Perks are bonuses that provide a character with special abilities or increased attributes for combat and non-combat purposes. Perks can be gained through a different number of ways such as during Character Creation, events, through attaining certain class levels, and etc. Some perks require certain conditions to be maintained, else they will be automatically removed once their requirements are changed. In cases where the Champion must decide between different class perks per level, they will gain the option to choose again should they change to a different class and then back.
Elements under Type marked with a (*) are to indicate a condition requirement. Additionally, when a type has the label Combat Stats it affects both Offensive (i.e. Attack Power, Spellpower) and Defensive (i.e. Armor, Ward) stats.
Class Perks
Note that the [*] in Type represents that there is an additional condition that needs to be met.
Name | Description/Function | Type | Obtainable? | Acquisition, Maintenance, & Removal | Used By | |||||
Arcane Attunement | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Spellpower for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Offensive) |
Yes |
| |||||
Arcane Infusion | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 Spellpower bonus for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Offensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Arcane Penetration | Treat enemies who are not immune to the damage you're dealing as having -15 to all resistances. Note that this only applies to characters who have < 100 resistance to the damage type |
Offensive* | Yes |
| |||||
Arcane Strike | You add half your Willpower to your Critical Chance when casting spells. | Offensive | Yes |
| |||||
Armorer | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +5 bonus to Armor and Armor Penetration for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Combat Stats) |
Yes |
| |||||
Attention Grabber | Your threat gain is doubled. | Other | No | - |
| |||||
Aura of Domination | You reduce all enemies' armor by [Willpower]. | Enemy Debuff | No | - |
| |||||
Bardic Knowledge | You add half your Cunning to your Mental Resistance. | Defensive | No | - |
| |||||
Charming | Add half your Presence to your Critical Chance when teasing or casting charms. | Offensive | No | - |
| |||||
Cherish This | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Magic Resistance for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Child Of Flame | Whenever you take Fire damage, you recover [Level * 3] HP and gain +50 Spellpower for 1 turn. | Recovery* & Offensive* | No | - |
| |||||
Cleaving Strikes | Successful Normal Attacks deal 40% of their base damage to all other enemies. | Offensive* | Yes |
| |||||
Cold Blooded | You become immune to Frigid. When you damage a Frigid enemy, you gain bonus Threat and recover 10% Health. | Effect Immunity Other* & Recovery* |
No | - |
| |||||
Commanding Presence | You add half your Presence to your Mental Resistance. | Defensive | Yes |
| |||||
Countermagic | Once per round, when you are hit with a spell you immediately retaliate with Foxfire. | Counterattack | No | - |
| |||||
Dance of the Dunes | When you make a Tease attack, you recover HP equal to your Presence. | Recovery* | No | - |
| |||||
Embers | Whenever an enemy deals Health damage to you, they suffer [15 + (Spellpower as a %)] Fire damage. | Counterattack | No | - |
| |||||
Enchanting Acts | Tease deals 40% of its base damage to all other enemies. | Offensive* | Yes |
| |||||
Escape Artist | You add half your Agility to your Physical Resistance. You also use Agility to escape from restraints rather than Strength. | Defensive | Yes |
| |||||
Expert Enchanting | Effects with scaling values caused by your abilities gain a bonus equal to half your Cunning. If there are multiple scaling values, this is split equally between them. |
Effect Buff | No | - |
| |||||
Expert Inspiration | Positive Combat Effects you apply last for twice as long. | Effect Extension | Yes |
| |||||
Eye For Weakness | Negative Combat Effects you apply last twice as long. | Effect Extension | Yes |
| |||||
Eye of the Storm | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 Attack Power bonus for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Offensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Filthy Tease | Once per combat round, Tease damage is reduced by half. This reduces the Tease damage taken by the owner by half, once per turn. |
Defensive* | No | - |
| |||||
Focused Will | You add half your Willpower to your Magic Resistance. | Defensive | Yes |
| |||||
Focusing Performance | When you finish sleeping, you give your friends a show. Your party gains +10 Mental Resistance for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
Yes |
| |||||
Frenzy | When you drop below 60% Health, you give into your inner fury, throwing yourself into a berzerker frenzy. You gain +50 Attack Power, +10 Critical Chance, and +10 Focus and Lust Resistance, but your Armor is reduced by half. | Combat Stats* | No | - |
| |||||
Frozen Flower | Your weapons and spells deal an additional [10 * (1 + Willpower / 30)] Frost damage. | Offensive | No | - |
| |||||
Geomancy | Your abilities treat enemy resistances as being 25 points lower to a minimum of 0. | Enemy Debuff | No | - |
| |||||
Healer's Hands | Whenever you heal someone via a power you also recover some of your own Health, equal to half your Spellpower. |
Recovery* | Yes |
| |||||
Heart's Desires | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain +10 bonus to Temptation for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Offensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Heat Treatment | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain +25 Fire Resistance. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Hive Knight's Scent | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Focus, and you deal Pheromone Damage in place of Tease Damage, for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) Damage Type change |
No | - |
| |||||
Holy Harmonies | Your weapons, teases, and charms deal an additional [10 * (1 + Presence / 40)] Holy damage. | Offensive | No | - |
| |||||
Imposing | You generate +25% Threat and gain [Spellpower] Max Health. | Other | No | - |
| |||||
Iron Will | You add half your Toughness to your Mental Resistance. | Defensive | Yes |
| |||||
Journeyman Summoner | Your summons gain bonus Toughness equal to your level. | Defensive* | No | - |
| |||||
Lasting Casting | Effects you apply last 50% longer. | Effect Extension | No | - |
| |||||
Omikuji | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Magic Resistance for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Overbearing | When you connect with a melee weapon, there is a 40% chance the opponent is knocked Prone. | Offensive* | No | - |
| |||||
Overflowing Health | Criticals with single target healing spells restore 20% of the amount healed to all other allies. |
Recovery* | Yes |
| |||||
Perfect Positioning | While wearing no heavy armor, gain +25 Evasion, +10 Attack Power, and +10 Critical Chance. | Combat Stats* | Yes |
| |||||
Phoenix Flames | You are immune to Burning, and regenerate [Level * 5] Health every turn while below 50% of your maximum Health. | Effect Immunity Recovery* |
No | - |
| |||||
Powerful Binding | Your leadership counts as being 25% higher when determining the stats of summons. | Combat Stats* | Yes |
- | |||||
Prayer of Warding | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Ward for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
Yes |
- | |||||
Ranger's Quarry | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 Initiative bonus for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Other) |
No | - |
| |||||
Rending Strike | When you connect with a melee weapon, there is a 20% chance the opponent Bleeds for 1 turn. | Offensive* | No | - |
| |||||
Righteous Fury | Your weapons and spells deal an additional [10 * (1 + Willpower / 30)] Holy damage. | Offensive | Yes |
| |||||
Second Sight | You add your Willpower to your Accuracy. | Offensive | No | - |
| |||||
Sharpen Blades | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Critical Chance for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Offensive) |
Yes |
- | |||||
Slip of the Mind | You generate -35% Threat and your maximum HP is increased by +20%. | Other | No | - |
| |||||
Static | Whenever an enemy deals Health damage to you, they suffer [15 + (Spellpower as a %)] Storm damage. | Counterattack | No | - |
| |||||
Storm Strikes | Your weapons and spells deal an additional [10 * (1+ Willpower / 30)] Storm damage. | Offensive | No | - |
| |||||
Stylish! | While wearing Heavy armor, you start combat with bonus Threat equal to your Sexiness and generate 25% more Threat. While not wearing Heavy armor, your Sexiness is increased by 4 times your level. | Offensive | Yes |
| |||||
Take Comfort In Me | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +10 bonus to Focus for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Tough Skin | You gain 20% base resistance to all damage types. | Defensive* | Yes |
| |||||
Twist The Knife | When you land a weapon hit on a creature suffering from a negative status effect, the attack gains +50 Attack Power. | Offensive* | Yes |
| |||||
Veteran | You ignore the Initiative penalty from Heavy equipment. When wearing Heavy armor or using a Shield, you are immune to Stagger and generate 25% more Threat. While neither wearing Heavy armor nor using a Shield, you instead gain +25 Attack Power. | Other* or Offensive* | Yes |
| |||||
War Paint | When you finish sleeping, you and your party gain a +5 bonus to all Resistances for 12 hours. | Effect Gain (Defensive) |
No | - |
| |||||
Wellspring | Allies receive +25% healing from all sources. | Recovery | No | - |
Miscellaneous Perks
Name | Description/Function | Type | Obtainable? | Acquisition, Maintenance, & Removal | Used By | ||||
Approaching Storm | Whenever you deal Storm damage, all enemies other than the target take Storm damage equal to your Willpower. | Offensive* | No | - |
| ||||
Archmage | You gain a passive 50% bonus to your total Spellpower. | Offensive | No | - |
| ||||
Arousing Aura | You have an aura of corrupted arousal exuding from you. All enemies take passive Psychic damage. Deals 10 Mind damage |
Passive DoT | No | - |
| ||||
Captain's Evasion | Even the most hard-struck of blows are instinctually dodged, twisted away, or otherwise reduced in effectiveness. All damage is reduced by (x)%. The amount of damage reduced is dependent per user. Additionally, this perk comes with the effects of the perk Leftovers, such that the user recovers 5% Max HP per turn. |
Damage Reduction & Combat Recovery |
No | - |
| ||||
Deep Pockets | Hold twice as many stackable items. All items with a stack limit > 1 (i.e. non-weapon & non-attire items), has their stack limit increased by 2x. |
Inventory | Yes |
- | ||||
Font of Will | This unit heals some HP at the start of each turn. Regenerate 5% Max HP per turn, until defeated |
Combat Recovery | No | - |
| ||||
Horsey Heat | Your natural horse pheromones deal (x) Pheromone damage passively each turn to everyone. Default damage is 3, but may change per character. |
Passive DoT | No | - |
| ||||
Immovable | You cannot be Stunned or knocked Prone. | Effect Immunity | No | - |
| ||||
Killing Spree | When you defeat an enemy, you recover 12% of your maximum Health. | Combat Recovery | No | - |
| ||||
Leftovers | This unit heals some HP at the start of each turn. Regenerate 5% Max HP per turn, until defeated |
Combat Recovery | No | - |
| ||||
Light Sensitivity | This unit must make a Mental Resistance check when taking Fire damage or will be Stunned. | Effect Gain (Debuff) |
No | - |
| ||||
Medicae | You have a (Cunning * 2)% chance of clearing Poison and Bleed from yourself each round. | Combat Recovery* | No | - |
| ||||
Peerless Poise | You have immunity to the Disarmed and Prone conditions. | Effect Immunity | No | - |
| ||||
Semi-Invincibility | HP will passively regenerate outside of battle. Heal 1% Max HP per minute outside of combat |
Out-of-Combat Recovery | Yes |
- | ||||
Storm Singing | You use your Sexiness instead of Spellpower, if it is higher, and add your Presence to your Storm Resistance. | Offensive* & Defensive* | No | - |
| ||||
Twisted Frost | When you land a spell hit on a creature suffering from a negative status effect, the attack deals 20% bonus damage. | Offensive* | No | - |
| ||||
Unburdened | You can no longer be overburdened regardless of how big your assets are. Immune to the Overburdened status effect from being pregnant. |
Effect Immunity | Yes |
- |
Starting Attribute Bonuses
Classified under miscellaneous perks, Starting Attribute Bonuses are permanent bonuses that are given to a character based on their starting race, class, and background. It should be noted that the player can only choose: Human, Wyld Elf, Catfolk, Lupine, or Orc as their starting race. These bonuses cannot be changed, even if the Champion changes their class later on.
Attributes | Background | Class | Starting Race |
Agility | Hunter Slum Rat |
Thief | Catfolk |
Cunning | Scholar | Charmer | Kitsune |
Presence | Courtesan Minstrel Noble Scion |
- | Humans All other races |
Strength | Soldier | - | Lupines Minotaurs |
Toughness | Barbarian | Warrior | Orcs |
Willpower | Acolyte Arcanist |
Black Mage White Mage |
Elves |
Sexual Perks
Name | Description/Function | Type | Obtainable? | Acquisition, Maintenance, & Removal | Used By | ||||||||||||||||||
Bimbo | Your mind is, like, totally full of fuck. Its hard to think about anything that's not sex, but who cares! That's, like, what life's all about!
Personality & Libido | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Breeder | You start with higher fertility and virility, and your Pregnancy Speed is higher. All three stats increase more easily with transformations.
(the stat change is only applied during the character creation perk choice) |
Pregnancy | Yes |
Bubble Butt | Your ass is always big and soft, no matter how your tone and thickness would otherwise affect it.
Ass | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Buttslut | After unforgettable anal adventures, Ryn's begun fetishizing anal sex and is constantly ready and eager to have her ass played with.
Anal | No | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Buxom | You start with larger breasts, if you have them, and your cupsize increases more rapidly with transformations.
Breasts | Yes |
Chastity | Etheryn is incapable or reaching climax without someone, or something, assisting her.
Cock | No | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Alpha | Your virility is massively increased based on your corruption, your cum volume is increased based on your corruption, and you go into rut once a month. |
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Alpha Matriarch Corrupted Alpha Patriarch |
Both your virility and fertility are massively increased based on your corruption, your cum volume is increased based on your corruption, and you go into both heat and rut once a month. |
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Breeder | A deep corruption has taken root in your womb. Your pregnancy speed is increased based on your corruption level.
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Libido | Your corruption inures you to sexual domination; you reduce all Tease attack damage by 33%.
Combat Stats | No | - |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Matriarch Corrupted Patriarch |
Your fertility is massively increased based on your corruption, and you go into heat once a month. |
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Corrupted Stud | A deep corruption has taken root in your balls. Your virility and cum production are increased based on your corruption level. A deep corruption has taken root in your prostate. Your virility and cum production are increased based on your corruption level. |
Pregnancy & Cum | Yes |
| |||||||||||||||||||
Cum Cascades | When you ingest semen, your own balls' production is greatly increased for a short time.
Balls | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Draconic Matriarch | Your womb has become charged with corrupted draconic power. Once a month, your body will produce a clutch of eggs which may be developed fertilized or raw. This perk is only active when you are a dragon and possess a pussy.
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Ferility+ | Your fertility is permanently increased by 15%, and your cum output increases by 50%!
Pregnancy & Cum | Yes |
Goblin Broodmare | Thanks to your goblin nature, your hips, ass, and breasts now expand upon giving birth!
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Hellhound's Womb | Your Fertility is permanently increased by 15%, and your pregnancy speed is increased by 5%. |
Pregnancy | No | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Libidinous | You start with a higher Libido, and it increases more readily when events and items would increase it.
(the stat change is only applied during the character creation perk choice)
Libido | Yes |
Lubricated Pussy | Your honeypot is endlessly overflowing! Your pussy is now permanently wet. Silly Mode= Your honeypot is endlessly overflowing! You have a permanent Wet Ass Pussy.
Vagina | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Mega Milk | You've got milkers that just don't quit! As long as you keep lactating, your breasts will always stay at least half full of milk.
Milk | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Messy Orgasm | Your orgasms produce a greater volume of ejaculate if you have a penis, and vaginal orgasms are more likely to end in squirting.
(the stat change is only applied during the character creation perk choice)
Cum | Yes |
Milky | It's easier to start lactating, you lactate more, and it takes longer for lactation to wind down.
(the stat change is only applied during the character creation perk choice)
Lactation | Yes |
Nuki Nuts | Your balls are enchanted with the magic of tanukis. They swell in size over time, and produce more ejaculate as they grow. Orgasms reduce the excess size.
Balls | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Nuts Half Full | Those balls of yours are always pulling overtime! Your nuts are always at least half full now.
Balls | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Oviparous | Your womb has been molded into the perfect egg-layer: once a month, your body will produce an egg on its own, which may be delivered fertilized or raw. This perk is only active when you're a member of an egg-laying race, such as harpies and mothfolk.
Pregnancy | Yes | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Reserved | You start with a lower Libido, and you gain less Libido when items and events would increase it.
(the stat change is only applied during the character creation perk choice)
Libido | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Sex Goddess | You've got a bod' that's like, totally made for fucking and... more fucking! You have permanent minimum hip, ass, and breast sizes befitting a sex goddess.
Minimum Transformation Values | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Size Queen | Your orifices become gaped more easily by large insertions and stay gaped longer.
Anal & Vaginal | Yes |
Sterile | You start with a fertility and virility of zero, and it increases more slowly as the result of transformations.
Pregnancy | Yes |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Stretchy | Your orifices can more easily accommodate large insertions and more quickly recover from stretching.
Anal & Vaginal | Yes |
Well Hung | You start with a larger penis, if you have one, and it's easier for transformations to increase your penis size.
Cock | Yes |
Story Perks
Name | Description | Function | Acquisition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Champion's Resolve | Your victory at the Winter City has filled you with determination. Your HP is increased by +20. | Raises Maximum HP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Soulbound |
No yet available
No yet available |