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After the final talk between Garth and Garret (post [[Dog Days]]), Garth will call for the Champion once they walk into the inn's common room. He will pour the Champion and their companions a drink, before he states that he's got to respect the Champion for being willing to go after Garret and the loggers at Westbank, such that he has another job for them if they're willing to take it. He goes on to state that TODO
After the final talk between Garth and Garret (post [[Dog Days]]), Garth will call for the Champion once they walk into the inn's common room. He will pour the Champion and their companions a drink, before he states that he's got to respect the Champion for willing to go after Garret and the loggers at Westbank, such that he has another job for them if they're willing to take it. He goes on to state that TODO

Revision as of 12:16, 3 June 2020

Bust of Garth by DCLzexon
Creator Savin
Species Lupines
Gender Male
Occupation Ex-Thief
Spouse Unnamed Wife
Children Gwyn(daughter)
Location The Frost Hound

"You're both welcome to stay here at the Frost Hound as long as you like. You did right by a stranger that night, and one good turn deserves another. Plus, if you're sure about heading out after a demon, you'll need a place to rest from time to time."

"Yeah, once upon a time. Lived in one of the bigger lupine villages to the southwest, a good few thousand of us. Enough to have both the poor and rich. And thieves, true, when us dirt farmers couldn't make ends meet between raiding season."

"Oh, why did the gods curse me with a moron for a son?"


Garth is the innkeeper of the Frost Hound Tavern in Hawkethorne, and is considered a pillar of its community. He's the closest thing to a leader the people of Hawkethorne have. Garth used to be a thief in his early life, before he settled down in Hawkethorne. During his thieving days, he was part of a company in which the captain (who would later become his wife) took a liking to him right off. The company kept on for a few years until their luck ran out, when one summer his captain tells him that she was pregnant with his kids. It took everything Garth had to convince his wife to settle down, but eventually they did. Sometime after the kids were born, she was exiled from Hawkethorne, leaving the kids with him. The exact reason as to why its kept a secret and those who know do not speak of it. Garth also has an old gymnasium near the eastern gates of Hawkethorne, in which after visiting the gym; two days later Brint/Brienne will clean up the place and mention that he/she talked with Garth about it and thought of chipping in since it's like a little home away from home.

In particular, I've recently started doing favors around town! I particularly like working with Garth and Ivris! I can get some nice food and a good drink for pulling a cart every once in a while, or get some refills on better quality-lube!"
"Garth is one of the nicest men in the town, though he has every right to not be, what with all he's been through. He's done his damnedest to raise his kids right, which is hard as hell for any single parent. I speak from experience on that. I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass Garret was. Garth has also managed to run one fine establishment, here. Serves some damn good ale at that."
"That's how Daddy works. He may not know you, but he chooses his friends carefully. If you're a friend of his friend, then you're all right with him."
"Most of the townsfolk keep to themselves. Like, a lot. Old Garth's the only person that really talks to me, and he's sweet for a grandpa. Oh, and his little girl Gwyn, too: she's a peach, and I'm sure she'll make a great mom.


A towering old wolf-man named Garth runs the place along with his daughter Gwyneth, the serving girl. ... Her father is gruff and speaks little, but the two of them are your only company most days. At night, a few of the local shopkeepers and traders will come in for a drink, but the storm makes even small ventures down the dirt-packed road a less than appealing proposition.

The Frost Hound Tavern, home away from home here in the northlands. The place is small but cozy, with several tables sandwiched between a roaring hearthfire and a bar so polished that it shines. Sawdust coats the wooden floor, soaking up spilled drinks. Behind the bar are racks and racks of ales and lagers — hearty drinks for a hearty people. Garth, the grizzled grey-furred lupine owner, stands behind the bar in his usual place, wiping off mugs or carting out drinks to his handful of patrons.


During the Tutorial

Prior to the events of the tutorial, the Champion had been staying at the Frost Hound for 3 days. During the night Garth will call out to them, snapping them out of their long reverie as he comments that they look like they fell asleep at their feet. If the Champion is a Lupine or an Orc he will add some history on the Lupine pack or the bad blood between the Lupines and Orcs, although ultimately he will pour the Champion a drink, and ask them what's been on their mind, since they've been such a good guest. Before the Champion can give an answer, a crash and howling winds come through the door, as a hooded woman weakly calls for help. Nobody moves for a long moment, until Garth hobbles towards her with his cane, while the rest of the folk turn their heads away. Should the Champion Investigate or Chastise, they will help Garth in assisting the catfolk girl as she collapses. If the Champion chastised the other people for not helping, a middle-aged woman rips off her long skirt and hands it to Garth as a bandage for the head wound the girl; Cait, has. If they chose to investigate instead, Garth will rip off his apron and push it against her wound as he instructs the Champion to keep the girl talking as he'll try and clean it up. A few minutes later, Cait recovers enough to tell what happened to her. She states that she has to go back and find her sister, to which Garth sighs wearily and states that she can't go back out there all by herself, and he'd go with her but his leg is an issue. Cait says she has to and looks at the Champion, desperate for help. They will agree to accompany her to find her sister, but before they head out, Garth will give the Champion a weapon befitting of their Class.

After dealing with Kasyrra, when the Champion eventually wakes, they make their way to the Frost Hound's common room, to find Garth behind the bar and Cait sitting at one of the tables. The stairs creak, announcing their presence, and the two turn their attention towards the Champion. While Cait runs over to give them a big hug, they ask how long they'd been out to which Garth replies that its been a little over a week. He adds that they're lucky to be alive after the flash of light that lit up the night for miles when the old temple collapsed on them. The Champion's stomach rumbles and Garth laughs, telling the Champion to have a seat, as they're overdue for some grub. They give Garth an appreciative nod, while Garth makes the Champion food, they recount what happened to Cait. Having listened to their story, Cait asks Garth if they saw something flying right after the explosion, who replies that it looked half like a drake and took off into the Old Forest. He mentions that a couple of days after the explosion, hunters started pouring back into the town, babbling about plant creatures attacking them, that between the hostile plant creatures and the orc tribes in the east, people are afraid to leave town. When the Champion mentions going after Kasyrra, Garth wishes them luck and states that they're both welcome to stay at the Frost Hound for as long as they like, adding in that, since they're heading out after a demon, they'll need a place to rest from time to time. When the Champion asks if they missed anything else, Cait mentions that Garth's daughter Gwyn went into labor as she gave birth to a litter of eight. Garth adds in that rumor-mongers immediately set to work and the next thing he knows, The Baroness comes all the way down and offers his daughter a business proposition, to be the matron for the new nursery. When the Champion ponders that they find it hard to believe that Gwyn had eight pups and is walking around the next day, Garth snorts and takes pride in saying that Gwyn is truly her mother's daughter, as when his own wife whelped in the morning, she was plowing the fields in midday.

Regular Interactions

After the events of the tutorial, Garth can be approached at any time at the Frost Hound, where talking to him will provide the following options:

  • Drink - Order a drink! (requires 10 EC)
  • Talk - See if Garth's got a few minutes to chat.
    • His Adventures - Talk to the old wolf about his adventuring days.
    • Old Forest - Question Garth about the forest north of town.
    • Orc Tribe? - Question Garth about the orcish threat in the foothills. (while Orc Leadership for Right of Conquest hasn't been dealt with)
    • Harvest Valley? - Ask Garth what there is to know about the land beyond the northern river. (while Farmhand's Freeholds hasn't been completed)
    • The Frostwood - Ask Garth what there is to know about the land beyond the northern river. (once the Alraune has been dealt with)
    • Storage - See if Garth can spare any more space for some of your stuff. (if hasn't bought additional Storage from Garth)
    • Garret (available during Dog Days after finding Garret)

TODO TalkStuff and Evelyn Stuff


For the cost of 10 EC, the Champion can pick from an assortment of drinks that will provide a Boon that maximizes a certain attribute based on the chosen drink. It should be noted that the drink is an Alcohol that is not an item and will be consumed immediately.

Name Description Function
Honey Mead A sweet mead cultivated from honey, this drink is particularly popular here in the north where it's more difficult to grow grapes. Folk wisdom says a draught a day's good for the mind. Maximizes Cunning
Spiced Wine Imported wine heated and spiced to perfection. A favored drink of the nobility, thought to be excellent for your health in the cold north. Maximizes Toughness
Rye Beer The common drink of peasants and laborers, beer is cheap and easy to make, and frequently consumed to fortify yourself for hard work or battle ahead. Maximizes Strength
Apple Cider A sugary sweet cider that's plentiful in the fertile mountain valleys. Keeps you quick and alert, even when battered down by the ever-present snow and the long winter nights. Maximizes Agility
Monastery Wine A dark ale brewed by monks at the Monastery of the Tree Father far to the south. The initiates drink it to steel their nerves and focus their will before rituals. Maximizes Willpower
Lover's Dry A dry, light beer made by the minotaurs of the eastern mountains to get drunk slowly, letting lovers take their time getting to know one another... and pay for a few more beers. Maximizes Presence

Garth Goes Dad Mode

Written by The Observer

If Gwyn is at least 25% through her current pregnancy and Garth hasn't talked to the Champion about this before; when entering the Frost Hound, there will be a 20% chance for this one time scene to occur. Additional dialogue will occur if the following conditions are met (not all need to be met but will add to scene variety):

Upon entering the inn, the Champion will note the current lack of patrons and decidedly chiller atmosphere. Garth notices the Champion and tells them that they need to talk for a moment, and he's not taking no for an answer. When asked what's the matter, he brings up that its about his daughter. If the Champion had saved Garret by completing Dog Days, he will state:

"Just like the first time, the idiot tongues are going around wagging that her brother was the one who'd done the deed, and I made sure to shut those up real quick. It's one of the benefits of being a pillar of the community"

If they had not rescued Garret yet, then he will state that this has happened before and although she is a big girl and can make her own decisions, he's still her father and it's only natural for him to be concerned. It would have been nice if they could've asked him first although if nothing else, they had helped Cait when no one else would. The Champion comments that that was a low bar to clear, to which Garth adds that he's not an unreasonable man, although that's but a minimum, they must not go around upsetting her like the last one did or else they'd be in trouble with Garret (if rescued):

"Don't underestimate him. Sometimes, my son being an idiot has its uses. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you're dragged back in here by the scruff of your neck to pay your dues to my little girl. You get me?"

If Garret hasn't been rescued yet, then they'd be in trouble with her mother:

"Let's just say that my idiot son takes after her where it counts. Like Garret, she can't be bargained with. She can't be reasoned with. She doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. She has a nose for these things; she'll un-exile herself if she catches so much as a whiff of shit on the wind. And she absolutely will not stop, ever, until you're dragged back in here by the scruff of your neck to pay your dues to my little girl. You get me?"

With that out of the way, he asks that the Champion just take good care of his little girl before returning to his business.

Farmhand's Freeholds

If the Champion has not discovered Pupperidge Farm yet, when they ask Garth about Harvest Valley?, he will give them the basic rundown on the two tribes of Marefolk and Centaurs that live in the valley. The tribes were peaceful for as long as he could remember, however, centaur marauders have been attacking farmlands and the marefolk are grabbing people off the roads. When the Champion asks what could they do, Garth mentions that although the valley is in the opposite direction of their demon's trail, he'd appreciate it if they could check up on a particular farm that supplies a big chunk of the Frost Hound's food, and make sure everything's alright.

Once the Champion has driven off the cultists at Pupperidge Farm, they may return to Garth and inform him that the farm is safe from the cult. Garth will say that it's good to hear that the girls are safe, and that he knew their father and promised him that he'd check on his kiddos from time to time, however his leg prevents him from doing so. He will move on to mention that they've had farmers coming into town seeking refuge; others just leaving the valley altogether, which is troubling news as Hawkethorne relies on the valley for almost all its food. When the Champion asks what they could do, Garth tells them that maybe they should check in with the leaders of the tribes or go beat some sense into the centaur chieftain. He also informs them that there is a bridge at the west side of the valley, however, its been taken up so the Champion will have to ford the river, he also adds that the area past the river is probably more dangerous than in the parts of the valley closer to the town.

Right of Conquest

The Champion may start Right of Conquest by asking about the Orc Tribe? from Garth, to which he informs them about the orcs; that orc raiders from the eastern islands trekked across a mountain range to get to Hawkethorne and started building fortifications in the Foothills. The town does not have a proper guard to defend itself, however, if the orcs wanted to fight the town they would have done so already. He assumes they're looking for something or someone, he's asked a few hunters to keep an eye on them, and while the orcs are present, the town will have to be on guard. He advises the Champion that they'd best learn how to use their weapon before crossing blades with the islanders at the Foothills.

When the Champion has dealt with the Orc Leadership, they can return to Garth to inform him that the town can sleep a little more soundly now. He heard from the scouts that the orc tribe had stopped menacing the townfolk, and asks the Champion if it was their doing. The Champion nods and spins the tale of what happened during their visit to the Kervus Warcamp. When the Champion finishes their tale, Garth produces a large girdle, embossed with brass studs and a large gold-hued clasp on the front; the Champion's Belt, which was commissioned by The Baroness as a token of appreciation for their efforts.

Dog Days

Written by The Observer

After three days since the start of the Champion's adventure, Garth will call the attention of the Champion when they wake after sleeping at the inn. He asks if the Champion is going to head out of town again; to which the Champion confirms, and he offers them a job since no one has been heading into the Old Forest ever since the night of the blizzard. He informs the Champion of Westbank, which is a logging camp west of the river in the Old Forest that is responsible for about half the timbers that make up Hawkethorne which once passed through there. About two to three weeks before the Champion came to town, there had been strange things going on near the camp, from animals acting oddly to a series of close shaves with things in the darkness. It took him and Brother Sanders about a week or so to try and get something of a militia together going to head into the camp to investigate however during that time word came down that a Warg had been spotted prowling near the treeline. His idiot son took wind of that and declared he was going to take care of the problem by himself, however that was three days before the Champion arrived and neither him nor anyone from the logging camp has shown their faces in town since. With all the nonsense happening of late, no one has been able to go in and check on the camp. Further information about the camp, the troubles that plagued it and his son will be filled in by Garth when the Champion asks about them.

Once the Champion has finished their questions, before they leave, Garth informs them that he had an argument with his son the night before he left. One of many in which he told his son that he was an idiot - to which he is - and Garret said that if he took down the warg, which is the first actual threat Garret has met beyond the woods that could send him over his head in trouble, that'd prove otherwise. Garth states that he should have said something else but Garret stormed out of the room, he will apologize to the Champion about unloading this on them although they did ask. He asks the Champion if they find Garret alive, he thinks Garret will be more than willing to return home at this point, otherwise don't bring him back because he doesn't think Gwyn will be able to take it.

Having found Garret and the missing loggers at Westbank, they may return to Garth to inform them of the situation. He listens to the Champion explain Garret's little predicament with a perfectly straight poker face. He pours the Champion a drink and offers it to them for their trouble and states that it's about what he expected of Garret; always enamoured of playing the big hero. Although he says that its unexpected, it does remind him of how he met Garret's mother. He adds that if the witch isn't going to hurt Garret, he can relax a bit and make sure the militia is more prepared before they go bring Garret and the loggers at Westbank safely out. The Champion states that Garth won't need to if they save everyone first, they note Garth's indifference to Garret's safety. Garth states that Garret's not going to kneel and croak if he's survived that long and that he's made of tougher stuff than that. Garth sums up that either way, the Champion was kind enough to come back and let him know what's what. He suggests that if the Champion can't handle the elf witch, they should go ask Brother Sanders if he's willing to lend a hand.

If the Champion was defeated by Hethia (and did not get the Bad End), after she leaves, the Champion will hear Brother Sanders calling out to them. They see Garth and a handful of other folk, presumably the militia Garth had been talking about. If the Champion managed to free Garret, Garth crouch down by his son's comatose form, he will shake his head and then slings Garret over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When the Champion asks if got the druidess, Sanders replies that she got too much of a head start for them to give chase and that they're here to rescue everyone. Garth adds that Ivris had told them that Pale Elves aren't very accommodating to defeated enemies, who knows what she might have done, considering the Champion already got a face full of it. Once the Champion has gotten their bearings, Sanders states that the druidess won as Westbank is done for, since they're not going to put people so deep into the forest, not with how dangerous the forest has become. The group find the loggers and escort everyone back to Hawkethorne, if Garret was freed, Garth continues to lug his son like a sack of potatoes. If Garret was not freed, he is seen wearing some ill-fitting clothes as there is a distinct cold silence between father and son for the whole trip back. The trip back is uneventful and when the group return to town, everyone eventually disperses back to their home, leaving the Champion, Brother Sanders, Garth and Garret.

If Garret was freed, Brother Sanders tells Garth to leave his son with him, as he'll work on his wounds tonight. Garth looks uncertain on that and states that Garret will live. Sanders agrees to that, but says that Garth is too harsh on his son, this makes Garth bare his teeth and counters that he knows Sander's means well but he can't tell him how to raise his son. The two argue for a bit until ultimately Garth hands Garret's comatose form to Sanders, which leads him to ask a guard to help him bring Garret to the chapel. Before heading off, he will check on the Champion and suggests they get some rest after what happened, to which Garth assists the Champion all the way back to the Frost Hound. If Garret was not freed, Garth will chide that the would-be hero needed rescuing himself. The two will argue for a bit, ending when Garret states that he doesn't want to do this out in the open and if Garth wants to kick up dirt, he should wait until they're indoors before starting. Garth agrees to this and Sanders shakes his head and pulls the Champion aside, stating that he expected as much and assists the Champion back to the inn. Having reached their room and bed, they can hear a raucous caucus going on but they're too tired to care about it.

Post Dog Days

After the events of Dog Days (regardless of outcome), a series of 3 scenes between Garth and Garret talking/arguing will occur. The first scene will occur the day after the completion of Dog Days, the next scene two days after and the last three days after that.

The first scene occurs the next morning, when the Champion wakes and sits down at an empty table, the doors burst open and Garret trudges in, still wearing the clothes he picked up at Westbank. When Garret passes by the bar, Garth clears his throat and calls his son. Garret asks if he's looking to rub salt in his wounds, to which Garth replies that he could, but Garret's been humiliated enough. The two launch into an argument on the events that happened, that Garth wouldn't even have gotten caught in the first place, and that Garret needs to learn to accept the help of others in areas to fill his weaknesses. They go silent for a bit before Garret suggests that they shouldn't do this infront of guests and that they should head upstairs. Garth agrees and calls for Gwyn to mind the bar while they talk upstairs. The Champion can choose to eavesdrop on the conversation if they so wish.

If the Champion chooses to eavesdrop, they hear Garth state that Garret doesn't know how much trouble he caused everyone, and that if it weren't for the Champion, he would have set off for Westbank. Garret states that he'll find Sanders tomorrow and apologize to him, however, Garth never fails to find fault with anything he does. Garret specifically went to Westbank to prove himself to him. Garth asks if he's supposed to be honoured or something because Garret failed, got caught, and complicated an already-bad situation, not to mention that he made Gwyn worried sick. Garret shouts for Garth not to use Gwyn against him. A silence falls after that outburst, but it breaks when Garth admits he may have crossed a line. Garret asks why Garth's always starting these arguments, to which Garth replies that Garret could lose that defiant attitude he has, telling him to pick up a practice sword and meet him in the yard as they're going to work off Garret's aggression. Garret states that he'll use his fists, this gets him a chuckle, as Garth ponders if Garret learned anything from wrestling the druidess' pet warg, since that has to count for something. Garret doesn't believe Garth's actually praising him but Garth adds that he's gotta give credit when credits due and he'll take experience over youth any day. They end their talk there as the Champion quickly returns to their old table, with barely enough time, as Garth and Garret bowl out into the common room and move out the back door.

If the Champion decides not to eavesdrop, almost an hour or two later Garret will return from the back door, bearing at least two dark and angry-looking bruises on his face. He plonks down a couple of coins on the bar and tells Gwyn to get him a tall tankard of mead. Several stares turn to him until he gives them an angry snarl. Gwyn frowns and asks if Daddy beat Garret up again, Garret growls and asks her not to say it like that. He states that he thinks he gave it as good as he's got, as punching is more satisfying than poking away with a sword. Gwyn adds that Garth was right as Garret looks a lot less angry now and that she's glad Garret's home and away from that adventure. She also states that some of the people from Westbank dropped by earlier, that they were grateful to Garret for saving them from the witch.

During the second scene, when the Champion is about to return to their room, they hear voices coming from one of the empty guestrooms, recognize the voices of Garth and Garret coming from the room and assume the two are having a tiff again. Garret asks Garth what he wants this time, or is he there to give him another lecture. Garth remains silent for a while until he states that come what may, Garret has to watch over Gwyneth. Garret snorts and states that he's her older brother, to which Garth counters that it's only by a few moments. Garret assures Garth that he doesn't need to be reminded of that responsibility, and asks what this is all about. Garth confesses that he's feeling the wind in his bones more than he used to, but that isn't the problem he has here. When Garret asks if it's about the stuff with the demoness and all, Garth explains that this isn't a campfire story nor is it a legend, that failure is always a possibility. He goes on to explain the reason why he's letting the Champion stay at the inn for free is because they're the best chance they have, that a few coins aren't going to matter if Savarra itself is at stake. Garret compares that Ivris and Ogrish aren't giving their shit for free, and asks why should Garth. Garth counters with asking if Garret would charge the Champion for staying at the inn. Garret reasons out that he wouldn't, not because they're out to save the world or some such, more because he owes them one. Garret will then ask Garth to speak up if he's not feeling well as it'd be terribly inconvenient if he died and left Gwyn and him all on their own. Garth comments that Garret is just like his mother, although he won't die until Garret's a proper adult. The talk concludes when Garret reassures Garth that he'll die before Gwyn does, Garth stating that he has nothing else to say and that Garret should finish up with the rest of the rooms before they gather for Gwyn's cooking.

The third scene, similar to the second, involves the Champion catching voices in the hallway as they make their way to their room. They hear Garth ask why Garret fights with his fists, as he is truly curious. Garret states it's something Garth couldn't do but he could, that there's nothing a blade or bludgeon can do that he can't with leather and studs. Garth concludes that at the end of the day it's Garret rebelling against his instruction, rather than something Garret loves. Garret rhetorically asks if he should take up a sword and live in his father's shadows, before stating that he'll pass and that there's no reason that it can't be both. This gets a chuckle out of Garth as he comments that Garret is just like his mother. When Garret asks when is Garth going to tell Gwyn what happened to their mother, Garth falls silent and states that he may never, as Gwyn wouldn't be able to take it. Garth admits that he pushed Garret harder than he did his sister as Gwyn's spirit isn't suited to violence, even when it's necessary, but Garret is, though, especially with his defiant attitude. Training Garret involved a lot of hard work, that turning him into a first-rate fighter wasn't an easy task. Garret grins triumphantly as he states that his father called him a first-rate fighter and that he can't take back what he said. Garth folds his arms at that and states that although Garret does have some modicum of skill and that he's capable of working hard when the mood takes him, he still has a long way to go, judging from what happened at Westbank. When Garret reasons out that he fought a witch who could cast a spell to hold him in place, Garth counters by stating that that doesn't excuse anything, and that he has a lot of painstaking work to do in the future. The talk ends when Garret comments that Garth never gives him any ground.

Shades of the Past

Written by The Observer

After the final talk between Garth and Garret (post Dog Days), Garth will call for the Champion once they walk into the inn's common room. He will pour the Champion and their companions a drink, before he states that he's got to respect the Champion for willing to go after Garret and the loggers at Westbank, such that he has another job for them if they're willing to take it. He goes on to state that TODO


Written by BubbleLord

Having rescued Quintillus from the cultists in the Harvest Valley, the Champion has the option to escort him to Hawkethorne, recommend him to visit Garth at the Frost Hound and tell him that they sent him, or tell him to fuck off. If he was escorted or recommended to go to Hawkethorne, he will have a talk with Garth. When talking to Quintillus about their Arrangement, he will say that he's preparing a guide about the cult so the local leaders can be on the lookout of any of Master Tollus' spies in exchange a room at the inn, although he states that Tollus' agents have no real reason to infiltrate the town anymore considering the success of the Ritual that summoned Kasyrra.


You can't have sex with Garth, ever, so don't bother asking.

Quest Related

Dog Days

Garth will ask the Champion to investigate the disappearance of his son Garret, who left for a logging camp before the blizzard hit and hasn't been seen since. The camp is situated on the western side of the Old Forest.

Right of Conquest

Garth has informed the Champion of an orcish warcamp in the eastern foothills, close enough to threaten Hawkethorne. While they're not exactly an army, maybe they could do something to dissuade them from raiding down into the lowlands, so the town and its inhabitants could rest easier.

Shades of the Past

Garth looks like he's got a job for the Champion, a request to retrieve something important to his wife from an old lupine fort. He's asked them to inquire with River, a local bard staying at the Frost Hound for details.

Farmhand's Freeholds

Garth mentions the recent events happening in Harvest Valley and is concerned about a farm that supplies a big chunk of food for the Frost Hound and its inhabitants. He will ask the Champion to check up on the farm and make sure everything's alright.

Blacksmith's New Clothes

During the Champion's date with Ragnild, they will wine and dine at the Frost Hound, with Garth wearing a very ill-fitting waistcoat and bowtie when he serves them a bucket of iced wine.

Missing Meows

If the Champion refuses Hirrud's request, he will become angry and surge to his feet quickly, however he falls flat on his face and becomes unconscious. Should Brint not be around, he may call Garret to throw Hirrud out or he'll do it himself because Hirrud didn't pay for a room. If the Champion confronts Hirrud with the Cat Harem about their freedom, the common folk around will withdraw into their homes or businesses, though they will see Garth just staring out the Frost Hound's window with a big grin on his grizzled old mug.


  • The quote from Garth describing his son during his Dad Mode scene is a reference to The Terminator when Kyle Reese explains to Sarah Connor what the Terminator is.
  • Garth appears as a quote in the harpies codex entry.


Other Busts by CheshireCatSmile37