Flirting w/ Hana & Rindo during The Gardens date with Hana Requires having a Lupine, Canine, or Vulpine type cock
 Found within Daliza's Scissoring sex scene
 Encountered when Drifa has been in heat for 4 days at the Wayfort, and is either a resident of the wayfort or corrupted
 Found in her Praise scene
 Found within the Choke You option from Fuck Her or failing to Resist Drifa from the Observe option during the events of Howling in the Dark
 Found within Drifa's wedding with the Champion
 Found in Katya's Missionary sex scene
 Found in Miko's Botezuri sex scene
 Found in her Tease Ears sex scene
 Found in her Old Clothes sex scene
 Found in Mai's Patslut sex scene
Pink Palooka (Base) & Waru-Geli (Coloring)
 Found in her Sex option
Rait Visual Works
 Found in Rindo's Tranquil Gardens scene
 Found within Lady Evergreen's Facesitting sex scene
 Found in Liresh's & Syrish's Cait 4Some sex scene
 Found in Kayrra's Take It Doggy sex scene in the Dream Palace
 Found within Hotaru's Bath Roleplay sex scene
 Found within Hotaru's Tie Down sex scene
 Found within Pregnant Kohaku's Feed scene (Hotaru extended scene): requires having met Hotaru and a 50% chance
 Found within Tetsuya's Things Change 3rd scene; Confession (see scene requirements here)
 Found in Kiyoko's Headpat Ceremony scene
 Found in Kiyoko's Headpat Ceremony scene
 Found within one of the five random scenes when approaching Adult Kinu (Kitsune Hime) between 7:00-11:59 at Kiyoko's Home
 Found in combat bust and Appearance while the Hopknight Set is equipped
 Found when meeting Seastone for the first time
 Found within scenes; Be Her Alpha, Become Beta, Throne Sex (Seastone is alpha)
 Found within her Blowjob sex scene
 Found within her Blowjob sex scene
 Found in Katya's Fingering sex scene
 Found after Investigate(ing) the mysterious shadows at the Wayfort's watchtower
 Found after Investigate(ing) the mysterious shadows at the Wayfort's watchtower, and choosing Watch
 Found within one of the night encounters when sleeping at the Wayfort, requires having sexed Nyzerrah before, has completed Wayfort Upgrades, and has purified the Hornet Hive
 Found in Kiyoko's Hanami Festival Seasonal Event and Picnic scene
 Found within Arona's Preg 5some sex scene
 Found within Lumia's Be Her Chair sex scene
 Found within Katya's Cait sex scene requires having talked about Threesome?, which requires having sexed Katya before and Cait is around