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=== Quests ===
From the first moments into the game, with more being found along the journey, our character will be tasked with various jobs. The goals as well as own musings about the situation can be read in the journal.
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=== Regions ===
=== Regions ===

Revision as of 11:35, 1 March 2019

Corruption of Champions II is a game under active development by Savin & crew.



CoC2 features a cast of characters that the player can take with them on their adventures.

For a more comprehensive breakdown of characters featured in the game, see Companions.

Persistent Characters

Persistent characters are usually, though not always, named. These characters include townsfolk and supporting characters, such as the Frost Hound Tavern's owner, Garth.


Enemies are the characters that you encounter in battle along the way.


From the first moments into the game, with more being found along the journey, our character will be tasked with various jobs. The goals as well as own musings about the situation can be read in the journal.

A Dragon in the Roost - A Relic of Repute - A Taste of Draconic Power - A Teatime For Dragons - Artifice Testing - Attitude Adjustment - Be Witched - Blacksmith's New Clothes - Caparison Hunter - Cat Call - Den of Foxes - Divine Pussy - Dog Days - Dungeoneering - Dye-ing To Get To Know You - Educational Help - Family Matters - Farmhand's Freeholds - Father Where Art Thou? - For Want Of A Nail - Getting Into The Closet - Golden Carrot - Harboring a Fugitive - High Ground - Horn of the Tides - Hot Wings & Thighs - I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost - Ill Fated Rescue - In Her Footsteps - Inheriter of the Idols - I’ll Make a Man Out of You - Kalysea's Offerings - Land of Milky Honey - Large is Justice - Mad Cow - Maids of Wayfort - Matiha's Revenge - Meet and Greet - Missing Meows - Monstrous Tailoring - Ninja Stylin' - Nothing Like Housework - One Man's Poison - Over Troubled Water - Quintessentials - Redemption - Rehoming the Centaurs - Right of Conquest - Royal Amnesty - Ruins of Xadaron - Saving Tarah - Shades of the Past - Shadows Over the Sun - Spidernets - Sweetest Climax - The Demon of Ice - The Mistress - The Pale Flame - The Ring of Fate - The Siege of Khor'minos - The Wyld Hunt - Ugly Duckling - Vision Quest - Wayfort Renovations - Wayfort Upgrades - Winter Wolf - Winterstem for Aurera - Work-life Balance


The game features a number of different regions, each of which generally contains its own set of locations, dungeons, enemies, and items. See Regions for more detailed breakdowns of each area in the game.

Foothills - Frostwood - Glacial Rift - Harvest Valley - Hawkethorne - Old Forest - The Frost Marches - Undermountain - Windy Peaks


For information about equipment and consumable items, see the items category.


Items that can be physically equipped to a character.

Accessories - Armor - Catalysts - Shields - Underclothes - Weapons


Items that are consumed to attain various effects.

Consumable Items - Transformative Items

Other Items

Items that either don't fall under the former categories or otherwise have alternate uses.

Key Items - Miscellaneous Items - Reagents - Toys - Unique Items

Game & Engine Mechanics

For information about internal mechanics, formulas, and other implementation specifics, see Game Mechanics. Details regarding the engine and internal structure of data can be found here

Addiction - Alchemy - Alignment - Appearance - Bad Ends - Boons - Character Creation - Classes - Combat Mechanics - Exhibitionism - Fatigue - Minigames - Perks - Pregnancy - Racial Score - Stats - Talents
Patch Log


Classes determine what you're able to do in combat through a combination of passive perks and active talents, which include things like magic spells and fighting styles. see Classes

Black Mage - Charmer - Thief - Warrior - White Mage

World & Lore

There are several components that make up the CoC2 universe. Some can be found below.

History and Lore

General story details and bits of background history on some events that have an impact in the world of Savarra.


Demon Cult - Keros - Lumia - Mallach - Nareva - Souls & Spirits - The Seven - Velun


Information on the quasi-Bronze Age tech found in CoC2 either as a tangible object or conceptual vocabulary.

Bronze - Shaping


Applicable races found throughout the world. Note that not every single race encountered is listed. For more creature variants, see Category:Creatures

Alraunes - Anubians - Astrida - Avanai - Background races - Batfolk - Boreal Elves - Catfolk - Centaurs - Demons - Dragons - Driders - Dryads - Fusata - Gnolls - Goblins - Harpies - Humans - Jotuns - Kitsune - Leothrans - Lupines - Lurelings - Manticores - Marefolk - Mecians - Minotaurs - Mothfolk - Orcs - Pixies - Salamanders - Satyrs - Selkies - Sheepfolk - Siorcanna - Slimes - Taeleer - Tanuki - Valkyrie - Veparii - Vesparans - Vulperines - Wargs - Wyld Elves - Wyverns


Various organizations or groups that have presence in CoC2.

Demon Cult - Marked Merk Mercenaries - Noble Houses - Order Astrida - Taelia's Talons


There's a handy list of templates to be used when adding Wiki content regarding CoC2. See Contributing


The location of the main game itself can be found at the official website.

There are a few google docs describing design principles and mechanics. These should slowly be incorporated into the wiki unless obviously out of date. For reference information on:

For reference information on possible cheats and/or exploits in the CoC2 game. See Cheat List

For reference information on editing a CoC2 save game file (not recommended). See Save Editing